Monday, May 31, 2010

Stolen scooter

Friends, my scooter was stolen today (while we weren't home) from in front of our condo building - despite the three locks that were intertwined through the brakes/front wheel and attached to the metal railing of our building's front stairs. I've filed a police report but there are no guarantees that they'll ever find it; scooters are a hot item (especially in the summertime) and very easy to lift/hotwire (although I had hoped all those locks were a deterrent). Who knew they'd be able to take the scooter - locks, cover, helmet and all - in one fell swoop in broad daylight?

I've sent out a tweet about it to the webiverse and asked others to retweet (this is that tweet), just to get the info out and around town. Another scooter similar to mine was stolen from our neighborhood (one court over) last night and the police found it this evening. Some people a few neighborhoods away saw some guys trying to hotwire a scooter, thought it seemed odd and called the cops, so they were able to retrieve it safe and sound.

I'm kind of hoping to luck into a similar scenario if I get the word out around Annapolis and people know to look out for my impossible-to-miss, custom-painted baby blue scooter, but I don't think I'm that lucky of a person. I'm not sure they'll ever find mine. I don't know whether to resign to the fact that it's likely gone forever in case that's the truth or to hold out hope that they'll find it. I don't want to jinx myself or get my hopes up... I'm just sad in general right now (and out a ride to work - since parking downtown is prohibitively expensive, vs. parking your scooter in your office for free).

Sorry to be such a debbie-downer, but I wanted to share A) what's going on and B) why I might not get posts in today (working, searching, kickball semi-finals, checking in with police, etc.). If you could send good juju my way it'd be much appreciated. Thanks all.


Cudi performs a song off his upcoming album Man On The Moon II: The Legend Of Mr. Rager

The Bloody Beetroots feat. Refused – New Noise

Download: New Noise

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Myan Photography

While browsing photography on Etsy to include on my Picture Wall, I came across the beautiful photography and art of L.A based artist Myan. My initial plan was to only include black & white photos and art on the wall, but after seeing Myan's beautiful work, I have changed my mind. I will instead display a majority of black & whites and include one or two brighter pieces for an added pop of color. I also like the idea of bringing in a bit of West Coast culture into my East Coast home. My husband plays acoustic guitar so I think he'll really love the first photo below.

Wiz Khalifa – Goodbye

Nas & Damian Marley - As We Enter

Rich Hil - Can't Get It Back

Download: Can't Get It Back

Rich Hil Interview with It's Bongo Boy

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lil Wayne – Runnin’ (Ft. Shanell)

Friday, May 28, 2010

SRM Stickers

Wow! Look at some of the amazing projects created by SRM Stickers with our Jocelyn and Claire collections. Check out their blog to see the rest. Way to go, ladies. You are fabulous!

Have a great (Memorial Day) weekend!

Photo via Habitually Chic

It's been raining here since last night, but I just checked the weather and it's supposed to hit 91 degrees on Monday. Looks like it'll be a true, summery Memorial Day. With the weather and that milestone holiday, that means summer is officially upon us! I don't know how we skipped right from chilly and cold to sunny and hot, but I'm not complaining - I love summer!

Here's wishing you all a fabulous weekend and an awesome long holiday weekend.

See you back here Tuesday! (Wahoo!)

xo, r.

Kid Cudi - All Talk Feat. Chip Tha Ripper

Madewell is finally online!

People of the interwebs: you've definitely heard of Madewell, right? Right?

I thought everyone had, but then my friend Sara stumbled upon it a few months ago (she never listens to me - I knew about it the day it opened - bah humbug!) and she was super excited to find J. Crew's less preppy, more bohemian little sister in our town.

For those of you who don't have a Madewell nearby (since there are only 11 in the country so far), you're in luck. Their stuff is finally available online - here. Wut!

There's a line by Alexa Chung (current hipster it girl), a denim bar and an inspirational "looks we love" section. Too bad there's not a "sale" section anywhere on the site....Boo hoo.

Oh by the way, I needed this skirt, like, yesterday:

And did I tell you they do a good scarf?

Go check out their website if you're looking for something fun to get you through this holiday weekend Friday. Go!
(And I'll be back here shortly with another post before the weekend is officially here...)

123, you & me (vintage aluminum numbers & letters)

Three, two, one - it's almost Memorial Day weekend - woohoo! And yet these numbers aren't just a countdown to the holiday weekend (aka the official start of summer - yesss!), they're actually really cool stand-up vintage aluminum numbers.

There are letters too:

These are obviously being shown with a wedding in mind, but I think they could be cool for lots of things. How about on your desk, or one letter for each guest at a dinner party, or even on the wall above a coat hook to delineate your kids' belongings?

For some reason the font choice is so appealing to me. I especially love the ampersand:

Sets of these vintage numbers or letters are available to buy on Etsy (just use the links to the left). Can you think of some other cool uses for these? Or are you too busy counting down to Memorial Day? ;)

Originally spotted on d. Sharp Journal.

Lil’ Wayne – Da Da Da

Kanye West feat. Dwele – Power

Download/Listen: Power

Thursday, May 27, 2010

World No Tobacco Day, 31 May 2010

The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2010 is gender and tobacco, with the prominence on creating awareness among women. WHO aim is to make use of this day for women and girls to be acquainted with the lethal effects of tobacco marketing and smoke.
World No Tobacco day was cemented in 1987 by World Health Assembly call for global attention to the tobacco epidemic and its lethal effects.

At, we may talk of many health conditions but one of our biggest focuses is to see a smoke-free world. In that endeavour, we provide you with a few tips in which you can kick away that smoking butt.

Tips to quit smoking- The crucial punch! 
They start it so that they can gain conformity in the group of friends and are not cast away on periphery. Some tend to smoke on regular basis in order to feel better and relieved from heavy emotions. For some it is just an excuse for interrupting work and snatching a moment of pleasure.
However, doing away with smoke drag can be a drag! Experts suggest it is an essential to combine methods to create a crucial punch which can help one stay focused and quit smoking. Let’s find them out:

Questions to ask yourself:
Have a "big enough why"
One should be aware why do they want to quit smoking. Digging for reasons can be a crucial task but is the foremost step towards quitting. Then it is advisable to write down the reasons. One should post their written reasons in front of their eye and let the list remind them every day of the important reasons such as pin them up on refrigerator or coffee table. 

Exploring the techniques that work for you
  • Are you someone who is open in talking about your addiction?
  • Do you feel the need to smoke before or after every meal?
  • Are you more of a social smoker or you just need cigarette to drive you through the day?
  • How much do you consume in a day?
  • Take time to think which moments of your life call for a cigarette and why?
  • Is your cigarette smoking linked to other addictions such as drinking and so on?
  • Be Optimistic 
  • Dealing with cravings
  • Detach yourself with cigarettes and related stuff 
  • Set a date to quit and stick to it as far as possible 
  • Change your identity and self-image to "I am a non-smoker." 
  • Stay a Quitter
The golden rule is just to remember that every day without a cigarette is good news for your health, your family and your pocket.

Oregon: Columbia River Gorge

View of the Columbia River Gorge from the Portland Woman's Forum Scenic Viewpoint. Vista house is on the cliff to the right.

The Columbia River Gorge is a pastoral beauty that changes gradually with the seasons. It has sweeping vistas, a plethora of waterfalls, and giant slugs. What is not to like? While I-80 now zips through the gorge, to really see it, you need to take the history highway that starts in Troutdale and which winds lazily through the countryside. This was a great route to take my parents on. Most of the sites are easily accessible a short walk from the car. Below are a series of pictures from the trip.

Looking towards Portland from the Vista House

Looking down the gorge from the Vista House

A close up of the vista house and the mountains beyond

Could this be a brown specimen of the nefarious Banana Slug?

Latourell Falls

Common Camas (Camassia quamash)

Wahkeena Falls

Multnomah Falls

Bonneville Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant. The roar was something to behold

This Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) was unafraid of our car and my camera.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

I am not working for the next 4 days so today is my "Friday" (I love being my own boss!). I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Do you have anything fun planned? My weekend will be full of BBQ hopping in Brooklyn, mixed drinks and bikini time :)

(image taken by my hubby)

Vampire Weekend – Holiday

Drake featuring Jay-Z – Light Up

Playday Cards

If you need to make some cards for anything from babies to birthdays try the Playday collection! Sherri Thompson made this charming baby card with Club SEI's September mini kit.

Remember Elaine Teo? Here are several birthday cards she made with Playday.

Thanks so much for sharing your projects. Keep them coming. We love it!

Can Obama Avoid the "Obama's Katrina" Title?

Since the explosion in the Gulf of Mexico on the oil rig which killed 11 of the workers, much has been said about the lack of activity by the White House in the region.

It took ten days for the administration to get down there for even a visit. Since then, Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano and Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar claim they have been there four times. Everyone speaking on this topic in the White House and the liberal media have claimed that the White House has been engaged since "day one". They haven't said it in a roundabout way, they have said exactly "day one".

It is looking as though the leak may be stopped today. However, yesterday, alot happened. James Carville, a Democrat activist and his wife, Mary Matalin rode with Governor Bobby Jindahl and returned extremely upset. They were saying that the government has not been doing it's job. Carville has actually been saying it for a couple of days. The part that caught my eye was that they all said, to a man, that while they were out in their boat looking at the damage from the oil in the marshlands was that they all said that they didn't see any boats. None. Where is the clean up? Where is the work being done to protect the shoreline?

Now granted, there is nothing that Obama, Napolitano nor Salazar can do to stop the leak. Their presence actually just interferes with the work that needs to be done. They also are not going to get their hands dirty by doing actual cleanup work. But there are things that could have been done.

First, there is the leak. It is right that BP continue to work to close the leak. They are the experts and have the know-how or at least the best ideas on how to close the leak. It's also right that BP work to clean up the oil that has already spewed out and spread across the gulf. If they don't get directly involved, they should be having someone on sight to see what's being done because they are going to have to pay for it.

Obama cannot be blamed for the leak. He didn't cause the explosion. However, he does have a role to play. In fact, he's required by law to play a role. It's his responsibility to act on this disaster that affects the citizens of this country. Yes, it does have an effect on the American people. There are the businesses that are affected by this. American businesses. Then there is oil itself. The oil from the gulf helps keep us from depending on foriegn oil in even larger quantities.

So what should have Obama done? First of all, from the minute that he first learned of the explosion, the first question is "was anyone hurt?" The second question is, "what is the damage?".

There are only two reasons to delay a response. First, if he found out late at night, he should wait until morning and see what's progressing with the coast guard. His first responsibility was to get information from the coast guard on the status of the situation. Upon learning that oil is spewing he should have appointed someone to go to the area for onsight management. That person should be giving updates periodically, at least once per day, although likely more the first couple of days. He should also have been in touch with the Governors of Texas, Lousiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida and asking them for their ideas on how to protect their shorelines. In other words, how can the Federal government assist the states?

Once it was known that the problem was going to be an ongoing problem for awhile, he needed to get the government assets at the ready. They did start getting the booms out there to protect the area, but as early as one week following the blast, Governor Jindahl asked for approval for different things needed. They have gone unanswered even to this day. Some are being studied. In other words, tied up in bureacracy.

Obama should then have gone to the gulf, seen for himself the devastation approaching and remember, they could see the oil coming. He could then have been the hero by looking at it, listening to the governors and then prioritizing the response. He could have stood up and said "I'm waiving the approval process. We need to get this done to protect our shores." Remember, he's the President. They are his shores as much as they are Jindahls and the people of Louisiana.

He could easily have stood up with his appointee and said "so and so is my eyes and ears and he's been directed to oversee the events taking place here and to keep me informed on a daily basis."

He could have gathered the top people in their field of oil drilling in deep water and had them all put their minds together to find a way to stop the leak or capture the oil or both. Even if he'd said he was appointing someone to sit in on all strategy session for stopping the leak, it would have at least kept him abreast of what was going on.

Would this process have plugged the leak faster? We'll never know. Could there have been other mistakes made and dragged it out longer than today? Maybe, but we'll never know. One thing we do know for certain is that he'd have displayed leadership and actually been involved even if not with his own two hands.

He should have also had someone appointed to oversee the cleanup of the oil that had already leaked out and was headed for the shorelines.

There is one more thing he could have done that would have shown real leadership. He should not have pointed the finger at BP. Stating the obvious is ridiculous and did nothing to solve the problem at hand. It's also premature. What don't they know? They don't know, even today, if this is all BP's fault. In fact, I'm willing to bet that it's not just based on the information that has been gathered thus far.

While Obama and every Democrat that's spoken on the subject has pointed fingers at BP, they have not come up with any ideas or done any work. It's as if they want this oil to reach the shores, damage the eco system to great extent and then use that to vilify BP Oil.

The only thing he's accomplished is to have it brought out earlier that he was the biggest recipient of donations from the oil companies including BP. This is just like Goldman Sachs. Once it was decided to blame them and prosecute them, it was revealed that he was the biggest recipient of donations from Goldman Sachs.

Now we know that there was shoddy work done on the oil rig by BP, but we also know that some of it was gotten away with because the government oversight didn't do the proper inspections. Apparently, they have been spending too much time surfing porn on the internet and not doing their job with their government inspections that may have prevented this disaster.

Obama should call for an immediate investigation into BP Oil, the government oversight agencies that gave the permits without the inspections, and the companies that are involved with BP Oil on this. Yes, that include Haliburton and transocean.

The only government person that has stood up and offered solutions or possible solutions is Bobby Jindahl. He did the job correctly and was only stopped by the Federal Government in his ideas.

Obama had at his disposal the wherewithall to work on this. He's a "community organizer". Why didn't he apply his "organizational" skills to set up a way to manage this?

Even if it didn't work, he'd have at least been hands on with an idea and an attempt. People can respect someone who does something, even if there are mistakes made. But they don't tolerate sitting on your hands and doing nothing other than pointing your finger at others.

Obama has failed. Anything he does now, is too little too late. This is not Obama's Katrina. This is much worse than Katrina was. Sure, the loss of life is way less than the hurricane, but the damage done to the shores that could have been lessened, if not stopped, is worse than anything that Katrina was. Obama was elected to be a leader. Not to be the little boy who said "it wasn't me, it was them."

BP Oil needs to be held accountable for their part in this disaster. But then so do the inspectors that didn't do their job. So does anyone else that didn't do their job in this matter. We're looking at years of lawsuits and legal actions between BP, Haliburton, Transocean, the states affected and the federal government. Not to mention the environmentalists that will get involved and of course, the families of the 11 dead workers on the rig.

Obama is starting to remind me of Midas. Everything he touches turns to disaster. The environment, the borders, the terrorist attacks, the treatment of the Prime Minister of Israel, the economy, health care. How can this man talk about Cap and Trade with a straight face?

Just a little bit of leadership would have been good. At every turn, Obama proves that he is incapable of leading. But he's great at pointing fingers. He's even pointing his finger at Bush, blaming him for this. Senator Christopher Dodd blamed Bush on Don Imus' program.

Remember the old poster of Uncle Sam pointing his finger saying "I want you"? Now it's Obama pointing the finger saying "I blame you".

You're welcome to comment.


Night driving / still sleeping

Peeps. Since I didn't get in until 3am last night (no, I wasn't partying it up; I was doing this) and didn't get to bed until even later, I am currently trying to catch up on some much-needed sleep before I have to run off to work. I will hopefully be able to post something later this evening, but for now, I am either napping or working. So tired. (It was worth it though.)

I will leave you with this in the meantime:

Last night, driving home at 3am on my scooter, I was actually able to notice all the smells throughout town. During the day I never get this sensation, and I certainly don't get to breathe it in that way when driving in the car (even if the windows are down).

Luckily, this ain't no NYC, so the smells weren't too bad - it was really more the smell of the bay breeze, a neighbor's plants and flowers, or trees in different parts of town. It was so nice to absorb the slightly chilly air as I zipped home, alone on the road and with no headlights in sight.

However, I did smell one particularly heinous tree - I believe some call it, ahem, a "semen tree"? My friend Jess thinks it's a ginkgo tree. Whatever it is, it's nasty. Luckily, not much farther downtown, the smell of azaleas, magnolias and even roses wafted up as I zoomed by. I love the oncoming spring/summer.

Photo 1 via coco + kelley; photo 2 by Kentaroo Tryman for Johner Images.

Be back soon! xoxo, sleepy girl.