Sunday, May 23, 2010

Health Tips by Aamir Khan

1. Balanced diet
The average person uses/spends around 1800 to 2000 calories per day. In order to lose weight you simply need to take in LESS than you spend. So consume less than 1800 calories in 24 hrs. But the ‘less’ calories you intake needs to be divided into fat, carbohydrates, and protein, and that’s where the word BALANCE comes in. A balanced diet is generally 1/3 fat, 1/3 Carbohydrates and 1/3 protein.

2. Don’t eat less
Eating less is not a healthy balanced diet. When you simply eat less and starve yourself your body goes into what I call ‘famine mode’ and actually starts to STORE fat. So not only do you not lose weight but you also destroy your health. If you take starving to the extreme I suppose you would lose weight but you would probably begin by losing proteins (whereas you should be losing excess fat), and also you would end up looking (and in fact being) unwell and sick.

3. Water is important
Water is a very important of my diet. I drink 3 to 4 liters of water a day.

4. Exercise
For general fitness walking, jogging, swimming, or playing a sport, are all great exercise. So if you are not looking for anything particular then choose one.
Yoga is great too.

In case you are interested in body building, building muscle, shaping your body etc., then what worked for me is weight training. And that is what I intend to restart.

5. Rest
The importance of rest is often underestimated. No matter how hard you train, if you don’t rest your body, it will not respond as well. During GHAJINI, as a rule, I slept for 8 hours (at least) every night. And I did ‘shavaasan’ immediately post my bath after the training. Look up ‘shavaasan’ on the net.

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