Sunday, October 1, 2006

a lunch date

i had a nice little lunch date last saturday, with a littleoddforest regular customer cum sms friend cum bitching partner, mandy or demightyshiva as she likes to be called, heh

she would be the third customer-friend person (that sounds gawd damn awful! i don't know how else to call it. haha) whom i've gone out with, since she has blogged about it, i have to as well!! no, it's because she's so freaking nice! in a sarcastic har-har kinda way, but nice. you can tell.

she baked me yummy mini-muffins!!! (she's yellow-skined mini mandy martha stewart, you know) i shared it with b, lana, s and gang and they all ate with envy.

she got me sweet little presents as well, knowing how much i miss chicago and love cats (she abhors them, though not nearing anywhere at all to shedding any kitty blood), she got me lovely kitty magnets from the museum shop while in chicago on holiday, how thoughtful of her!! and yes, evil her got me potbelly's freebie fridge magnet as well, still attached to their menu?? that's not so nice of her as it was hell imagining the smell but not being able to have any!?? see, the evil nice kinda person she is :p

it's nice to know you, kinda freaky though, what with the number of coincidences we share... primary schools, ex-colleagues, friends.... and for the last time, i'm not puny. petite is the word. and you're not very large either! hahaha aren't you shorter?? heh. and yes, wine makes my tummy churn, even with food. i'm a hard liquor, beer kinda girl. drinking session next time yah? :p

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