Sunday, October 15, 2006

The bizarre and the beautiful....

We went to the Shepton flea market today. I met up with Sue who had a stand there packed with great items as usual! Once again, she tempted me with vintage textiles and once again, I could not resist. What can I say, the flesh is weak! I came away with 2 superb quilts.

I also finally met clare and her husband. What a really great couple they are! We all had a few good laughs together and I did really have a great day.

I came home with quite a few nice items including a pretty fabric covered box, pink glass candlesticks, a floral cake stand, gingham fabric, a 1950s bathing suit ( love this!) and of course my beautiful quilts! Its too late here tonight to get any photos but I will try tomorrow if we get some sunshine, any sunshine!

I have had to include a couple pics I took today of the most bizarre item at the sale, possibly at ANY sale, that I have seen. I awarded this seller my personal rosette for having the most bizarre item and he seemed quite pleased. Notice from the front, how this chap looks almost cute but from the side, he looks like evil incarnate.

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