Monday, April 11, 2011

Marcy's Photo Tip

Hi there everyone! Let's get this week started with a photo tip.

Sometimes you just can't control your background (or your subjects!). A few weeks ago we took our little family on a trip to Florida. We love visiting Old Town at least a few times while we're there. While we were there my littlest decided to pick up some bird seed from the ground and feed the birds. Now, if you're the mother of a little boy you'll understand that they don't sit still long. So I knew I had to take the opportunity while he was sitting still to take a photo. The problem was that I didn't have a say in where he stopped. The background was less than ideal. If I would have taken the shot as is I would've been left with a lovely view of the parking lot. Not cute.

There was no way I was going to ask him to move... he'd never sit still again! So I had to move. A simple change in perspective and you can get a shot like this...

I simply stood over him and let the sidewalk be my background instead. Much less distracting.

So next time you're taking photos, try moving yourself instead of your subject!

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