Sunday, April 3, 2011

Catch Ya Next Week!

Woohoo! Spring Break! No school!
This week begins Spring Break for my daughters, so we will be spending the week playing and I will be back to blogging next week. Been a little crazy around here the past few weeks with a round of illness and a hectic work schedule (my apologies for the light blog content due to this!). All the more reason to savor these few days with the (now healthy) kids.

I hope you all have a blessed week! Take time to act like a kid again! We are going to a local waterpark to master the art of the waterslide. I will be back with an update on how the sprouts are growing, a wonderful trip to Detroit City (that includes some surprise skin care finds!) a review of some wonderful local products, April's Mask of the Month and much more!

Leaving you with a wonderful find I recently made on etsy - Hankie Tankie. The artist creates these amazingly beautiful upcycled tops out of tank tops and vintage materials such as doilies and hankies. Also check out this beautiful cameo collar necklace. So fancy and pretty!

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