As you all may know I've started doing this thing where I kind of do a whole post every Sunday on what I've been doing and so on. Well.. it's definitely been the most hectic week! Finals started and even though I do frequently post, they aren't really personal stuff because I really have no time. I've been so crazed I barely have time to eat and I find myself not hungry at all because I'm just so busy.. good news is Friday is my last exam, Stats 2.. I know, I can't wait till I'm done with this course, I absolutely hate Quantitative methods, but it's a core course for my major so I don't really have a choice.
Leaving to Dubai on Saturday at night yay :) Super excited to finally go.. I'll also be visiting Jordan to see family and friends. I actually lived there for a year.. If you know me at all you know I've moved countless times, if not countries then different schools. I think the longest I've stayed anywhere was Dubai which is why I consider it my home :) Do any of you know where Dubai is? I only ask because so many people tell me they think it's near India, no kidding and my first year here I was asked if I went to school in Camels and Horses.. honestly, who does that anymore? I mean honestly who would ask such a question.. I honestly always try to make sure I know as much as I can about different places, people, cultures even if I've never been there. If you don't know where Dubai is it's one of the 7 Emirates in a country called United Arab Emirates.. Dubai is NOT the country, it's just a city. So many people ask me where in Dubai did I used to live.. the only thing left to say is a street name haha and I don't think they know the streets there.
Ok enough about Dubai.. I've been researching different Law schools, because next year or maybe after I graduate I'm applying to Law school. It's so competitive.. but I'm going to work my butt off to get in. My first choice right now is Victoria which is in Vancouver British Columbia.. I love Vancity! So I'd absolutely love to move there.. Lets keep our fingers crossed!
Other than that I've really been so lifeless because of exams, so bored and nothing exciting going on. Can't wait to show all of you guys where I used to live :) So some pretty exciting posts to come!
"Sometimes i wonder if anything's absolute anymore. Is There Still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable,left to interpretation, grey. Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes things simply catch up to us."
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