Well the past week has given us the best weather we have had for years and I dont mind telling you we took full advantage of it. I am not generally an early riser if I dont HAVE to be but I found that I couldnt stay in bed long with the sun shining and the birds singing. The garden was continually calling to me and even the work indoors was more fun with the windows thrown open wide and music playing!

Running a business from home often means we have to "hang around" waiting for couriers to collect parcels. If we were in the garden we used to be able to rely on our dog to let us know if someone knocked at the door but as he is constantly busy now herding the chickens around the garden his mind is on his job and not on the door! This meant that we were always a bit concerned in case we didnt hear the couriers! While visiting the garden center this week, I found a little chalkboard in the "gift section" and thought how perfect it would be to leave a message on our front door and it has already come in useful several times, particularly with the couriers!

Even though I have long lived in the UK I have never been able to fully get used to the idea of not having screens on windows or screen doors. I like to leave the windows open as long as possible when the weather is so beautiful and the back door too but the flies and moths find their way in every day and particularly towards evening when they attracted to the light, we end up with a virtual insect zoo in our kitchen and living room!
I decided to hang this lovely old curtain at the back door to keep out the abundance of flying creatures and it does seem to help. It has also proved to be a useful chicken deterrent for those pesky chickens who like to investigate the house! (And it just looks SO pretty!) When Jet saw me taking a photo of it, he just had to get in there...

Miss Penny is a ham too and she had to investigate the pretty green tray I was photographing outside for the website. Chickens are just so nosey!

I will leave you with a pretty picture that Georgia took in the garden and a little note that new items have been listed on the website. Stop by for a visit!

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