Elevation: 8,727 ft - 10,400 ft
Elevation Gain: 1,673 ft
Dogs: Off Leash before the Wilderness Boundary at 2.34 miles
The trail to Eaglesmere Lakes in Summit County is lovely trail filled with vistas, rock formations, and Aspens. It is near the popular Cataract Lake and so is probably a mob scene in the summer, but on Memorial Day weekend, we were the only people on the trail.

The route to the trailhead is tricky, once you depart Highway 9 out of Silverthorne and onto Forest Road 1275. The road around Green Mountain Reservoir is a dirt road cut into a hill side. While not particularly treacherous, but it is one-lane in places and twisty. Your passenger car can make it, but you should go slow and keep an eye out for others.

The trail starts off in an expansive Aspen grove, which stays with the trail all the way to the top of the ridge. As the trail climbs, views of Cataract Lake come into view. A constant companion is Eagles Nest Mountain (13,432 ft), which dominates the view to the south. Near the top of the ridge, Sage Brush take over and the rocky outcrops through which Cataract Falls travel are clearly visible.
The intersection with the Gore Range Trail). At 1.64 miles the flora changes from Aspens to Conifers. At 2.34 miles, the trail crosses into the Eagles Nest Wilderness. Shortly thereafter one can glimpse Tipperary Lake across the gorge. At 3.34 miles was the intersection with the Gore Range Trail.
Even though the trail was hot, we ran into snow around 3 miles in, and by the intersection of the Gore Range Trail, we were seriously post holing. After struggling onwards for only another tenth of a mile and 100 ft of elevation gain, we decided to turn around. I could see the lakes on the GPS map, but it was taking us a half hour for every 10th of a mile. At times we were sinking up to our waists. I really hate not reaching a destination, but it was already late in the day and the going would be just as slow coming down. I liked this trail enough that I know I will return and get a photo of the lakes. I'll update this post at that time. I am thinking fall might just be the time of year to do this trail. The Aspens really are lovely.
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