Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Magic ice cream

While we're on the subject of single-fruit treats, here's another almost too-good-to-be-true idea I stumbled upon via the kitchn (that's not a typo, there's no "e" in there).

The idea? One-ingredient ice cream. And this "ice cream" is made from nothing more than...(drum roll)...bananas. Yup, that's it.

You're gonna have to bear with me here, because I need to believe that this snack is as amazing as they say it is. Did I mention that, starting July 11, I am doing a no "FADS" regimen (no fruit, alcohol, dairy, starch) for the two weeks before our beach trip?
Stop laughing. No, really. I'm not kidding!

For a girl who has literally never dieted ever and has a strong obsession with carbs and sweets, this should be an interesting social experiment. So let's hope this "ice cream" is good.

Here's how it's made:

Peel and slice bananas. Freeze them for two hours (if I run out of time, I'll do this overnight).

Blend the frozen banana pieces. Scrape down the bowl often - supposedly the bananas stick to the sides a lot at first - don't be freaked out!

Near the end, once the bananas are creamy, and if you want (or are allowed - not sure if I will be on this new regimen), you can add one tablespoon of peanut butter or honey.

This is what it will look like right out of the blender. Creamy and smooth and with the consistency of soft serve. If you want it to be truly ice-creamy, re-freeze in an airtight container.

Et voila!

All photos by Faith Durand.

I'm praying this is truly good, because come the end of week one, I'm sure I'll be scratching the walls looking for something tasty. If you want even more detailed instructions, full step-by-step pics and tips can be found here.

Note: I just realized I'm an idiot and will not be allowed to eat fruit, so this is out the window for me. See? Already messing up this whole diet thing! I'm so not meant to diet! Grrr... Well, at least you can enjoy this recipe!

Watermelon avec tap

We've got a watermelon sitting in our kitchen and it needs a purpose. We originally bought it for B's baseball game on Sunday, but ran out of time and didn't cut it open. But, thanks to Logan, I think I've found just the thing for it:

Photo from Food Network (follow the link for a Watermelon Sour recipe too!)

Brills, right? Cut a hole in the top of the watermelon, scoop out most of the pulp, insert keg tap and fill with a tasty bev. This is such an awesome summer drink vessel - perfect for a hot day, party or any lazy afternoon - and just in time for the 4th of July weekend. Love it!

To Brighten Your Day

Photos courtesy of Anthropologie, Emily Hensen for Design Sponge 
M Design Interiors, Quadrille, PB Teen and Melissa Rufty Interiors

I Can't Be Out of Money, I Still Have Checks Left

Congress is working on appropriating $30 billion for the Afghanistan War to pay for the coming surge. The hold up is that Democrats are pushing for billions of dollars to give to school boards around the country to save teachers jobs while the Republicans are saying they want a clean bill for strictly the war.

This administration and this congress have thrown money everywhere. They've bailed out banks, financial institutions, car companies, fannie mae and freddie mac (which needs another $1 Trillion), as well as giving money to massage parlors, strip clubs, prison inmates and more. They haven't worried about it because they have control of the printing presses and can make more money. Not earn, but make.

But the Democrats aren't worried. After all, the Bush tax cuts, which produced the largest growth in the economy in 25 years, are about to expire on December 31, 2010. So beginning January 1, 2011 everyone's taxes will increase. They think that they'll collect more money because of those tax increases. What they will do instead is plunge us into another recession, the so-called "double dip" recession. Tax revenues, which set records for income following the tax cuts, will decrease. Unemployment will increase. Bankruptcies will increase over the record levels they are setting this year. The need for people to be dependent on welfare will increase.

We can no longer afford the spending that this Congress and this President are doing. Democrats seem to think that as long as they can print money and still have checks in the checkbook, that they can continue to spend.

If you think people are suffering now, hang on. The suffering hasn't even begun to start yet. It's about to get much much worse. There are solutions, but this Congress and this President either don't believe it, or don't care and are looking for the destruction of the free market system.

You're welcome to comment.


Corn Lilly, False Hellbore

The Corn Lilly or False Hellebore (Veratrum viride) is the mountain psychopath's trusted friend. Brew a cup of tea for the cretin who litters the trail or shove it lovingly down the throat of your favorite, environment-basing politician, either way the toxic juices will work wonders. The litany of symptoms include nausea and vomiting followed by decreased respiration, plummeting blood pressure, and death. This is why Corn Lilly cocktails are best served with pop corn. It is quite a show.

The Corn Lilly is found throughout Colorado in open meadows, sun-dazed streambanks, and damp forests, so one can always be sure to find some ... in case the pantry runs low.

North Wales Hair Dressing

There are so many different fashions and styles going on at the moment from bold, bright patterns and vintage florals to casual grudge. The best way to get the full effect of whatever style your going for this season is to have a hairstyle that matches. Like to change your style? No worries, many staple and easily changeable hairstyles are in fashion right now as well.

It’s proven that your hairstyle is one of the main things people notice about you, so you need a hairstyle that suits you, a nice shiny hairstyle to match your nice shiny personality!

If you are going for the vintage/floral look this summer then the best thing to do is keep it natural. Shades of honey and brown, even a splash of red go really well with this style. Girls with uncontrollable curls, stop trying to tame them! Big hair and big sunnies are very in this season. If you are very daring then you could opt for a pixie cut- uber fashionable and keeps you cool as you don’t have all that hair on your neck, but remember you need an oval or very thin face shape for this style. Johnny Depp-esque high cheekbones help too, so do ask your hairdresser if you have the right face before you commit to this one. You don’t have to chop you hair off to keep cool, tie all your hair up and place in an oversized straw hat for a vintage effect, or tie in two cute bunches!

Long silky straight hair goes well with many styles, especially paired with big, full fringe. This look is not just easy to create, but very striking and effective- You will definitely stand out from the crowd!

If you do decide to dye your hair this summer remember -if you have darker skin, stick to colder shades such as dark browns and blacks, and if you are of lighter complexion warmer shades will suit you better (e.g. blondes and reds).

What ever you decide to do, you will need to be able to trust your hairdresser, and you will most definitely need to know a hairdresser that is reputable. Look no further, for your North Wales hair dressing needs, visit TH1 hairdressers in Bangor. TH1 is a very popular salon in the heart of Bangor, North Wales. They have a huge client list and they can help you decide on the perfect style or hair colours to suit you face and skin tone.

Non Surgical Beauty Treatments

TH1 beauty provides a variety of different beauty treatments, such as body treatments, facials, hand and feet treatments and many more. These treatments range between £10 - £100.

At the moment, there are numerous popular treatments that you can have. One of the most popular treatments to have is a full body massage. This treatment relaxes you, it treats the skin and it improves blood circulation. The cost of this treatment varies between £28 - £46.

Facial treatments are also very popular. A good facial treats your skin of any impurities; there are many different variations of facials available depending on preference and skin type. A facial is a great way to relax and de-stress. Facials can delay the onset of wrinkles by relaxing the facial muscles. TH1 Beauty can provide you with specific facials or anti ageing facials, these come at a price of £41 - £50. Facials also remove the outer layer of cells (epidermis) of the skin along with pollutants. TH1 Beauty also provides make-up treatments to help you relax, the prices for these range between £20 - £30.

TH1 Beauty also provides popular hand and feet treatments, like manicures and pedicures. These are also very popular as they are one of the cheaper options (£10-£30) but they do benefit your skin by making your skin look younger and they do have a long lasting effect, however they do make your toes and fingers look glamorous, also, manicures and pedicures hydrate feet, hands, nails and knuckles; and the massage that accompanies the manicures and pedicures will help to improve the health of the skin by increasing blood circulation.

Spray tanning is another very popular treatment that has taken off in the last few years. People use this so they are brown all year long regardless of the weather! Spray tans have been proven to be better than using creams or lotions and also because it’s a spray it covers your skin evenly leaving no blotchy areas. TH1 can provide this at a price of £15 - £30.

As you can see, there are many popular beauty treatments available nowadays to treat yourself, a friend or a family member to. And all these are available at TH1 Salon, a very popular Bangor Beauty Salon.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Holiday Fabric Giveaway [CLOSED]

We had so much fun making and sharing the projects we made with the Robert Kaufman fabric yesterday. Wouldn't you like to make some holiday projects too? Just leave a comment on this post telling us what you would do with this stack of fabric and you could win it! The giveaway will end Thursday at midnight MST. Friday we will announce the winner and have a little hint of what is coming next week.

Photography by Susannah Tucker

Self-taught photographer Susannah Tucker takes beautiful photos which she then offers in coordinating sets. I love the look of photos displayed as a cohesive group. I suggest visiting Susannah Tucker's shop. She has some gorgeous prints that are so perfect for summer, many of which are currently on sale. Here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy! (all images via Susannah Tucker)

*(Don't forget to enter the BrooklynThread bracelet give-away for a chance to win a wrap bracelet. The give-away runs until Sunday, July 4th)*

Summer living.....

Well the past week has given us the best weather we have had for years and I dont mind telling you we took full advantage of it. I am not generally an early riser if I dont HAVE to be but I found that I couldnt stay in bed long with the sun shining and the birds singing. The garden was continually calling to me and even the work indoors was more fun with the windows thrown open wide and music playing!

Running a business from home often means we have to "hang around" waiting for couriers to collect parcels. If we were in the garden we used to be able to rely on our dog to let us know if someone knocked at the door but as he is constantly busy now herding the chickens around the garden his mind is on his job and not on the door! This meant that we were always a bit concerned in case we didnt hear the couriers! While visiting the garden center this week, I found a little chalkboard in the "gift section" and thought how perfect it would be to leave a message on our front door and it has already come in useful several times, particularly with the couriers!

Even though I have long lived in the UK I have never been able to fully get used to the idea of not having screens on windows or screen doors. I like to leave the windows open as long as possible when the weather is so beautiful and the back door too but the flies and moths find their way in every day and particularly towards evening when they attracted to the light, we end up with a virtual insect zoo in our kitchen and living room!

I decided to hang this lovely old curtain at the back door to keep out the abundance of flying creatures and it does seem to help. It has also proved to be a useful chicken deterrent for those pesky chickens who like to investigate the house! (And it just looks SO pretty!) When Jet saw me taking a photo of it, he just had to get in there...

Miss Penny is a ham too and she had to investigate the pretty green tray I was photographing outside for the website. Chickens are just so nosey!

I will leave you with a pretty picture that Georgia took in the garden and a little note that new items have been listed on the website. Stop by for a visit!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Winners + Projects

The halloween fabric winners as selected by are:

Congratulations Melinda & NanaBeth! Be sure to send your shipping address to us at seiblog{at}shopsei{dot}com to claim your prizes.

Now for those projects we promised with more of the lovely designs by SEI for Robert Kaufman...

Mandi made this festive garland using this tutorial from Sew Mama, Sew! She added an extra scallop in between by scaling the pattern 50%.

Maria made this little half apron for looking good while baking plenty of yummy holiday treats.

Shop Local

I have always loved the movie "You've Got Mail" with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. In college we watched it constantly one reason being it was the only video we had at the time. For those of you who lived under a rock in the late 90's, the storyline is Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) feisty, yet cute owns a little book store, the "Shop Around the Corner" meets Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) online and they fall for each other.  They meet each other in person without knowing of their online affair but Kathleen dislikes Joe because Joe's discount Fox Bookstore is moving around the corner and is inevitably going to put Kathleen's little shop out of business. It is Hollywood and in the end they are together in a garden of flowers and life is perfect, romantic, with no worries.

This week such is not the case with some of favorite local businesses owned by friends who put their heart and souls into their dreams, passions and who cannot compete with the likes of the big box Joe Fox stores. The doors of favorite children's clothing, toy and maternity stores are all closing at the end of this month. It is with great sadness that I post this but with hope to inspire everyone no matter where you live to shop your local businesses. You can make a difference by using your locally owned hardware store, farmers market, flower shops or even pharmacy...I love mine they deliver and treat you like a person not a number! is an organization that "promotes locally owned businesses and works to educate consumers, business owners and the Raleigh community about the many benefits of spending locally." Independents week July 1-7 encourages everyone to support your community...I encourage you to do it all the time.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Worlds Away

The past few weeks between work and play I feel like I have traveled around the globe yet have only been in 3 states. I suppose that is a good thing, being able to find so many worldly goods without traveling to the ends of the Earth. One of my current client projects is finding outdoor accessories including topiaries for their front porch, the perfect planters and the greenery that will complete their "Low Country" front porch look.


Success in finding ligistrum double ball topiaries, low maintenance and beautiful.


Beautiful, affordable black urns...picture of the finished product will have to wait until the project is complete... Success!

Market Imports

My hunt for the perfect accessories took me to an amazing store, warehouse, not sure what you call it... Market Imports located next to the State Farmers Market in Raleigh, NC has the most amazing finds! It is a treasure trove of eclectic furniture and accessories for indoor and outdoor. While I am picturing the most extreme and diverse of their inventory please know that they have a great collection of blue porcelain china, clay pots in every shape color, size, fountains galore and the list goes on... 

I wish I were as comfortable as this Merlick in the 100 degree weather while working.

Furbish Studio

I was also able to do a little shopping for myself while working of course, hazard of the job but I dropped into one of my favorite new haunts Furbish Studio. Lucky for me they had just received their newest shipment of Roberta Roller Rabbit for home. All I can say is ooh la la, fun fun! First of all every little accessory in Furbish is a designers dream. Jamie Meares the creator and owner behind all the beauty paints most of her furniture with a little help from her friend she has that pops up from the basement. She has ready made pillows ready to walk out the door onto your sofa and great knick knacks for your home.
I happened to pick up these 2 Roberta Roller Rabbit pillows for my newly painted wicker chairs and voila ready for my party.
Remember my chairs for a deal?



Love the blue and green elephant print.

This bamboo bench at Furbish is tres chic.

Perfect sized asian inspired side table.

Furbish Studio
1020 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27605

High Street Market
New fantastic finds just listed last week!

Images Courtesy High Street Market

St. Barth

2 things would love to have... Calypso's Chevron Kurta and
Jodhpur Pouf
Betsy Burnham

One of my favorite designers is LA based Betsy Burnham and her designs are edgy and eclectic. I like her because she is under the radar yet her work is phenomenal. She always loves to use an animal print which I think too is a staple for any space.

Images courtesy of Design Sponge, InStyle, Lonny Magazine