Sunday, September 20, 2009

Police suspect instructor in judo death.

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Police in Awaji, Japan, are investigating the death of a 13-year-old who had a heart attack during a judo training camp.

Yuki Nagahara complained to his instructor about feeling ill but was forced to keep practicing Tuesday, The Japan Times reports.

Nagahara collapsed later that day and died Wednesday.

Police are questioning the instructor and the other 90 campers at the 3-day camp to see if the teacher is to blame.

The Kobe Board of Education said the instructor slapped Nagahara and kicked him in the stomach.

The instructor told the board of education Nagahara had complained before to get out of practice and he thought he was doing it again.

Source Citation:"Police suspect instructor in judo death." UPI NewsTrack (August 6, 2005): NA. InfoTrac Criminal Justice eCollection. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 20 Sept. 2009

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