Tuesday, September 29, 2009

David B. Yoffie, Harvard Business School Professor, Joins Spotfire Board.

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Harvard's Max and Doris Starr professor of international business administration, author of 'Judo Strategy' and 'Competing on Internet Time' to advise on strategy

Leading guided analytics software provider Spotfire(R) Inc. has announced that David B. Yoffie, Harvard Business School's Max and Doris Starr professor of international business administration and Intel board member, has joined the company's board of directors.

"Spotfire is providing its Global 2000 customers with a significant competitive advantage by enabling breakthrough discoveries throughout mission-critical company processes in R&D, manufacturing and supply chain," Yoffie said. "I am very excited about joining the Spotfire board of directors to help the company continue its strong growth."

Yoffie has served as chairman of Harvard Business School's strategy department for the past five years, and he was chairman of the advanced management program, where he taught competitive and corporate strategy. His research and consulting activities have focused on competitive strategy, technology and international competition. He currently serves on the board of directors of Intel Corp., E-Ink Corp. and the National Bureau of Economic Research. Over the last decade, he has lectured and consulted in more than 25 countries around the world with large industrial and service firms, as well as with governments and international organizations. When appointed to Intel's board in 1989, he was the youngest outside director of America's largest 150 industrial corporations. He currently serves as Intel's lead independent director.

Yoffie's current research focuses on competitive strategy, e-commerce and the problems of corporate cannibalization. His newest book, co-authored with Mary Kwak, is Judo Strategy (Harvard Business School Press, 2001). Judo Strategy has been translated into five languages. It examines strategic techniques for turning competitors' strengths to one's advantage.

"Few individuals come close to matching the knowledge and expertise David brings to our board in competitive strategy as well as solid public board experience and key industry knowledge in semiconductors," said Christopher Ahlberg, Spotfire's CEO. "His years of business experience will provide Spotfire with considerable expertise as we face the competitive challenges of the future.

About David Yoffie

A member of the Harvard faculty since 1981, Yoffie received his bachelor degree summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Brandeis University, and his master and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University, where he was a lecturer for two years. He authored or edited eight published books, including Competing in the Age of Digital Convergence (Harvard Business School Press, 1997), and Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and Its Battle with Microsoft (Free Press, 1998, co-authored with MIT Professor Michael Cusumano). Named by BusinessWeek and Amazon.com as one of the top 10 business books of 1998, Competing on Internet Time has been translated into Japanese, Chinese and Italian, and was a highly publicized component of the Microsoft-Department of Justice antitrust trial. He has also written extensively for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Harvard Business Review. He has published more than 70 articles and case studies on business strategy, global competition and international management, which combined have sold more than one million copies.

About Spotfire

Spotfire(R), Inc. provides guided analytic applications and services that empower extended enterprises and their end-users to make faster, more effective decisions. More than 400 global 2000 customers and over 16,000 users work with Spotfire products worldwide. The company maintains U.S. headquarters in Somerville, Mass., and European headquarters in Goteborg, Sweden. Additional information can be found at www.spotfire.com.

Source Citation:"David B. Yoffie, Harvard Business School Professor, Joins Spotfire Board." Business Wire (August 19, 2002): 2189. InfoTrac Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure eCollection. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 29 Sept. 2009

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