Sunday, March 30, 2008

Plastic Waste in The Pacific Ocean

It sounds like the worst nightmare. Except that it is true. There are huge areas of plastic garbage floating in the Pacific. The reports are pretty astounding: Some estimate that there are two plastic "continents" out there, together the size of two North Americas! Others are less pessimistic and claim it is somewhat smaller. Please read the following estimate from The Independent : "The Worlds Rubbish Dump - The Pacific Plastic Garbage Tip" (the picture here included is from the same magazine).

I definately decided to reuse the bags when doing shopping, or use my backpack. And not to buy much plastic toys for my son, if at all. But it is depressing. How and when on earth are we going to deal with this problem, given that the daily waste of plastic is still on the rise? I read somewhere that China is the biggest producer of plastic bags (and several other plastic products). Sounds like one more thing to protest about before the Olympics in Beijing. We do have enough work at home though (and here I mean the whole EU, not just Britain or Slovenia).

Typically, the problem lies in the fact that plastic rubbish gets to the remote ocean and we do not see it on front of our doors. In the case of the global warming many of us at least remotely feel the temperature change or will feel it soon anyway. But with the plastic dump far out there in the middle of nowhere... What is not seen des not exist.

Plastic Waste in The Pacific Ocean

It sounds like the worst nightmare. Except that it is true. There are huge areas of plastic garbage floating in the Pacific. The reports are pretty astounding: Some estimate that there are two plastic "continents" out there, together the size of two North Americas! Others are less pessimistic and claim it is somewhat smaller. Please read the following estimate from The Independent : "The Worlds Rubbish Dump - The Pacific Plastic Garbage Tip" (the picture here included is from the same magazine).

I definately decided to reuse the bags when doing shopping, or use my backpack. And not to buy much plastic toys for my son, if at all. But it is depressing. How and when on earth are we going to deal with this problem, given that the daily waste of plastic is still on the rise? I read somewhere that China is the biggest producer of plastic bags (and several other plastic products). Sounds like one more thing to protest about before the Olympics in Beijing. We do have enough work at home though (and here I mean the whole EU, not just Britain or Slovenia).

Typically, the problem lies in the fact that plastic rubbish gets to the remote ocean and we do not see it on front of our doors. In the case of the global warming many of us at least remotely feel the temperature change or will feel it soon anyway. But with the plastic dump far out there in the middle of nowhere... What is not seen des not exist.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Coral Room: Strip Mall Chic

The Coral Room may be located in a strip mall in the Highlands, but that does not mean it should be ignored like some run down dry cleaners or VHS video store. From the moment I walked into the Coral Room I liked it. The bar is separated from the dining area, and there are booths as well as tables. The décor is a dark Art Deco with green painted tables, bright abstracts on the walls, and a clientele that appeared to be locals stopping by on the way home from work. The bar itself exclusively filled with women.

We dine early, which is advantageous at the Coral Room because their happy hour is something to go out of your way for. Wines by the glass, regardless of their original price are $5 and all appetizers are two for one. We ordered the coconut-encrusted tiger prawns with peanut sauce and spring rolls with spicy sauce. Both were excellent and when complimented by a nice New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc that would have normally sold for $10, were a scrumptious interlude indeed. Both the appetizers and the wine arrived quickly while our entrée took a while. We ordered scallops with pablano pepper puree and rice. The scallops were nice and light but the rice was a bit blah.

We were so enthused about our meal that we were determined to order dessert. Our waiter, an extremely fit gentlemen told us that the chocolate decadence cake was delicious but way to large. When we quickly ordered it, he flexed his deltoids and looked down his nose at us like we had just supersized our waistlines. We found this bit of snootiness annoying until we saw the cake. It was indeed too large even for two people. It was decadent however, and since we knew we would be out on a trail that weekend, did not worry about the calories that much. I should say that the cake came with some ice cream that was a bit too icy but all and all it was worth waddling home for.

If we lived closer to the Coral Room, we would be eating there frequently. The service was quick and friendly, the food was different and delicious, and the happy hour was a great bargain. So, the next time you are in the Highlands, be sure to stop in. You won’t regret it.

South Boulder Peak via Shadow Canyon

Trail Length: 6.7 miles RT
Elevation: 5,645- 8,549 ft
Elevation Gain: 3,039 ft
Critters: Mountain Blue Birds

Climbing South Boulder Peak is a great way to get in shape for summer hiking. The elevation gain is as substantial as many 14ers’ without the altitude. On this particular trip, the trail up Shadow Canyon was still covered with intermittent snow and ice, which made the journey slower than normal. The saddle and peak itself were completely covered in snow and a storm was raging in the mountains that sent periodic blasts down the canyon. One minute it was relatively warm and sunny and the next it was spitting snow. The schizophrenic weather was a good reminder as to why we carry so many layers even on the most benignly appearing days.

The ascent of South Boulder begins at the Eldorado Canyon/Mesa Trail trailhead. The hiker can ascend the Homestead, Towee, or Mesa Trails. This trip we chose the Homestead trail because it was a bit steeper and dogs are allowed on it off leash. This time of year, the terrain is subdued and drab but the sound of birds hinted at the coming Spring.

The Homestead Trail briefly intersects the Towee trail before it runs into the fire road, near the ruins of the Debacker cabin that leads Shadow Canyon. The road switch backs upwards and in its final curve to the north, dead-ends at the base of the canyon itself near the ruins of the Stockton Cabin with its large section of water pipe. This is where the trail gets interesting.
From this point on, it ascends upwards 1,620ft in one roughly one mile. The trail is dark with pine, encrusted with boulders and scree, and poorly defined. As I mentioned earlier, this time of year the trail can be covered in a mix of snow and black ice. We had taken off our yak tracks at the base of the canyon and should have put them back on again once we started to encounter more ice. With so much rock, however, we were hesitant to have them ripped apart on the ascent. Had we put them on, it would have saved a lot of slipping and sliding. I am not a trail runner comfortable with bolting down the trail in one long controlled fall, so at times I was practically clawing my way upward. There are no views per say in the canyon itself except for glimpse of the Devil’s thumb along the right wall about a third of the way up, and of valley below from the switch backs that start about two thirds of the way up. The saddle itself is flat and covered in more Ponderosa and Lodgepole pine. There was at least a foot of snow on the ground when we reached the saddle.

From the saddle, you can go to the east and ascend and additional 281 ft in 0.3 miles to Bear Peak or head to the west and ascend an additional 369 ft in 0.2 miles to South Boulder Peak. On this day, the trail to South Boulder Peak was covered in one foot of snow. It had been tracked before but the steepness of trail and the slushiness of the snow created an added challenge. When we had arrived at the saddle, the storm in the mountains was blasting us, but by the time we finished lunch and headed up to the peak, the skies were blue again. The summit is a small scree field with lots of nooks and crannies. The views from the peak are expansive and we could tell by the dark storm clouds to the north that our time on the top was going to be short. I stopped counting the number of times I have reached the top of a peak only to be chased off by weather. Metaphorically, I try to remind myself that life is a journey and not a destination but that his hard to do when, as in life, the journey is hard and the destination is sweet.

switch off your lights today

"This Saturday, at 8pm local time, switch off your lights for one hour and help take action against climate change.

Your simple action, combined with that of millions of others globally, will deliver a powerful message to the citizens and leaders of the world about the need for action.

Join WWF in the global Earth Hour movement and get ready to show the rest of the world how committed you are to fight climate change."

~message from WWF, go here for more information.

all perked up now!

thanksss....from the bottom of my heart, for all the pep talks you've both given me for the past couple of weeks when i was really overwhelmed with all the work and was on a moody creative lull..... i really really appreciate it.... and the pressies... who can forget those?? :DDDD
i was a happy girl going out
i was a happy girl going out that day! thank you, b!!! :DD *squeezy huggssss* muacks!
my new projects are still on a standstill, but something else new is in the works, i do apologise for my delay, to all the parties involved... le sigh
anyhoo... and yes, my lovely customers, it's you all who make me get up and work with a smile every day... especially last week! record breaking! woot! all the sweat in packing orders... and with elsie coming in only for 3 work days last week, it was crazy for me.... what a work-out... we aren't complaining though ;p
just to share with you some of the sweet customer emails we get every week.....

"...Wow! I just got your package in the mail and it was even better than I''d ever expected. Every little detail was just right and my little owl purse is just gorgeous and wonderful. Thanks so much for your great stuff and keep up the good work!" ~ leen

" Lyndaaaaa I love U hahaha... I just receive the bag today :D

LOVE IT SO MUCH! and packaging is just awsome + all the little extra goodies u gave :P
U are a great artist :D" ~ yuliana

thank you all so much!!
now, back to work, rushing through some orders today before i leave for abit for new inspirations
oh, and not forgettin' the party tonight ;) b's promotion.. hoot!
have a swell weekend, and be good lovely peeps! xoxoxo!

p.s. all orders paid for before 8pm thursday night has been mailed out! there was a 1 day delay in mailing out orders and sending out email shipping notifications due to huge traffic last week. all orders paid for after 8pm thursday (cut off time at 8pm sunday) will be mailed out on monday 31st march, and thereafter will be no shipping until 7th april.

singapore fashion rules?

okie, so the question mark is not part of the official announcement, just a personal question since it's a statement i not quite agree on a hundred percent wholeheartedly, yet. ha!

"6 April 2008, 12pm, TaFf will be staging a fashion show titled Singapore Fashion Rules! as a key feature of the yearly Singapore Fashion Festival, a consumer-focused fashion event where season’s latest collections are made directly available from the catwalk to consumers.

Two established past Singapore Fashion Week contest winners – Alfie Leong of Mu and Leslie Chia of PIMABS and will be showcasing together with two up and coming, cutting edge labels – FrüFrü & Tigerlily and Fürrmuse. The catwalk presentation will contrast the established designers vs new emerging brands. It also charts the path on how Singapore designers, through Singapore’s fashion events organized by TaFf, can be groomed, paving the way to encourage future local design talents.

Singapore Fashion Rules! was launched last year. It is a branding campaign initiated by TaFf to raise the profile of Singapore designers & labels. Besides staging a fashion show, TaFf initiated retail promotion at the stores levels to have the collections made available to the local consumers and tourists. TaFf also garnered the support of departmental stores like Isetan, Takashimaya and TANGS in support of the branding campaign to raise the profile of Singapore designers & labels.

This year, in celebration of Singapore fashion, consumers can also expect to see the latest exciting collections and special promotions from other Singapore fashion designers & labels beyond the 4 labels featured in the show. Check out these stores!

we won't be in town that whole week, but go show your support for the shows if you can, especially the Singapore Fashion Rules! event on 6 April, where FrüFrü & Tigerlily and Fürrmuse will be showing. the time is a silly one, at 12 noon. 12 noon! like duh.
there will be many other fringe events as usual too, so check those out as well, go to their website here for more information!

ciao for now~

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah

Okay we can finally post Kathy's bridals since we just barely shot the wedding so Jeff has already seen the dress! We took careful measures to make sure that Jeff couldn't hack into getting a sneak peak at Kathy's bridals. So look forward to their wedding photos coming soon! Well about the bridal session, you probable recognize Kathy from her engagement session we did a couple months ago in Provo Canyon, luckily her bridals were a lot warmer ;) We shot Kathy's bridal in Salt Lake City at the beautiful park Memory Grove; it was like a Bridal Extravaganza! There were Bridals going on every where, so thank you Kathy and mom for patiently hanging out with us while we waited for the hot spots. The bridals were so fun and you looked great!

Click images to enlarge
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah
Bridal Photos in Salt Lake City Utah

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

poo poo

the best ideas come to you when you are doing your poo poo, and then you just wished you had brought in your pen and notebook with you, but then the ideas just keep flowing and before you can curse out loud about the seemingly moronic oversight, the poo poo just seems to have come and gone so quickly and easily and unknowingly... and you manage to get it all on paper after all, and everyone's happy for now, including assy.

Monday, March 24, 2008

crash and burn....

crash and burn... that pretty much sums it up... :(
i'm standing right in front of a thickly fenced and cemented brick wall, with no ways of getting around or over it... my new projects are officially on a standstill.... for once, i'm so sick of making decisions... decisions decisions decisions... instructions... all waiting for me to make and give.... *puke*
i vented off all my energy at tennis today, but it only made my right arm look ridiculous and made me burst out in tears for fuck reasons... can't wait for next tuesday.....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

are you narcissistic

what would you do if you have to deal with someone like that? kill yourself or kill that fella first?

"What Is Narcissistic PD?

The DSM-IV-TR, a manual that psychologists use to diagnose NPD and other mental disorders, defines NPD is a type of psychological personality disorder primarily characterized by:
* grandiosity
* need for admiration
* lack of empathy

Additional characteristics the DSM associates with the pathologically narcissistic include:
* extreme self-absorption
* intolerance of others’ perspectives
* insensitivity to others’ needs
* indifference to the effect of their own egocentric behavior"

"Behaviour or a fantasy of grandiosity, a lack of empathy and a need to be admired by others. As indicated by at least five of the following:

1. Grandiose sense of self-importance.
2. Fantasies of and preoccupied with beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or unlimited success.
3. A belief of being special and unique and can only be understood or a need to associate with people of high status.
4. A need for excessive admiration.
5. An unreasonable expectation of being treated with favour or excepting an automatic compliance to her / his wishes.
6. Will use others to achieve her / his goals.
7. Lacks empathy.
8. Believes others are envious of her / him or is envious of others.
9. Contemptuous or haughty attitudes / behaviours."

"Narcissism is unhealthy when a person's entire behaviour, be it fair or foul, is geared towards ensuring others meet their needs and justify their belief in their inflated self image. This self image is a "false self" and it can be extremely pleasant, charming and intoxicating covering a multitude of insecurities and bad traits.

Most people like to feel that they are liked by others, that people care about them or see them as special and worthwhile but it's not normally an everyday way of life. Most people do not purposefully seek out special attention or consistently take action to extract people's emotions from them just to make themselves feel good but this is what narcissistic people do.

People who consistently behave in this way, interacting with others for the sole purpose of bolstering their inflated self image may suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)."

lana gave me this link, maybe i should print it out and give someone as a present huh -

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter from Will Duris Photography!

Well because of tradition or because of OCD, I had to color Easter eggs this year, since I do every year. Sadly, I couldn't find any egg coloring in the stores, since I decided to do this ritual kind of last minute. So I ended up painting the eggs with acrylic paint, I must say dyeing them would have been a lot easier! Well, Happy Easter from us photog nerds!

sweet updates weekly

yes. you read it right.
sweet updates at least once weekly.
promised. guaranteed.
*unless stated otherwise due to unforeseen circumstances.*

other than new items galore, do expect restocks too!
first up!
our LOF Cheeky Monster Sac has just been restocked!
so apparently, it looks you peeps much prefer the tongue than a smile...
oooohhhh..... *licks*


we have to thank our lof worker fairies (belle, mostly) who have learnt how to edit product photos for the shoppe! without whom i will be left with a bazillion unedited photos and very slow shoppe updates... thank you for helping to share my workload and saving my sad bloodshot dry eyes!! :D

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mayflower Gulch Snowshoe

Distance: 4 miles RT to the Boston Mine, 6 miles RT to Gold Hill
Elevation: 10,996-11,520ft (Boston Mine) – 11,980 ft (Gold Hill).
Elevation Gain: 580 ft to the Boston Mine, 1,040 ft total to Gold Hill
Dogs: Off leash

Mayflower Gulch near Copper Mountain in Summit County is an easy snowshoe with some of the most spectacular views available. On this day, the entire trip, from our drive up to ascent to Gold Hill to the south of the Gulch was phenomenal. The sky was radiantly blue, the fresh snow looked like whipped marshmallow cream, and the temperatures were nearly idyllic.

The trailhead is only a few miles up Hwy 91 going towards Leadville from the entrance to Copper Mountain resort. Most people follow the actual road that parallels the creek while occasionally you’ll see others braving the drainage itself and its magnificent vista. I have done both. On this day, after a foot of fresh snow, we stuck to the road, which had already been partially tracked.

While in the trees, this trail has frequent views to the north of the various peaks that line the gulch. This gives the photographer many opportunities for framing shots and gives low landers equal excuses for some well-timed oxygen gathering. While this trail does not have much elevation gain, it does start at nearly 11,000 ft, which is a shock to anyone not used to it.

At the end of two miles, the trail exits the trees into the ruins of the old Boston mine, which consists of several old cabins and mine tailings. It is great to stop and dig a snow bench here and admire the view for a bit. The jagged spires of Mayflower are unique. On the left side of the bowl, if the sun is just right, you can see the substantial wire that descends from about 13,400 ft down to a mining ruin, hidden from this vantage behind a slope. Skiers often continue up the drainage for a view of this ruin and to ski down the slope that hides it. In summer, you can hike all the way up to the ruin and even scale the cliff face to the spot of an old generator.

During our lunch break we noticed two backcountry skiers cruising along the cornice to the south. They were jumping up and down on it, causing VW sized chucks to cascade downwards. The cornice at Mayflower is always well defined and extends for about a mile east to west. The western most extent hangs over a concave slope. We were waiting for our two skiers to transit this portion and start a major avalanche. They were smart, however and avoided that area. We decided to follow their tracks and gain the ridge and the spectacular views of Leadville to the south. In the early summer this area abounds with wildflowers and that ridge is a marvelous place to admire the rolling verdant meadows that seem to go on forever into the distance.

Even with the tracks made by the skiers, ascending the 500 or so feet of slope was slushy and slow. The final ten foot push over the cornice was particularly steep and even my MSRs had me sliding ignominiously downwards just as the skiers caught up to me on their second assent. With my camera bobbing in the air and no poles, I would have been better off digging steps with my shovel but fortunately the skiers sliced a shelf for me as they trudged by.

By this time we reached the ridge, we had lost our glorious blue skies to an approaching storm. It was windy and cold so we did not stay long. Spend a day up there in summer, and you won’t regret it. Snowshoe in winter on a sunny day and you will think you have died and gone to heaven.

Barack Obama's Judgment

Over the past week, there has been plenty said about the United Trinity Church and in particular, Reverend Jeremiah Wright who is Senator Barack Obama’s minister in the Trinity Church. There are so many levels to this story it’s nearly impossible to break them all down and those are just the ones we’re all familiar with.

Barack Obama began attending Trinity Church nearly twenty years ago. Reverend Wright was the minister chosen by the Obama’s to marry them. He baptized their children. Why did Obama choose this church?

It’s speculated that he chose the church due to the size of the church, the networking that could be done through the members of the church and the future those people who attended the church could provide him.

I think back through my own church selections over the years, and it’s so completely different from what seems to be Obama’s reasons. My parents raised me as a Methodist. When I was very young, we attended church that was a block from where I lived. I don’t remember my parents joining to try improve their jobs. What I remember is that they chose based on how they were raised, and wanting to provide a moral compass for themselves and their children. Learning about God, and the lessons that are taught in the bible.

When I was older, I met someone that asked me to attend their church. In this church, they taught from the bible, again, life’s lessons on how to lead your life, treat other people and last but certainly not least, to prepare for life after death through belief in God. I became a Baptist from that experience. When I married, I had the same concerns as my parents for my own children and we attended a Baptist church in the town we lived. Again, life’s instruction through God.

I’ve attended Methodist, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventists, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches. While I didn’t agree with the teachings with some because they didn’t teach from the bible, or their rituals seemed outlandish to me, I didn’t go back, but never did I choose a church based on how the people there would affect my career or make me more popular in my community.

The primary theme in any church attended was God. Not politics, not social activities, and not politics. Comments might be made about politics, but they were made in the context of what the Bible taught and on the issue that was in the news if it was a big enough story. Patriotism is prevalent in church because this country was originally inhabited by people looking for religious freedom and the country was based on a belief in a supreme being. That’s as far as it went. We were thankful for a country that allowed us to worship in the way that we choose.

Sermons were never based on political parties. Never was another race of people put down due to the color of their skin. All men were created equal. Women were to support their men, men were to support their women and families. Not once in my 51 years did any pastor of mine in any church, even the ones that I didn’t agree with, ever say that God should Damn America.

Not once did a preacher ever say that we were held under the thumb of the rich white man, or corporate America. We weren’t told to oppress the black man. We instead were told to love others. We weren’t told that we were better than black people. We were taught that we were all brothers and sisters. Yes, even in the 60’s during the civil rights marches. We heard love thy neighbor. Treat others as you’d want to be treated. Don’t lie, cheat, steal, murder. Honor your mother and father and above all have no other God’s before the one God. We were taught to pray for God’s will and for each other and for others.

These don’t seem to be the teachings of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He seems more intent on blaming the white man, and this country for any poor treatment or perceived poor treatment of members of “his” race.

Barack Obama first said when asked, that he hadn’t heard this type of sermon from the Reverend Wright. In his speech, however, he said he had heard it and disagreed with it. So which is true? Why would Barack Obama remain in the church if he disagreed with it and thought it divisive? His continuance under the tutelage of Rev. Wright makes me wonder if Obama is running for President of the United States for all of this country’s people or if he’s running for one segment of the country.

Obama is asking the people of this country to consider him based on his judgment. That being the case, I can’t trust the judgment of a man that would choose to sit and listen to this type of speak from the pulpit and subject his children to this type of speak from the pulpit. I can’t trust a man that says he won’t throw overboard the pastor that led him to God. Yet he also let us know that his grandmother was afraid of black men passing her on the street, and used racial or racist terms that made him cringe. He can throw over his grandmother but not his pastor?

He won’t give up on the Reverend that married him but he’s willing to hint that Geraldine Ferraro is a racist. He won’t give up on the Reverend who preaches divisiveness, that baptized his children but he’s anxious to have Bill Clinton’s words in South Carolina igniting race as a topic, chastised.

It appears that Obama is right that we consider him based on his judgment. However, that judgment has proven to be flawed through all of this. His judgment has propelled us back into the sixties. The days of the riots. The days where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. When Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. When John F. Kennedy was assassinated. How long before we start hearing about the drinking fountains for whites only? How long before we’re thrown back to lunch counter sit ins? How long before we’re bounced back to lynching’s?

Barack Obama is not ready to be President of the United States. He’s still dealing with the injustices put on the black people of this nation. He hasn’t moved on to making it better, he’s still wallowing in the past. His choice to stay in a church that likes to pit the races against each other shows his poor judgment.

At one time, the rich white men did hold back the black people of this country. However, those rich white men also worked to free the slaves from the very beginning. When laws were passed making black people 3/5 of a voter it wasn’t to say that the black man was less than a white man. This is a myth. The fact is that our founding fathers passed that law to help the black man and to lead to an end to slavery. The southern colonies wouldn’t join in making one nation without slavery. With the slaves mainly in the south, counting them for representation would ensure that the south would have higher representation. By listing a black man as only 3/5 of a vote they cut down the representation and made it possible for the slave debate to continue and eventually bring it to an end. This isn’t even taught in schools, so you can be certain that it’s not taught in churches.

Barack Obama’s speech was not a great speech. It was instead, an indication of his poor judgment which is exactly the reason he’s asking for the vote of the American people.

Obama seems to have two things to draw from. Obama said that he was raised by a white grandmother. Most children are influenced by those that raise them. Should we be concerned that Obama has admitted that his grandmother was a bigot?

He’s admitted he can’t just dismiss Rev. Wright because he’s like family, brought him to God, married him, baptized his children. Rev. Jeremiah Wright has been exposed as a bigot.

What seems to be the two most important people in his life; the one that raised him and the one that ministered to him, both are bigots. One we’ve seen on the news for a week and the other he’s told us about. The first, he didn’t choose. His grandmother raising him was not his choice. She was responsible for molding him into what he became, while being bigotted against black people. What he became was a man that chose a church led by a man that preached bigotry against the white man and blamed his own country for the attacks on this country on September 11, 2001.

Senator Barack Obama’s judgment should be considered when deciding to vote for him or against him just as it should be considered when deciding whether to vote for Hillary Clinton and it should also be considered when deciding to vote for John McCain. That judgment displayed by Barack Obama leads me to believe that Barack Obama is not the right man to lead this country in the future. Knowing what we know now, the people of Illinois should be wondering why they voted for him to enter the United States Senate.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Christine & Thomas Engagement Photos in Provo Utah

Had a great time with Christine & Thomas at their engagement photo session. They were total super models. Their engagement photos were taking in downtown Provo Utah. The weather was great it actually got hot. It can sometimes be a little tricky shooting under noonday sun, but you can even tell with these two and entire photo session was amazing! ;) Congratulations to you both for you engagement! We are looking forward to photographing your wedding in May at Noah's Reception Center. Oh and Christine's bridal portrait session at Tahitian Noni Gardens, can't wait!

Click images to enlarge
engagement photography utah
engagement photography utah
engagement photography utah
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo
Engagement Photos in Provo

Monday, March 17, 2008

Alexander’s of Hilton Head: Don’t Bother

The only pretense that Alexander’s of Hilton Head Island has of being a fine dining restaurant is its overly inflated prices and white table clothes. Everything else about it screamed banal. I was so disappointed in this experience that I have to vent my spleen bashing them. To be slightly fair, I don’t know if the fault lies with the restaurant or with the concierge at the Hilton Resort who sent me there with the promise of a delectable experience. Obviously, the word “fine” is relative.

To start with, the place was loud and decorated with motorcycles, boats, and stuffed fish. The waiters were dressed in jeans and Izod shirts. I had the pleasure of being placed along the route the staff took from the kitchen to the back of the long restaurant. At one point a waiter with a three-foot square plastic container filled with glasses waddled perilously close. Another waiter came zooming by with a two-foot stack of plates. The best however was the large group of teenagers in baggy clothing that filled up my tiny alley waiting to be taking into a thankfully distant room. This harried feeling was magnified by my waitress. Her brief visits were punctuated by rapid-fire dialogue in which my empty plates were persistently ignored.

Dinner consisted of a decent salad of bagged field greens, croutons, and one fourth of a tomato. It came with two dressing options, a creamy Parmesan or a vinaigrette. There was good sourdough on the table with spreadable butter. My entrée was a filet Oscar for $38.00 complete with crabmeat, hollandaise sauce, and green beans, carrots, squash, and a tropical flower. It normally came with potatoes, but I asked them to hold those and they brought out extra veggies instead, which was fine with me. The filet was cooked as I ordered it and was tender. I had never had a filet Oscar before and don’t know if I would order it again. The hollandaise overpowered the crab but was a nice addition to the veggies on the side.

Alexander’s stylizes itself as a restaurant for wine lovers. If you enjoy a particular wine, its associated liquor store will sell it to you. I was disappointed with the selection by the glass however, and the waitress brought out my wine in one of those glass measures and dumped it into my glass at the table. I hate those measuring cups. Restaurants that use them either do not trust their bartenders or they are stingy. When I order wine, I want to imagine that I am special and that my evident taste and refinement causes the management such paroxysms of joy that they give me an extra ounce. Actually seeing the bottle from which the wine is poured is an added benefit that happens far to infrequently.

Overall, Alexander’s is way over priced and very limited in its menu. I was much better off at Crazy Crab, which stylized itself as what it was, a touristy spot that served mountains of seafood at relatively reasonable prices.

the softies kit

i'm pretty late in announcing this... dear therese has a new book out!


it's her new "the softies kit" and it's now out and available on amazon! inside this new softies craft book are 15 selected fun softie projects from the previous softies book, except now that it also comes with some felt, floss and etc.! actual materials you'll need to start on making 'em!

think you were clueless about getting the materials for the projects in her first book, softies?
well, no worries for this new one! (^____^) so if you didn't get the previous softies book, maybe you'll want to get yourself this!

in therese's own words - "I had such a great time putting this book/kit together. I *love* all the projects and I REALLY love that the kit makes such a great give for beginner softie-makers - many of the projects are pretty easy, all are fun and if you're just starting you don't have to worry about where to find the supplies to make one and get your feet wet in this world."

yeah! hooray, and congrats to you, therese! xoxo!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


this post was suppose to be sharing with you my thoughts on the many crafting business tips super talent jenny hart has so generously shared through venus magazine, but i guess i'll do that up later...
have a friend over now, he's waiting for me very patiently (and amusing himself with my bandit the racoon, could you please stop harassing him, tsk.) to finish up work so we can go for lunch. j, who has his business in indonesia, just commented, "wonder what will happen if i decided to just stopped doing what i was doing now and pull out from indonesia, move back home. i don't think i could do that to my workers at this stage, what will they do? i feel like i owe them, for going through the starting stages and difficult periods with me, ya know what i mean?"

i know just exactly what you mean. and i feel exactly the same way too.
my mum once told me, she wasn't working so much for the money now, than it is to help her friends and employees stay employed.
life goes on i guess, but not for many people in different countries and situations..

Fall River Road Reservoir Snowshoe

Distance: 6 miles RT
Elevation: 9,580-10,810 ft
Elevation Gain: 1,230 ft

On our last two snowshoes to Summit County we have been stopped at the Eisenhower tunnel. We could not tell if there was an accident, hazardous cargo, or the whim of some whacked out CDOT employee causing this new phenomenon. The eastbound tunnel was closed then reopened, then closed, and then reopened etc. in a twenty-minute cycle designed to bring maximum road rage to all the cars and trucks clinging precipitously to the steep slope before the tunnel. We swore not to get stuck again and so opted for a trip on the eastern side of the divide. Trails on this side of the mountains have the advantage of avoiding traffic but have the disadvantage of less snow and more ice. Fall River Road was no exception.

The trail head starts at a sharp turn in the road around 6.8 miles, according to our guidebook, up Fall River Road. Note that this is the second sharp switchback and the distance, at least according our odometer was more like 8 miles. There is a large house right at this turn and cars parked willy-nilly along the road. Be advised that parking here is very limited. As it was one of the residents put a note on our car asking us not to park there at all. They should contact the publishers of “Snowshoeing Colorado” if they want deter folks from using this trail. Until it is unpublished, power hounds will continue to show up.

The trail is mostly in the trees with one mountain view around half way up at a switch back in the road. Presumably, you can see views of Mt. Bancroft and Mt. Perry but on this day, everything was enshrouded in clouds. At one point the trail seems to dead end into a wall of trees. At this point go to your left and head up through the trees some more. The trail is increasingly steep here and wind swept. There were quite a few areas of bare road and rock. You can tell by the twisted trees and ice sculptors at the reservoir itself that wind is not uncommon in this area. Lower down we had stripped down to our skivvies because of the warmth. By the time we reached the reservoir, we were fully loaded with goggles and facemasks. Lounging at the reservoir was not on the menu.

There did not appear to be any water in the reservoir and I have been told that the avalanche danger increases significantly beyond it so we turned around at this point. On a nice day, the peak behind the reservoir might have added to the view. On this day it just made it seem that much more cold.

Given the scarcity of views, the militant residents, and the limited snow, I am not sure I will do this trail again. Still, it was better than sitting on the couch eating Doritos.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Francie's Cabin Snowshoe

Trail Length: 4.8 miles RT
Elevation: 10,380ft to 11,264ft
Elevation gain: 896ft

Francie’s Cabin is part of the 10th Mountain Division’s hut system. It was built in 1994 and sits at 11,294 ft. It sleeps twenty in both summer and winter. On this date, low hanging clouds and periodic cascades of snow destroyed the views but not the cardiovascular benefits of the trail.

To get to the trail, head up Crown Drive, which is 2.1 miles from the middle of Breckenridge (Skill Hill Road). Don’t take the new Hwy 9 bypass if you want to track this mileage. Crown Hill Road becomes Spruce Creek Road. Follow this until it dead ends at the trailhead. On the left is the Mohawk Lakes trailhead and sign. Don’t go this way. Continue up Spruce Creek Road itself. You should see track at the far end of the parking area.

The trail begins in the trees and then opens up at the intersection of the Wheeler Trail at 1.3 miles. From this point the trail traverses meadows and hillsides with views to the south. There are two gates to pass along the way. It is 0.8 miles beyond the Wheeler Trail junction to the junction of the Crystal Creek trail, which comes in from the right. You are getting close at this point. The trail makes several sharp turns all the while heading upwards. You can see the cabin in the distance half way up the last slope. You’ll smell the wood smoke long before you see it.

Overall, the trip is not as exciting as many of the other trails in Summit County, and you can not take dogs anywhere near the cabin itself. Because of this we were unable to get close enough to the cabin to report on its layout or interior. Still for something different, it is worth checking out; just leave the dogs at home.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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You can now send a link to a friend of a favorite photograph you like. Simply select that picture within the category and click on the envelope on the bottom right hand corner. You are simply sending a link to that particular picture. Click on each image below to enlarge. Enjoy!
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Wedding in Salt Lake City Utah PhotosEddie & Rosalie

We had such a good time photographing their wedding in Salt Lake City at the Saint Ambrose Catholic Church! The wedding ceremony was really calm and laid back, groom Eddie looked very professional in his Air Force suit and bride Rosalie had a really classy wedding dress. The wedding couple enjoyed the wedding reception with friends and family and at the end every one and I mean EVERYONE tore up the dance floor! We'll congratulations you two!

Wedding in Salt Lake City Utah Photos
Wedding in Salt Lake City Utah Photos
Wedding in Salt Lake City Utah Photos
Wedding in Salt Lake City Utah Photos

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

searchy searchy search

yipp yippp yippee!
the search function at our lil' web shoppe is up! it is available within our shoppe's left side navigational column
you can now search for keywords (e.g. colors) and also a specific price range, within our growing collection!
easy peasy to shop now, for those of you who have been bombarding me with "sweet and cute complainy emails" all these years..... :p
took us so long eh. muahahha
more later! buried in business. busi-ness. busy-ness. geddit... yep.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mike & Mindee Engagement Photos in Provo Utah

Well "Biggie" is finally getting hitched! We got to shoot the engagement of one of Will's friends from high school. Just so you know he is nicknamed "Biggie" due to the fact that he's taller than the rest of us vertically challenged people! So even though we had to shoot on our tippy-toes for most of it, it was a still very laid back fun engagement shoot. They were good sports even though it was freezing in Provo as usually! We're exciting about shooting your wedding & the better weather of June. Well congrats to Mike & his June bride!

Click images to enlarge
Engagement Photos in Utah
Engagement Photos in Provo Utah