Tuesday, July 31, 2007

new designs 07-31-07

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bridals at Thanksgiving Point Utah

When we got to Thanksgiving point it was pretty much pouring right before we were suppose to start Alexis's Bridal Session! We got lucky though and it went to a drizzle, to a couple of drop, to the sun shining right before it set. Actually all in all the weather wasn't too bad, definitely not as hot as it could have been. This was great for us and Alexis, since she was pretty warm in the layers of her wedding dress. She did great, tons of smiles, a very beautiful bride! Congratulations on you upcoming wedding, which we excited will be at the Hidden Falls at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi Utah. We are excited to be there!

Click images to enlarge
Bridals at Thanksgiving Point Utah
Bridals at Thanksgiving Point Utah
Bridals at Thanksgiving Point Utah
Bridals at Thanksgiving Point Utah

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Engagement Session in American Fork Utah

We had their engagement session an evening in July, even though it was the time it should have been cooling down it certainly wasn't. Luckily the heat didn't get them down. John teased Katherine that she was being clingy, but after all they hadn't seen each other for OVER A MONTH!!!! They were both fun to work with and open to any ideas. Keep on clinging! You two were great! They originally were planning on having the wedding at the Logan Temple in Logan Utah, but changed the wedding location to the Redlands Temple in warm & sunny Redlands California! So we totally excited to go to California and do their wedding photography!

Click images to enlarge
Engagement Session in American Fork Utah
Engagement Session in American Fork Utah
Engagement Session in American Fork Utah
Engagement Session in American Fork Utah
Engagement Session in American Fork Utah

Saturday, July 21, 2007


My designs?
Since March, 2006...
I’ve chosen what I feel are unique ideas for design & plant availability. My primary focus is on the tank interior you create and the space your pets flourish in.
Through the years pursuing this hobby, I have always been disappointed by the limited “choices” of species and styles available for our tank interiors.

It’s safe to say most people spend a lot of time, money and energy making their personal living space comfortable and attractive. Do most with fish or reptiles spend that much time on their pets tank? Probably not, which is why many tank interiors are likely to not "stop traffic". Chances are also good that the fish or reptiles are more than likely, uncomfortable, within their glass house. I think the tank interior design decision should get an equal share of your personal style and their natural needs.
Just imagine those florescent pink or orange plastic plants in a tank, in your Victorian themed parlor!

Face it, we get into fish & reptiles for one reason-to watch them! They are graceful, beautiful to look at and very unpredictable. With just a few minutes spent staring into the tank, all the stress of the day is gone. Peace is now completely yours.
Rest assured, they will certainly appreciate them as well!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Creative friends and a bit of gardening....

I received a lovely little package in the post from my very special friend Alison for my birthday. She made these beautiful coasters by hand and I just love them. Thank you Al, what a sweet and thoughtful surprise! She also sent me a card that happened to have one of my favorite plants on it from home, a Dogwood. (Dont know if you knew that Al, but it worked out beautifully!)

As we have yet to have a summer here in England, I am sharing with you some photos from my wild flower field, which actually measures about 15 by 15 feet! It was when the sun peaked out from behind the clouds for a few moments and I hurried out with my camera to get the pics. Most of my other plants have done badly because of the weather conditions this year, but the wildflowers have put on a great show.

This is the patch when we moved in about 6 months ago. It had rubbish laying around and it was full of COAL!