I received a lovely little package in the post from my very special friend
Alison for my birthday. She made these beautiful coasters by hand and I just love them. Thank you Al, what a sweet and thoughtful surprise! She also sent me a card that happened to have one of my favorite plants on it from home, a Dogwood. (Dont know if you knew that Al, but it worked out beautifully!)

As we have yet to have a summer here in England, I am sharing with you some photos from my wild flower field, which actually measures about 15 by 15 feet! It was when the sun peaked out from behind the clouds for a few moments and I hurried out with my camera to get the pics. Most of my other plants have done badly because of the weather conditions this year, but the wildflowers have put on a great show.

This is the patch when we moved in about 6 months ago. It had rubbish laying around and it was full of COAL!