Thursday, August 10, 2006

So many projects, so little time...

To the few people who may stop by to check out my "blog", I do apologise for not writing sooner. Our website has been keeping me so busy lately and along with the kids summer holidays, there seems to have been so little free time to write and create!

About a month ago, I made a little skirt for the childrens section on my website but I have barely had a moment when I could get Georgia ready to take some photos and when I did have the time, the sun refused to shine! ( that 10 hot,sunny days we had must have been the whole of our summer and yes, i was counting.)

I had some leftover fabric from a pair of curtains I made. It is my favorite "new" fabric of the moment. I made a simple skirt with an elastic waist and lined it with dark green muslin. The muslin is just about an inch longer than the top floral layer so that you can see it just peeping out from the bottom. I think its quite sweet.

Unfortunately, the day is so cloud covered but I thought I would just have to try to take the pics because the weather forecast shows no signs of sun in the near future. The fabric has proved difficult to capture in its true color but it is close, though maybe not a warm as it should be. Bye for now...

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