Saturday, August 26, 2006

A day at the hairdresser....

Well I finally did it. I made an appt. with the hairdresser to have my awful hair colour sorted out. I went there on Thursday with george, we both had our hair trimmed. Normally I hate going to the hairdresser because they never do what I ask. I guess it is difficult for a 20 year old to know what I mean when I use descriptions like "Early 50's Marilyn Monroe", or " 1970's Farrah Fawcett" or "1940's Lauren Bacall" or whatever my latest idea may be.

I have had a dreadful colour on my hair for awhile, I was trying to get it to just the right shade with home dyes and it wasnt working, so I bit the bullet and asked for an appt. the following day for a colour with the description of "mousey brown with lots of very, very natural highlights, and no matter what you do, please, NOT like that Victoria Beckham".

The young lady did a great job. I was there for about 3.5 hours, but it was really worth it. After I got home, my mom popped online to see how it went and george and I took a couple pics of ourselves with the webcam to send to her. Thought I would share a couple because it's nice to know what other bloggers look like!

Bank Holiday Monday will take us off to a great big boot sale here in Salisbury at the race course. They only have this sale once a year and always at the same place. You have to pay extra to go in before 9:00 but paul and I have decided to pay the bit extra and do that this year as all the good stuff is usually gone by the time we get there through the traffic. Hopefully I will soon be posting with some of the goodies we find there. If anyone is near Salisbury, you should try to go, it is usually a fun time!

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