Wednesday, May 17, 2006

everything's blahhhh...

nothing has changed since i last asked you to slap me

now i need a "wake-me-up" slap as i'm spacing out while typing this...

i've had to change yet another new sewer, who screwed up a whole lot of bags... i just feel like giving up nowadays, my mood really sucks... i just feel like sewing every single gawd damn thing by myself, and make people wait months and years for their orders, and take decades to re-stock and put up new stuff. i'm such a drama queen... it sounds like i should be enjoying an annual turnover of a million bucks (or so my pal sarcastically said to me today) but no! i'm actually kinda broke!?!?! i miscalculated and over-splurged on supplies last month... sob!!!! so now that i've almost no bitchy hate emails to deal with daily, since most of my inventory is updated and not sold-out sooooo easily (bleh) i've new problems to deal with, gawd damn sewers...

did i mention that my tanktop sewer suddenly died of a heart-attack about 2 months ago? i don't remember... anyway, everything's still stuck... stuck stuck stuck stuck. shit. and i've new fabrics in the warehouse, waiting waiting waiting waiting. fuck.

these are all old problems, but i just feel like digging up all the dirt and pouring it onto my face. why? because i'm sick and psychotic like that. yesterday i dreamt of an obnoxious owl sitting on treeling, laughing at me, for gawd knows what reason. so i've decided to make an owl plush. new mogu plushes will be ready soon too! i feel happier dealing with plushes and stuff, than trying to be nice to bag sewers who screwed up my orders....

what else makes my day? nice emails, nice text msgs, and nice packages. i did a swap with yet another portugal flickr fwen, love the package of wonderful handmade surprises!! thanksss vanessa!! everything was nicely packaged and tagged and such, just delightful to open!

and then, a fabulous swap with biggerKrissy!! now i've a biggerCritter, my new fuwwy fwen who's joining with all the other fuwwy and softy fwens in my room... i promise to take a cute group picture soon, when my time and mood permits...

i also did a custom fishy pouch for a regular-customer-fwen person more than a week ago, i made it happily, she was happy, and now i'm happier.

mao mentioned (again) yesterday that my posts are kinda manic-depressive-like. sadness, low morale, complaints, whinings, outbursts of vulgarities, and then official littleoddforest updates and newsletter stuff, and then suddenly a high of excitement, happiness, !!!!, and outbursts of hoorays... so! i will be setting up a proper littleoddforest updates blog thingie soon, so yeah, you can stop naggin me about it. things will be more professional soon..

end-note: if you see me walking on the street, and you think you know me, please for goodness sake, don't follow me and whisper behind my back and then point point point. it's kinda... scary???? yeah... sheessh...

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