Thursday, December 29, 2005
Hospitals - Having a baby in Spain
On arrival at the hospital, an hour later than my daughter Coral and her boyfriend Ylli, we were told in A&E that we couldn’t go through to the maternity unit. Whilst loitering about wondering what to do, we happened to spot Ylli further up the corridor who told us how to get round to the unit. However, he too had been denied access and had no idea what was happening inside. The unit itself is behind a locked door, meaning you have to wait until someone comes out to be able to make an enquiry about anyone inside.
Coral does not speak much Spanish, so I knew how anxious she would be feeling on her own in there, especially as her labour was quite advanced when she arrived. An hour or so later, a midwife informed us that one of us could go in and see her. She was sitting upright on a chair at a desk, still in t-shirt and trainers with a sheet wrapped round her waist, whilst the doctor informed us that they didn’t have her notes and would have to repeat urine and blood tests that had been taken only three days before. They then gave her a scan, all the while telling her ‘tranquila’ (calm down). Once the tests were complete, we were told to walk down the corridor to a spare room where she could lie down. In this advanced stage, and still with no pain relief, I requested a wheelchair as Coral was convinced she couldn’t walk, but our request was greeted with a withering look that said ‘what a fuss you are making’ – we had to walk.
Once Coral was settled on the bed, I was told I had to leave, as only the father could be present from then on. Although we understood that only one person could be in the room at any given time, we had intended to take turns as both her brother and sister were also there to support her. Very different from the birth of her son in the UK, where there were five of us in the room during labour, and my own births – none of which had less than three present.
Whilst waiting in the most boring corridor on earth, we saw other couples arrive, but only the women were admitted to the unit whilst the men waited outside. I suppose it was like this in Britain many years ago, but we have been brought up in a time and a country where families, and even friends, are involved in the birth of a child.
During the next five hours, no-one came out to let us know what was happening. We tried knocking on the door a couple of times but were either ignored, or told to go away. We were unable to leave the ‘waiting corridor’ to go to the drinks machine or to have a cigarette, as there were so many people lying on gurneys on the way to the exit, that we were told we would disturb them and would be unable to get back in.
Then we heard the screams and knew that a baby was being born. Two Spanish women waiting near us complained about the noise, we told them to shut up. An hour later the baby was bought to the door of the unit but was quickly taken away again. We were told that if we waited another hour, Coral and the baby would be taken to a room on the ward and we could see them. An hour and half later we were informed that it was too late and that we should come back at 9am. When we left the hospital after 3am, we had no idea how Coral was, how much the baby weighed or where they had been taken. I have photos taken at, and directly after the births of all of mine, and my first grandson, but not this one.
This morning Coral phoned and although all is well, informs me that she will never have another baby in Spain. Despite requesting and being denied pain relief, she was told shut up, stop crying and calm down during labour and birth, was made to walk from the labour room to the delivery room 10 minutes before giving birth, and felt that she was treated very badly by unsympathetic midwives and doctors.
Had we been born in a different country, we may well have found the treatment of both Coral and ourselves acceptable. Spain is supposedly a family orientated country, but in this instance the family were treated like bothersome nuisances. Maybe we have been spoilt in Britain, but having had three births of my own, and attended two of others, I am used to a very different attitude. I know there are reports of NHS hospitals leaving people in corridors on gurneys, but I have never seen it for myself. Some of these poor souls were hooked up to monitors and ventilators, and had just been left haphazardly in passageways all over the hospital.
This has been one of the most frustrating and infuriating episodes of my life, and for the first time in four years I wonder what the hell I’m doing here. Despite being the only hospital in the area, it is in need of modernisation, more beds, more human resources - and the staff should be injected with a dose of ‘bedside manner’ - even the ambulances parked outside seem to have only the most basic necessities inside. I now dread the thought of myself or my children becoming ill and needing a hospital. NI, or ‘Autonomo’ contributions are compulsory for self employed workers at 226 Euros per month, which covers health care and hospital treatment, private medical is approximately 550 per year. In order to avoid the likes of Denia hospital, I know which way I’ll be going in future.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
i absolutely adored everything, one of the biggest reasons being, they're all green in color! my favorite color! green! woopppee! which apparently is her fav too! ^_~ great taste in color you have.. heee.. thanksss amy! super adorable chut chut is amy's original creation (for her new label ubermojo which is still in the works, you've to watch out for it!) which she crocheted, and her little pouch has a very nifty thread design! and she was so kind and sweet to have bought me a handmade necklace earring set from her holiday trip to bali... come to think of it, maybe "it" was trying to make its way back to indonesia huh.. lol
hope my chut chut loves her? his? (haven't decided yet) new home... ^o^ kisses
Sunday, December 25, 2005
time to breathe and be merry
i'm TRYING my best to take it easy this entire week, doing nothing, gaining nutrition, and catching up with some very neglected pals. So if you're getting delayed replies, well, you know why... :p and if you're still waiting for your treelings or brooches etc.. well... yeah, wait abit more... *evil!* muahahhaha! hey, waiting abit more is better than if i won't be able to ever sew again yah?? :ppp
and here's my cute gingerbread man, gift from denise! she's so sweet! just one of the many cute little things she prepared for me in her surprise care package! ^.^ i hope you're able to get warm-n-fuzzy up soon!
and the most fantastically designed items from my swap with oneye from netherlands, in exchange for this! i love them so much! she was so generous and her plush is bigger than i thought they were - i got piet, who likes english culture, loves historic buildings, high tea, harry potter movies, fashion and of course britpop. haha! and fabulous gift tags, stickers, a keychain and postcard, all nicely designed and of great quality! piet is now one of my many sleeping buds, we're sort of alike, other than the english culture and britpop thing... hee...
and sat was great! even though our plans to mos (ministry of sound) didn't work out. shit. you should've seen those crazy people queueing up, it was soooooo fucking long! 1km snake long queue... one of my friends queued of 3 hrs before nearing the entrance... that's crazzzyy... plus we were mostly put off by the large bunch of first-timers and "kids" queueing and crowding around there... it was so unglamourous, like m.sultan all over again ppffttt
luckily our plan b to attica went great! dj danny rampling was awesome as usual. b and i went with a new bunch of people (from my side), because we were sick and tired of the we-love-drinking-too-much-and-puking-lots merry bunch of dudes we used to hang-out with (mostly from his side haha)... this time, it's with a bunch of super fun and spontaneous we-love-to-dance-til-we-drop bunch, which was definitely so much better, and healthy for the sick-and-still-recovering me ^.^
it's funny that i got the most presents this year, because this year's holiday is quite a sad one without all my best pals who're no longer staying in singapore...
we don't celebrate x'mas like it should be celebrated (other than treating it as a holiday off work! lol), except for my dad who's christian and goes to church and whatever else he does. but i did prepare a full 3 course meal for him and b, shrimp salad, black pepper steak, spicy tomato pasta, and portobello soup, and apple crumble pie (which i bought, cos... that's just wayy out of my league), and i managed to keep my dad smiling the whole evening, til today! phew. and there's usually very little gift-exchanging unless imposed upon by the company you work at or if you're a christian or something (i'm agnostic, and most of my friends are free-thinkers) or just for the fun of it! which brings me to the next point - i've always loved the warm x'mas feeling i get in and everything superficial associated with x'mas (i'm sorry to admit) - you know, with the lights and decorated streets in town, x'mas trees, x'mas songs, white color, snow, santa claus, rudolph, gifts...
thanks mao! for the huggee stash of vintage fabrics!! you know me best girl *wink* got other cool presents from mel, michelle, lana, jb, shan, meredith and tash *hugsss!* the coolest triple 5 soul purse, a cute little diesel pouch, a vintage necklace, some kinky stuff (??), a luxurious bubble bath set, and a ton of the cutest little items! and my b got me too many things (so did i! hee), but my fav is obviously my new tommy big-ass shades!! hee! smuacks! hope all of ya loved yours too... ^_^
that's too much for now i think... we're off to the pool at my mum's place! hope you're all having a wonderful time too!!
my holiday sampler
i love 'em all! but it's sooo obvious which is my favorite! now, to save up for my japan / chicago / new york / europe holiday so that i can use my fabulous pretty new hat by the very talented pimientanegra! hee! how can you ever want to put on one of those boring ugly mass-produced winter hats when you can get yourself one of these!
Friday, December 23, 2005
happy holidays!
and i got packagesss! yippeee! will share pics soon!
thanks so much for all your concern and well wishes! i'm much better now than a few days ago, after 2 days of 8 hour sleep, some tonic soup, and not being near the computer or sewing machine for much
haha, the joke is, I do have extra help - sewing help - 2 in fact, but i shan't comment too much about the situation, except to say... such help in singapore, good ones, are very very very hard to find. no one skilled would want to work like that, unless they were in some kind of financial difficulty or some older retired homemaker or blah... of course, unless you pay a million dollars per hour or something... no one is willing to sew, or even then, sew for 8 hours straight a day, or at least complete 3 bags a day, or do part-time administrative work (unless again, you're paying a million dollars per hour) blah blah blah.... if not, they would have their own sewing method and would not be willing to learn anything new, saying that it's too difficult etc. (unless you pay... you get the picture...)
so! i'll be making a few calls here and there after the new year, and hopefully am able to get NEW and BETTER extra helpers... we'll see... (fingers crossed) b's mum has actually volunteered to help, but seriously, how can i make her help me sew when she's not in the best of health and she's also helping his sister to do some work (she's also doing something similar, but not quite, long story) and of course, i'm not her daughter but she is, so... no, i can't... unless again, i pay her a million dollars... hahahaha... ok i'll stop
so! i was thinking, some fairies and elves would be good... friends... nay... none of my friends can sew! i think i may have mentioned this before... but yeah, they can help me do post office stuff, but no sewing... plus, all of them have full-time 9-hour-work-days busy jobs with the more than occasional overtime etc. and would rather party and have some drinks or etc. after a hard days' of work than anything else... NOT even if i pay them a million dollars... seriously.. not everyone's like b or mao, who's not here in singapore anymore... sobs
anyways.... hope you're all having the most wonderful holiday time! time-off work! quality rest! parties! drinks! presents! woohoo! and cheers to a fantastic new year ahead! for the world, and us! ^o^
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
orders from monday and tuesday were just mailed out this afternoon, so that's like a minor 1-2 days delay, sorry ya all... and orders made today will be mailed out only on friday, after which there will be no shipping until x'mas is over!
i've to learn to slow down and watch my temper, you won't ever get to see me fuming about stuff, but yeah, i'm one of those who boil internally and have problems expressing unhappiness etc. so for now i guess, it's just heart palpitations induced by
too little rest
too much caffeine and stress
i've to learn to not want to please everyone, i've to first please my own body! wise advice by mao.... i somehow feel that i need to run extra fast to catch up for lost time, for whatever reason, like i'm gonna die anytime soon.. hmm.. i'm still thinking of partying hard this weekend... and there's the new mos too! i must go see! and then there're those wholesale orders still waiting... you see... that's why... i just wanna do it all... so slap me, i'm greedy this way... i'm sorry to have worried you mummee...
i've lost weight again, so gotta fatten myself up this few holiday weeks.. we're planning yet another short getaway.. when? i donno!! arrgghh.. soon, a very soon one i hope... oh! chinese new year is coming early next year too! so another chance to do some fattening, the healthy way of course... i've been losing my appetite these few weeks, so hope a good quality rest will do the trick
i'm happy that i've 9 presents to open under my x'mas tree now ^_^ still more to come i hope!!! mao - i know what you sent, cos the paper is kinda translucent silly girl :p hahaha
Friday, December 16, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
10 mins ago
are you guys serious??? and i was just going to email a few others who had asked to be informed when i'm going to have anymore at all... i'm really sorry... the last week of january i guess... :/
yes, x'mas shoppers ARE CRAZyyyyy... lol
London Realizes Improvements
London will look dramatically different without the Routemaster and I, of course, lament the passing of these well-known symbols, but I won’t miss the unpleasant respiratory distress that frequently gripped me in there – runny nose, shortness of breath and sooty deposits in Kleenex. Those charming Routemasters, many dating from the early 1960s, were perhaps the worst polluters in London. You’d smile to see one approach until you were engulfed in a noxious cloud of haze as it passed.
In the end air quality wasn’t the only reason they are being retired. Another important factor is that their design isn’t very accessible for disabled passengers. New buses are lower to the ground, have wider aisles and accommodate wheelchairs far better. Transport for London is phasing out all Routemaster buses by the end of 2005 except on two so-called Heritage Routes that are convenient for tourists. The Heritage buses will be equipped with costly particulate air filters to significantly reduce emissions.
I recommend that all visitors seek out these rolling landmarks. If you want to experience the Routemaster buses on the Heritage Routes, one operates between Trafalgar Square and Tower Hill, and the other between the Royal Albert Hall and Aldwych.
While the improvements brought by the retirement of the Routemaster buses are yet to be fully realized, another dramatic initiative has already transformed London.
Congestion Charging for vehicles driving in Central London during the business week was championed by London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Citing studies showing London had the worst vehicle congestion in Europe and that drivers in Central London spent half their time stuck in traffic, local government pushed through the technology-based scheme.
Thousand of cameras in Central London record the license plate numbers of every car that drives in the designated Congestion Charging zone each day. Drivers must pay a £8 daily fee by 10:00 p.m. for the privilege of driving in the zone. Drivers may pay online, by phone, by mail, text message or at gas stations and parking garages; if they wait ’til after 10:00, a £2 penalty is added. After midnight the penalty is increased to £100, which they will kindly reduce by half if you pay within two weeks. If you delay another two weeks, they add £50.
As you may imagine, this makes people think long and hard about driving in Central London. With the excellent public transport network that includes buses, underground rail, light rail, boats and taxis, there are plenty of alternatives to driving. Because of this, traffic has been greatly reduced and public support for the program is so strong that London is considering expanding the zone to include Kensington and Knightsbridge.
I’ve seen that these changes are making London even more enjoyable for my clients. One particular benefit that I’m advising them to take advantage is to indulge in one of my favorite London experiences: the best taxis and taxi drivers in the world. The improved traffic flow makes them much more affordable because you’re much less likely to be paying for being stuck in traffic.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
plush rush shoppe
they will be available for sale until 21 jan 2006 only!
also for sale are the very cool make your own plush kits!
and if you're near by, be sure to visit the show at the acme art company, at 1230 courtland ave, columbus, ohio, before it ends this friday 17 dec! (mon-sat 6-9pm)
i think my 3 treelings are all sold, because i can't find them listed for sale there...
1-half person operation... sucks
"i want my order to reach before christmas. please do something about it."
what i got in the email today, 11 days away from Christmas
Monday, December 12, 2005
thanks! ^_^
Check out her online shoppe of handmade goodness too!
The Lantern Books Blog: Olivia Lane
nice year end
- order delivery cock-ups
somehow, the invincible me has managed to fumble on the delivery times for my singapore wholesale orders... long story... but yeah... i hope no grudges or bad marks are born...
- broken down sewing machine
thanks for your kind thoughts! and your offers to help! i'm actually using my old one now, what a joke, i bought a spanking new cool sewing machine to replace my unreliable old one, and now it's this unreliable old one who is helping to save my day...
- production cock-ups
so much hiccups in keeping up with demands and orders! i dreamt that i became a very useful octopus last night... it was kinda freaky but cool... we've been brain storming and discussing about this problem the past week, this can't go on, and there has to be some kind of solution - not mass-produced factory made solution of course! so no worries...
and therefore..
- ill prepared
i had also really underestimated the power of magazine print features.. did i mention? we're in lucky magazine january edition! woohoo! though i haven't seen it yet??? gawd... and also in today's straits times newspaper digital life section! *doing a little ass shakin'* ^_^ more of that later...
- neglected friends complaining
i have been a really lousy and bad friend, and have been unable to be punctual and able to go out for girlfriend dates... i haven't emailed mao for 2 weeks... so sorry babe! have you gotten your package yet?? and i haven't returned steph her tiffin carrier for so long too!!! 5 freaking months! haha, wat a joke, and she stays like 15 mins away from me...
- i cried yesterday
it was actually a pretty funny kinda joke. i just suddenly teared up while talking, just a sudden rush of overwhelming conflicting emotions.. my 3 best pals are all no longer located in singapore... b is a very one-tracked kinda web-coding guy who can't sew, can't cut, can't clean person, and who's just great at coding, giving massages and putting out the trash.. all the manly kinda stuff.. gawd.. haha, and he's left-handed too and all my scissors don't fit him??! wtf man.. i'm sorry for self-pitiance and i already asked him for forgiveness. and of course, all's good.. haha *smuacks*
- congratulations b!
he has climbed up in his career ladder with a climb in very helpful $$ too :p we went shopping for a ton of cool tasteful ties :p because he has to wear one to work everyday and he's feeling like such a grown-up man.. haha
i miss my mum and can't wait to see her during chinese new year... which is soon after x'mas! yippee!
also, i've totally run out of everyone else's promos! every single one! so, send more along my way if you'd like to! ^_^
i promise to update january 2006 with more treelings, wallets, and wooden handle owl totes.. just watch out for them! as you may have already noticed, selected items from us are now available in more stores locally! so singaporeans who dislike buying online, just pop by those locations in town anytime, though i've to tell you first that every store stocks different items from us
overwhelming hard work but overall happy, hope everyone's december is going grreatt!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Telefonica – the bane of my life
Until recently, when you dialled 1004 for an operator, you waited for the electronic voice to say ‘Diga me’ (meaning ‘tell me’ in Valenciano) upon which time you shout ‘Hablas Ingles’, meaning you want to speak to someone in English. Then you get the awful piped music which has been the same for four years - ‘na na na - na na na - na na na na na na na - na na na - na na na…etc, (I think it was designed in the hopes that people would cut off rather than listen to it ) which you could listen to for 10 minutes – only to be found that you are then cut off and have to start again. They have very few English speakers, so the wait can be long. Now it has been changed to a fully automated system where you press 1 for this, 2 for that – but if you don’t understand what each option is saying you can go round in circles for ever – only to be cut off at the end of it.
ADSL is another matter. Any queries must be directed to the technical department where there are no English speakers. If you have a problem, and you don’t speak very good Spanish, you will need someone to make the call for you – or pay Telefonica 85 Euros to come out and check it. This would be a mistake as 99% of the problems are at their end anyway.
With Telefonica the customer is never right. If you complain, they will just cut you off. They have the monopoly and with no competition as yet, they treat their customers very badly. I have worked in a call centre in the UK, where all customer enquiries/complaints are logged, so that anyone else answering a call from the same customer can check the database to see what the enquiry is about and how another operator has tried to assist. Not so with Telefonica, no matter how many times you call, they have no record of any previous calls, or what the enquiry was about. The same enquiry can get you many different answers – none of which are very helpful.
In my business, property sales and rentals, I have to be able to answer enquiries at all times, and have five websites to control, therefore I need an ADSL connection at work and at home. As some areas still do not have telephone lines, even in an established area like the Jalon Valley, I suppose I am lucky that I have it at all, but I have moved home quite a few times in four years and each time the scenario is the same – a bloody nightmare. Now I am moving offices, which probably means I will be unable to work at the new one for the next eight weeks.
First you have to arrange the ‘alta’ and the ‘baja’, disconnection of existing line and reconnection at the new place. You cannot pre-order the ADSL connection, nor can you have a new line until your old one is disconnected. Despite calling 10 days in advance (which is the required time), the line is never disconnected on time, meaning you cannot have a phone line in the new place. You cannot request your ADSL until the new phone line has been installed and switched on (there is a 24 hour delay between installation and a working phone). ADSL then takes 21 days, which in my case has been up to eight weeks each time. Despite the fact that it is a business line, they just take their own sweet time. Meanwhile, you are making endless calls to find out the problem, and each time the operator will give you a different story – it is on, the problem must be your computer – the telephone pole is too far from your house, we can’t install it – we have no record of you ordering it – you cancelled it last week………., the list goes on and on. Meanwhile na na na - na na na, is installed into your dreams and Telefonica brings out the violent side of your nature - even if you don't normally have one.
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
at the crucial moment...
Living in Spain - The Corre Foc
Throughout Spain at any time of year there are many firework displays. Far superior to the type of firework displays we are used to in the UK, many thousands of Euros are spent on any given display and they are magnificent. On top of these, no Spaniard needs an excuse to string up a row of firecrackers – a wedding, a funeral, a birth, a holy day – whatever the reason, firecrackers are a way of life. These are not like our British bangers, more like bombs exploding, which cause your insides to shake with each bang. There can be hundreds attached to strips of rope which are hung like garlands across the small village streets. Often you are given no prior warning, and those who have parked beneath them may end up with a few scorch marks!
The Correfoc however is something else. This is a spectacular display which should not be missed by any passing tourist. These fantastic shows are organised by companies who specialise in theatrical fireworks and travel around Spain offering their services at local fiestas.
Not all Corre Foc’s are the same, the quality will depend on the company providing it, and the amount that the individual village or town is willing to pay.
It is difficult to describe to someone who has never been, but imagine packed streets, with masked ‘demons’ running through the crowds throwing fireworks in all directions, specially constructed Dragons with flames exploding from their nostrils and eerie background music and you’re half way there.
Head projection is necessary unless you like bald patches, and old clothes are advised. Whilst we advise our children in the UK not to play with fireworks – the Corre Foc encourages it. Some are far better than others, and one of the best I have seen was in La Xara, Denia. The show begins by a large bull on wheels being set fire to and pulled into the crowd – move or get burnt! Trying to video it whilst running backwards to get away amidst a mass of other people was not a good idea. However, somehow I managed it without getting stampeded by either bull or humans.
Whilst the bull proceeds in one direction, masked men on unicycles with huge spinning umbrellas wielding lit roman candles are coming at you from the other. All the children gather under the umbrellas, and follow the cyclists, with sparks flying all over them. Bangers are thrown into the crowds and masked men run wildly amid the crowds with spinning Catherine wheels fixed to structures attached to their clothing, whilst people are getting drunk and dancing to ‘Chiuaua’.
After a long and spectacular display lasting around 45 minutes, the street lights are turned off and the people go quiet. A stage, built on 3 levels and 20 ft high plays host to the grand finale. Eerie music is projected from speakers all around, and demons and devils appear on each level of the stage. The whole construction is just one big mass of fireworks as the Corre Foc draws to a close at 2am.
10 minutes later the street disco begins and the makeshift street bars open – now its party till dawn!
Monday, December 5, 2005
my favorite order so far!
you definitely have to check out talented sharleen morco's mmm-fruit, if by some unfortunate luck, you haven't already!
i know 2 people who are going to love their presents sooooo much! *wink* don't worry too, they don't ever read blogs, in fact, they hate the internet, so... they won't catch this delicious picture.. hee
the little handsome fruities are so much larger than i'd expected!! now i know why people think that my treelings are tiny... but in fact, they're not!! note to self: must take pics of treelings with hands in them
great friendly service, prompt replies to emails, very fast and efficient international shipping, great packaging (just like real little fruits all nicely and freshly wrapped up!) and freebies too! this was the ONLY TIME i didn't have to wait like a million years for my order to arrive! it took just 1 week! woo!
i've experienced and observed that many of our genre of online boutiques out there, aren't able to handle international orders as well as they could, even though they do accept international orders and cater to them. shipping internationally HAS to be registered or priority mail, as you call it in america. even if it costs more, let it be an option and charge us, the buyers, for it. i'd rather pay just that bit more to ensure that my package arrives safely, or if not, there would be some kind of compensation, so that either party would not lose out on anything...
also, please let us know when it will ship out before we order anything... because who would want to order 1 small item that takes 2 weeks to get done and another 1 week to ship out and another freaking 1 month to arrive... oh man, that's really taking high-tech business (online) done in the low-tech way (slowness) to the max...
it's sad to say that i haven't received 2 orders so far, and the email correspondences to get something done about my missing orders seem to have vaporised into thin air... hmmm... i don't wanna be a bitch and hanker them for it, so... oh well, just my luck i guess?
anyway... i've decided that i just have to keep one of these cuties for meself!! ooohhh which one... help! ms mandarin orange/ ms ponderosa lemon/ baby nana the banana/ ms georgia peach/ mr fuji apple... gosh..
thanks so much sharleen! you've ended my sad day with a cute happy note ^_^
Sunday, December 4, 2005
other than sat night, it has been the most torturous time, i don't feel like celebrating the whoopping number of sales at all, it's totally weird and screwy. being busy and having lesser sleep is totally making me too unnecessarily sensitive to everything and everyone around me. like my menopausal dad today. the whole situation just pissed me right off to the moon. no rudeness to the elders intended.. but whatever, think what you like. ppfftt..
december has never been so un-december-ish for me... wow, can't wait for 2006...
i believe if someone truly has the intention of helping another person, to the extent of volunteering their help without being asked, they will, should, and must, do it wholeheartedly and 110% willingly and happily. to feel obliged to help, means it is coming mostly from the mind and not the heart. which means you're not doing it to help the other person, you're simply doing it for yourself, to make yourself look and feel good that you've been, technically speaking, "helpful". and that, is fucked up, and that "helpful" person should just stop doing whatever he is doing.
if i've a 100 to spare, i'll spare all 100, if i've 10000 to spare, i'll spare all 10000. don't act around me like some crazy pathetic fool whom i owe my 9 previous lives to. i don't owe anyone any shit, except my wholesale buyers, who have been waiting for their orders, a few favors here and there from some friends, and my mum who gave birth to me.
i'll take refuge in my paradise forest lair in my dreams tonight again... cos the world sucks ass... talking bears are much more fun.
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
driving me-self nutss
in case you ever thought i was slacking away and not replying your emails because i hated you
shoppe update
We've been super crazy in the forest factory, not just fulfilling tons of wholesale orders, but also trying to rush out X'mas goodies for a big holiday update!
In case you haven't noticed, some new items are already up at the littleoddforest boutique!
And expect lots more to come in these couple of weeks! Including brand new love-baboon pouches and also our popular hungry monster pouches, all in new exciting colors! Our applique scarves will be re-stocked in different colors too!
*Christmas Shipping*
International Customers | place your X'mas orders before 10 Dec to ensure that it reaches you in time!
Local Customers | the last day of X'mas shipping is 21 Dec!
*Gift Tags, Packaging & Little Freebies*
All our regular customers know that we always try to pack our orders as nicely as we can, and we always try to include little freebies - stickers, postcards, promo discounts, or buttons etc.
And it's no different this holiday season! In fact, for all orders more than USD50, there will be even BIGGER surprises in your package! In addition to the free shipping of course ^_^
Also, if you mention that your order is a gift to someone, it may just come to you already gift-packed! *wink*
If you have always wanted to get our current range of super-affordable felt brooches but haven't done so, well, there's no better time than NOW! We're going to be doing a little special revamp to our brooches and pins for 2006, so get one while you can now, before we say goodbye!
Although our designs are now available in more stores around the world, you can rest assured that only exclusvie range of designs are available in all the different shops, and our littleoddforest boutique is still the only one carrying our one-of-a-kind designs!
Here's cheers to a smashing year-end holiday and a brand new year!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
etsy featured seller
i miss you mao!... i hope you don't ever decide to not come back for good!! how can you leave me! here! alone! forever! with no yummy bagels and thrift store excursions! waaahh...! well... not unless i'm there too! not forgetting b of course.. he says he's happy to get to tag along...
please don't be spoilt and overspend.. and try to save more $$$ so that you can come back SOONEST to visit me...
okay.. i'm just pms-ing and being alittle emotional and manic depressive... and of course, making you feel bad for leaving me here so that you'll come back soon... heeee...
dada kissies and hugs...
Living in Spain - Bull Running

Although everyone knows of Spain’s famous bullfights, many will not be aware of the ‘scaled down’ version – bull running. Sometimes just as dangerous to humans – although the bulls don’t get killed, this ‘sport’ is something that all the Spanish participate in – from children of 3 up.
Nearly every village or town in Spain has 3 or 4 days of bull running during certain fiestas. For those towns on the coast, it is usually ‘bous del Mar’ whereby a ring is set up on the sea front with a spectators gallery around it. Various objects such as tables and wooden stairs are placed in the middle for those participating to jump on to avoid the charging bull. Alternatively, they can dive straight into the sea – often followed by the bull. The bull is then hauled back to shore by men in small boats with a looped wire on a stick over his horns.
During his time in the ring, the bull is subjected to people throwing cans, poking him with sticks, and crowds running within the ring waving their arms, shouting and generally antagonising him. Each bull has to endure this for between 20 – 30 minutes (depending on how often he is dragged from the sea, during which time there is a delay in the ‘entertainment’).
Below the spectators gallery is an open area with bars wide enough apart to let the ‘bull runners’ in and out. Unfortunately, these bars are also wide enough for the bull to get his horns through. Every year there are serious injuries as well as fatalities, and this year was no exception. Local papers reported a young British girl on holiday who was tossed around by a bull from within the confines of these ‘safety’ bars and seriously injured. The same report mentioned that an enquiry was being made into the death of a bull by drowning. The safety of the bull is of high importance - those participating are not allowed to grab the bull by the horns, even to protect themselves from a head on attack – yet these animals are clearly terrified during their time in the ring.
In the villages it is different. Usually the main street, or ‘plaza’ (town square) is blocked off and

During a bull run in La Xara, where our apartment overlooked the main street where the fiestas took place, I caught on video a fully grown bull totally demolish a cage where about 50 people were standing. These cages are built pretty solidly and each pole is bolted into the ground, but a couple of head butts from a strong bull and they collapsed. These same people who had previously been terrorising the bull were now terrified themselves. Fortunately for them, the bull was trying to extricate himself from the bars, which gave them time to take shelter elsewhere.
In Jalon last year, one of the village men who was said to be a professional bull runner, was gored to death and out of respect the remainder of the fiesta was cancelled. However, this year they continue to run bulls.
When their time in the street, or ring is over, the bull is collected by the mother bull who is lead out by their owner. On spotting this mother bull, the bull will run to her side and follow quietly back to the holding pen.
These bulls are magnificent animals, apparently cared for by their owners like gods, but they are dangerous animals and no one should be surprised that those that choose to run with them may well get seriously injured or killed. The Spanish, as well as many foreigners appear to ignore this fact and are shocked when people get hurt. I have seen children knocked over by baby bulls, adults tossed around in the air , and a teenager gored through the stomach, yet I rarely attend these events. When a bull gets hold of someone, he doesn’t let go but continually tosses them or head butts them until others step in to rescue the unfortunate victim. Anyone who escapes a near miss, or even a hit, is classed as a hero just like the bullfighter, and it is seen to make the boy a man and a man a god. (I use the term ‘man’ loosely as young girls and women also run with the bulls).

A teenage boy being subjected to an attack. The bulls horns had punctured his abdomen in several places before the bull was distracted from his victim and an ambulance crew arrived.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
little odd forest™ is the first of a series of holiday gifts to be featured in's diy - indie giver guide!
hope you're all having a fabulous thanksgiving holiday! (for those who celebrate it, that is)
my fingers have been so blistered and numb for so many days now, if only i can finish all these orders... i can have myself a short short teeny weeny break too... i'll be replying all emails by monday, so if you're still waiting for a reply... please don't fret! what's up with this asap world today... asap everything... including email subject headers starting with "reply to me asap!"... just makes me NOT want to reply to you asap... haha! evil grins
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
my felt brooches and pins
new improvised exclusive designs of the same critters and also new ones , will be introduced in Jan 2006, with more exclusive prices because the range will all be numbered, with more design handwork involved...
i'm so burned out... back to work...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
i've no deep rooted hatred for every single mass produced item, hell, i buy ikea stuff and topshop's plain tanktops like no one's business.. but to make such statements about me not being able to do anything about it if he decides to rip off my designs some day... is just.. ????????? yes...
also, i just have to say that far east plaza is getting to be so annoyingly sad nowadays, i can't seem to avoid small brand design rip-offs whenever i've to drag myself there for some work related shiat... there're even a couple of switchboarders' design which have been copied outright, from label to print design on the tee.. i'm so glad i've decided to stop retailing there, for now at least
on to other bad news... i have officially lost 3 packages i've been expecting - 2 from the united states and 1 from the philippines. a present sent to me from the philippines from my dearest aunt millie, which had arrived in singapore post office safely over the weekend, was actually missing the monday morning they had to deliver to me. i even had to file a police report in order to claim back some monies as compensation. it was so obviously an inside theft job, someone working in singpost looking for an early x'mas present i suppose. fucker!
i had also ordered a plush friend from more than 1 freaking month ago and yup, nada!!! aarrgghh!!! heidi was kind and sweet to offer a refund or replacement, i haven't decided yet - it's so hard because she ain't making anymore of the plush friends! SOB! and j was so sweet to send me a whole package of vintage fabric and buttons he has so nicely rummaged for me from chicago thrift stores and it's been 6 fucking weeks!!!!!!! it's not the compensation i want, it's those STUFF i want!!!!! @#$%&!!!!!
now i've made myself to worked up to continue with my brooches bulk order. grreat.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
"hahaha, you're so young and so wet behind your ears. what is so special about your products? so what if they are all your so-called tenderly handmade and limited editions or one-of-a-kind? i can just buy a sample from you, give it to a factory in china, mass produce it in tens of thousands and at the cheapest prices, with the best factory workmanship and quality control, sell them like hotcakes and earn so much for profit for so little effort, and there's nothing you can do about it... you've so much more to learn, too idealistic and naive to make it in this industry, like so many of your generation today."
just interested to know how you would respond to that...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
afw 2005
you may see the transformation here...
the fair went pretty well for us greenhorns, regardless of the negative publicity of the fair towards the end of the exhibition (that was a real pity). we got to learn and absorb so much, the ton of constructive and positive feedback and responses... it was really incredible! i'm so glad that we didn't let the cost turn us off when we were first approached to participate in it, and probably because we were the younger participants, many people there were very open to talking to us, telling us more, and advising us about certain things - especially our friendly contractor tai-chi dude, the super nice label guy from taiwan, and many many other ladies we met ^_^
we were also pleasantly surprised with surprise visits from some of our very dear customers, and from lana and gang, david, corina, shan, and lisa (even tho you came when my booth was already totally dismantled) mao! i really appreciate your overseas call... you will be reimbursed! i promise! hee..
it was really weird when i saw the dude that interviewed me like a million times who made lots of strange claims and requests over and over again, when i first came back to singapore from chicago, and that was my first design job interview. he was in the very same pair of pants and shoes he was wearing in all the many days of my interview, and also at the fair, twice, (the color i shan't mention because then some people in the industry will already know who i'm talking about! :p), since i saw him on 2 different days of the fair... wowee... i'm keeping my thoughts to myself
you were right, lucia, my little things did sell like hotcakes.. i'll email you detailss of the fair, both you + amy! ^_^
Living in Spain in winter
Everyone knows the benefits of living in Spain - the healthy climate, warm weather, sun - sea - sangria - etc. For those intending to relocate, you should also be aware of some of the negatives which very rarely get a mention before making that final decision. Obviously for me, and many others, the pluses far outweigh the minus's or we wouldn't still be here - but it is sometimes difficult to remember those when you are sitting in the dark and cold at night because the bad weather has caused a power cut and you have run out of gas or logs to keep warm.
The majority of older properties do not have central heating, relying on the wood burning stove to keep warm. However, coming home from work and clearing out last night's ashes, bringing in logs, building and lighting a fire, is a tiresome chore. Depending on where the fire is located in the house, it will generally not be enough to heat the whole house anyway. Even if you are lucky enough to have central heating, this will most likely be fuelled by gas bottles which are quite expensive, and you may well run out of gas before the delivery is due.
Then you have the Gota Fria's to cope with, which literally translated means the 'cold drop'. It is actually a torrental downpour that can last for days without stopping. Within 15 minutes, roads can become inpassable with cars stopping dead in their tracks. Mud and rocks slide down from the mountains all over the roads, there are power cuts which can last several hours, satellite TV disturbances, and public transport grinds to a halt. Spain is not prepared for winter weather or rain. The same 'inconveniences' occur during a normal storm, which although are generally short lived, will still cause an amazing amount of distruption. Last year we had a heavy snow shower in Jalon meaning no-one could get in or out of the valley for over 24 hours.
Living in Spain in winter can therefore be cold, wet and quite uncomfortable at times. Many permanent residents go back to the UK in summer because of the heat, but me - I would go back to the comfort of central heating and 24/7 services between November - March if I had the choice.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
all things cute
you should go check out her very cute online shoppe and her cute stuff!
updates and of course photos!! of my experience at the afw coming up... drama-mama...
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
email issues
please provide me with another email address via which i may reply to your queries. i have been replying to all your emails since last month, with our main email accounts, with my gmail accounts, and also my yahoo mail accounts, and yet you haven't received any of them! i'm not deliberately trying to not answer your emails or anything like that, and i'm very sure there's nothing wrong with all my email accounts. so please try to use another email account when you read this. thanks!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2005
by request
Asia Fashion Week 2005
- 8 - 10 November 2005
- 10am to 7pm
- Singapore Expo Hall 2B
For trade visitors & professionals only.
Minors below 16 years will not be admitted.
Admission to the exhibition is free and is by registration only.
You may register on site during show days or you may wish to pre register using Pre Registration Form available online. All admission badges will be issued on site during show days at the Pre-Registered Counter.
Open to Public - 10 November 2005
S$ 10 per admission
Dress Code
All visitors must be properly attired. No shorts or bermudas and slippers are allowed.
meanwhile, crawling back to the forest factory...
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
bye for abit
as usual, piling pre-orders (i wish i was an octopus, though i've just started hiring an extra sewing help occasionally) and things are also flowing quickly, aided in part by our birthday month and free shipping of course! i feel like it's x'mas already, with all the discounts i'm giving away... HO HO HO!
so it's all good, except, i'm not updating the store as much as i'd like to. i've been so pre-occupied, together with b, with the afw and many other stuff all coming at the same time. ever wonder why that always seem to happen without fail
there are actually new stuff ready to be uploaded to the boutique, but they're to be displayed at the afw 2005 trade exhibition first, sooooooo there will be craaazzyyy updates after the 10th! hmm... let's make it the 12th, give me 2 days off at least... expect lots of brooches!!! bagsss!!! yippppeee!
anywaysss, the afw is open to public on its third and last day, 10th nov. i think there's an entrance fee of SG$10. so anyone who's feeling like the expo is not god-damn freakingly far away and feel like parting with 10 whole bucks (ha!) scoot on down! and say hi! lots of established brands etc. and the greenhorn littleoddforest.. bah...
in any case, pictures will be taken and shared on flickr ^.^
other news...
a lesson learnt - i know that photography is really important for web stores, but this is really too much of a difference! some items which have been selling slowly (due to bad photography i gather :p), i re-took a whole bunch of their photos a while back, and hey presto! hotcakes! selling out! phew!
some very kind mentions, one from the netherlands and another from a sweet customer!
i never knew i'd get to say this.. but some friends i got to know online know me better than my "real" friends, how freaky is that?? not you, mao and b, of course, you guys are still theeee best! a big shout out of thanks to karyna, shayne, amy and lucia! you've been my pillars of support and help. and there are really some very very sweet customers out there who drop me nice emails every now and then too. i'm very easily touched by little things like that and love exclaiming in joy and annoying the shiat out of b by my repeated exclamations.
i've also been offering to accept promos from fella indie designers and crafters over at lj and the switchboards forum, anyone from here can also just drop me an email if you're interested! so expect little promos from other websites in your orders soon. won't you rather support all things made with love, than by some disgruntled robotised factory sewer in part of a big production line..
til the 12th.. byes!
Friday, October 28, 2005
It doesn't always work out that way. In that time, I have seen more friends forced to return to the UK than remain. 90% have not gone through choice, they simply cannot afford to stay. Many start businesses that fail (although many do succeed), and others cannot find work. Most jobs here require two, if not three, language - and bar/restaurant work is the privilege of the young.
I have rented more than a couple of properties to people on a long term rental basis, where they signed an 11 month contract and left after a couple of months due to being unable to find work.
Living in Spain can be idyllic for those with money or the retired. They probably do not see how difficult it can be for the rest of us. I never worked so hard, or such long hours in the UK, but I made the choice and have no regrets.
A single parent with two children of 12 and 13, I came to Spain with a well paid job working on the internet and rented a 4 bed apartment for 300 Euros a month whilst both children attended local Spanish school. Now? Struggling to run my own business and paying 900 Euros a month rent + bills, and office rent + bills, and staff, advertising, private school fees.. the list goes on. Why? Sometimes I don't know - must be the Jalon wine.
Working in Villa Rentals made me realise there was a huge gap in the market for a good property management service, so I started one in 2002. At that time business was great, my website was number one on all the search engines (probably because I had no competition for that particular key phrase 'property management spain'), and I was optimistic about the future. However, now the world and his wife are offering these services - mostly couples working illegally from home - and I have seen many websites springing up, many blatant copies of my own which took me months to write.
So many things happened and so much changed during this four year period that I started writing it down - all the little trials and tribulations that you never read about in books written about life in Spain. For instance, did you know that in the small villages striking up a conversation with a married man almost gets you burnt at the stake? Nor did I, I thought he was just being friendly. At this time, I was the only Brit within the village (although some lived in villas outside), apart from one girl who had been there 13 years and married to a Spaniard. Ignorance is not bliss - there is a strict code of ethics in some of these villages that remain predominantly Spanish, one that has to be learned as you go along.
Living in Spain is definately changing for the better as more foreigners relocate. You can now buy chicken without heads, feet and insides attached, women aren't frowned upon for walking into a bar, and I probably wouldn't be hissed at for talking to married men. My 'diary' has now been published as an ebook - Moving to Spain, a true insight on living in Spain permanently.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
i've suddenly gotten at least 5 emails asking me what's wrong.. so sorrryyy!!! no intention at all of leading you on and wasting your time...
so nothing's wrong, and all photoshoot items have been removed.
hope you'll all find something else you like! at my online boutique of course.. heh
looks like everyone's eagerly anticipating free shipping week!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
south asia earthquake appeal
go here -->
read about it here -->
help and donations have not been coming as fast and as much as it is needed for this earthquake. just because media coverage has not been as fervent with regards to this earthquake, compared to hurricane katrina or last year's tsunami etc. does not mean that this is less serious, of lesser importance, or that the victims are in less dire straits. in fact, they need it more, being in a developing nation and all, as winter is setting in and many are still cut off in the mountainous regions.
littleoddforest and family will be donating a portion of our october earnings to south asia earthquake victims, so please help to do your part as citizens of economically better-off nations
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
it's almost a year
just 9 more days to birthday in little odd forest! (funny how i never did announce my own birthday here.. hmmm...) which means it's just 9 more days to free shipping for just one week! don't miss out on this chance! ;)
plush rush
Monday, October 17, 2005
pleassee wait!
and i'm doing my best to answer all emails that require urgent replies!!
pplleeaseee wait abit more if you're still waiting for a reply from me! i apologize for having only 2 hands and one very tired-after-great-holiday-don't-wish-to-be-back brain... my engine's starting up! i promise!!
i was also very touched and was close to tears to read some very nice emails waiting in my inbox, other than those asking impatiently for re-stocks and new items 0(-.-)0
i'm working on ALL of them, all!! i swear!! emails, sewing, designing, processing orders, exhibition, ordering supplies, swaps, ALL!! every single one!
expect lots of website updates these coming weeks!!
i plan to retire in a nice little cottage in a forest with cute little furry animals that talk, with a beautiful beach just near by, and quaint little family-owned restaurants with delicious food cooked with their hearts... and my own vespa scooter...
Saturday, October 8, 2005
breast cancer awareness month
jen at is donating 10% of all sales in october to the susan g. komen foundation, in honor of breast cancer awareness month. show your support if you can!!
okay people, i'll be off to visit my mum, have a little island retreat, and doing some crafthings supplies shopping next week. the little shoppe will still be open, of course, and orders will still be taken, just that, there will be no shipping from wednesday onwards, because my part-time help is only available on mon + tues. all orders from wed onwards will be shipped on the following monday, so it's just a 3 working days delay ya ;)
oh, about the fashion trade show, it's my first time doing this sort of thingie.. and i'm feeling like such a greenhorn.. i was approached by the organisers to participate, it's a b2b fashion trade show that's not open to public and only for international buyers and merchandisers etc. it's stated that fashion tv will be covering the whole event, and blah blah blah exciting facts and there's a who's-who list of international fashion vip guests..
and so we dumped in a huge sum of money from our very tiny financial pool, it was bloody expensive! and doing up the booth is more $$$ too! yeah, for us small fries at least ;p it was as much as opening a little brick-and-mortar boutique in a relatively affordable place in singapore.. but just to gain the exposure and experience, i hope this excuse justifies the costs though.. anyways, i'm not very sure this exhibition was suitable for littleoddforest, because we are not all about fashion. we're more like a life style or name, and much more than just fashion? the thing that sucks was i don't think we're allowed to display any non-fashion related items, like our huggables and home decor etc. we'll see how i can sneak those in ;p
i just don't want to think about it for now, because there seems to be so many papers and forms for me to fill up, so many nitty-gritty details to finalise about our booth space and blah blah blah. i get really annoyed trying to set aside some time from my already super over-packed schedule to do such things. i can give you instructions as to how to do it, but i hate doing it myself.. HA! so my so-called "business-partner" b is chipping in with some things (half my headache is slightly lightened.. thanks! *hugs*)
chicadecanela! how was your experience?? i read that yours was open to public right? did you have a great time??? i loveeeddd how your booth looked like! it's sooo you!!
i'm an overgrown kid, i just want to smile, be nice, make friends and know more people.. but it's giving me this impression that the whole event is going to be bloody uptight, "professional", snobby, boringly-adult-like and freakingly formal... littleoddforest is NOT like that at all.. sigh
oooh lynda.. you need a wake-up slap again
Friday, October 7, 2005
wat's been going on...
- website renovations
- finishing up a slightly delayed wholesale order of a ton of bags and brooches
- designing a new batch of printed totes for printing
- sewing 2 custom orders of treelings
- trying to replenish my treelings
- furiously sewing brooches til my hands are sore
- working over $$$ details, the big evil
- stressing over asia fashion week trade exhibition
- promotional poster design
- promotional banner design
- brochure design
- booth design
- pissing off my dad
- tidying up work stuff before i leave for abroad next week, so that my 2 day volunteer assistant knows how to pack and mail out orders on mon + tues - i'll be gone for a week on mon but no one is available for the whole week to help me with orders.. oh well
- getting rid of some "friends"
- getting some fab new ones
- eagerly awaiting some of my product photos by chicago model ann marie (our second collaboration!) and photographer ken erickson
- cursing and waiting for my ladybird buttons to arrive, 2 weeks late... crap
i need to get rid of stuff... LOADS of stuff... books, clothes, shoes, stuff... i can feel my room enclosing in on me and collapsing... i may just have a "rid-my-room-of-stuff" sale... hmm...
Monday, October 3, 2005
it's all good
seriously, it's getting to be kind of a problem, so no more talking about hanging out at my apt, in my roomful of stuff, unless it's the usual group, and no more nicely-put-refusing replies to emails asking for hand-outs either. you're just not going to expect any replies at all. those "friends" were actually just very long-time acquaintances.. you know, those people you've known for ages but have only exchanged superficial conversations with... yeah... and those emails from strangers asking for hand-outs, are just purely bizarre to me... it wouldn't be if it were a one-time thing... the unfathomable thing is, i've gotten like 7 of those emails in the last 2 months...
on to other news...
this is our birthday month!! our very first birthday in little odd forest! 0(^.^)0 and we're celebrating in little odd forest land here with a spruced up look (pardon us for the renovation works going on) and a new boutique/label name ~ littleoddforest! (we've decided to use forestprints design as our main business name) Most importantly, its FREE SHIPPING for all orders made from FRI 28 OCT - THURS 3 NOV! i've also been adding discount coupons and little freebies to orders, as a surprise! also, i know i say this all the time, but really, new items will be up this whole month! so stay tuned! :)
Friday, September 30, 2005
so what do you do when annoymous people just start asking outright for discounts?? at least tell me you're in extreme dire straits and your bag has a hole in it or you need to get a good birthday gift for your sister who's critically ill in the hospital or blah blah blah
and what do you do when people you know just start asking for free stuff and big big big discounts that don't even cover the cost of my materials??? i mean, i do give gifts all the time, but it's really up to me to choose who to give and when to give, isn't it??
how can some people just look at my stock and go "oh! you've so many of those (6 bags of same design but different fabric, which makes them DIFFERENT), give me a few leh.. i like this color and that color in this design. oh i'm sure you can afford to give me a few lah, don't be so stingy lah, you can just sew a few more things to sell what, i'm very poor this month leh, haven't gone for my weekly shopping trip... and i can't sew, but you can! can lah lynda... you're very nice one i know..."
pardon the singapore english (singlish) because that was the way it was said, and to correct it just makes it sound nicer than it should be...
ladies, please... 1 week or even 1 month of no shopping trips WON'T KILL YOU. hurricanes and tsunamis and poverty and stuff like that do!!
i must also learn to not be so easily tempted and enticed... now i'm #$%&*@ broke!! because i failed to get certain details of a business related thingie and be very firm in saying that i'll wait first.. so now that thing better freakin' work out okay and not leave me in big blobs of tears... i'll just have to make sure it works out and wait and see... :(
wat a whole load of rubbish rubbish rubbish...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
happy all round
incidentally, that tote has just sold :D
also! there have been many kind words said of my other baby too, mostly thanks via emails etc. *grateful*, check this out - bag designer/crafter malisonian - has made a pretty red tote using one of the handles she bought!
Sunday, September 25, 2005 featured in harper's bazaar singapore
Thursday, September 22, 2005
tearing eyes...
You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish |
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine. You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you. A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down. But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible. |
ok, so now i'm a girly girl? bleurghh... i like being a monkey or kitty so much better ;p
time for some cold pills... sigh
sniffing away in a daze...
You were almost a: Parakeet or a Kitten
You are least like a: Turtle or a GroundhogDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
SoloTrek TM XFV ®

I want One of These!!
Development History
In the year 2003, exactly 100 years after the Wright Flyer made its historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, another aviation first was recorded in the history books. The world's first exoskeleton backpack aircraft, the SoloTrek XFV (Exoskeleton Flying Vehicle), demonstrated conclusively that its technology was both viable and practical.Over a seven-year development effort that began in 1996, two proof-of-concept SoloTrek prototype aircraft were designed, built and hover-tested by a crack, five-man development team. Three different pilots accumulated 63 flight sorties and over 76 hours of test time while demonstrating stable, controlled hover flight in wind conditions gusting to 12 knots.The original SoloTrek proof-of-concept prototype aircraft was retired from testing in the summer of 2002. Subsequently, it was donated to the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California, where it remains on display to museum visitors.Separately, development and testing continues on SoloTrek and related products with private and government funding. No additional information regarding the manned or unmanned aircraft development programs is available at this time to the public.
Virtu Nokia Phone

Five years ago mobile phones were the latest rage. Today they are a commodity. But there still are ways to stand out from the crowd: Either by refusing to own a phone altogether, or by spending €3500 Euro for a Vertu.,1564,1224156,00.html
Anyone Know a better URL for this phone?
Sony Vaio Visual Audio Input Output?

This Piece of kit looks the biz for all you gadget freaks - shame about the unreliability of the Sony Products I have dealt with.
Sony VAIO U series
VAIO, an acronym for "Video Audio Integrated Operation", is a brand slogan for many of Sony's computer products. The branding was created to distinguish items that encompassed the use of consumer audio and video, as well as being conventional computing products. One example of this was the Sony VAIO W Series Personal Computer, which functioned as a regular PC and a miniature entertainment centre.
(Logo = sine wave and digital 1 and 0)
sleepless rantings
grateful thanks to my 2 free slaves who have been helping me out with some of my bulk orders... my sewing machine is alittle overworked, so have been religiously cleaning and oiling my baby...
we're also preparing for our 1st year birthday in my little odd forest©! woah! it's almost a year!!! expect new changes here and there! and loads of other stuff, can't disclose yet... fully packed schedule.. even squeezing in a short holiday in september..
some new tank tops have arrived!! and in s,m,l and XL!!! so to awesome ann marie for photoshoot again! i miss chicago... i need to be more disciplined in saving money for my trip back, and try not to always end up using a third of what's been saved for smaller things like... short holidays!!! #$%&@^
i promise to update crafthings as soon as i can... stock replenishment is getting done, but zero for photography and editing on my part.. :/
i need a massage.. but my massager's blissfully asleep.. oh well
still need to return steph her tiffin carrier filled with yummy food... still owe mao a treat... waiting for 2 big deliveries and meeting tracey tomorrow...
oh ya.. and to all dog lovers out there... it's so great that you love animals and treat them right.. but please don't spoil your pets, pets like people need discipline too, that's why they're called "domesticated" pets and not wild animals on the loose... do not in your blind love for your pet, disregard your surroundings and people around you, and behave in an inconsiderate, selfish or irrational way... everyone has different preferences, cultural practices and religion... don't expect everyone to love your dog... we love all dogs and cats, but please keep your dog's poopoo and peepee in your plastic bag or somewhere else, not on lana's bag and skirt.. and please, if that happens, do bring out your manners and apologies and at least show that you try to amend the situation... not behave as if we've struck gold and should kowtow to you... i'm sure you'll scream and whack my child if he/she poopoo and peepee on you... "public area" does not mean "dogs are kings here" area...
end of rant... night..
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Private Jet Fractional Ownership

Fractional Ownership is becoming a very popular method of owning expensive occasional use items . These items can be things such as aircraft, luxury yachts, holiday homes. The management of these items is normally done through a management company, and you buy shares in the item.
One of the most luxurious of these items is a Private Jet. Capable of travelling at up to 500 mph, these jets are essential for the businessman who travels the globe. Needless to say, fuel and insurance/permissions are a huge portion of the price of one of these jets, needless to say profit, safety, and wages of all the staff involved. They are however, luxurious inside, and cater for all businessmen.
An interesting point is that the kerosene used in the jet turbine engines is actually cheaper than Chanel No. 5 perfume, and Ink jet Refill Ink. So, things could be worse.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Fast Cars Fun Cars? Look no Further.

Fast and Fun? Well they don't get much more so than this - the Porsche 911 4S. It is a truly beautiful car, and I love the way that it's shape is highly reminiscent of an E-type Jaguar.
With a 3.8 litre six-cylinder engine giving 385 horsepower, and 420 Nm of torque at 4'400 rpm stuck in the back of your car, there is no going wrong. This car is beautiful, and extremely classy looking. Porsche really have created something beautiful here.
It's top speed? 183 mph. And yes, that is fast. And it does 0-60 in an amazing 4.7 seconds. And considering it can do about 35 mpg in a run, you aren't going to run out of fuel soon either. It's price? £73'434.00 GBP inclusive of VAT. That is not something to complain about.
A truly beautiful luxury yacht...

This yacht is the Jeanneau 49 DS. With a wide deck, luxurious cabin, and distinctive red sails, it is not the sort of thing you could hire for the day. These yachts are extremely desirable and are great if you have money, lots of it, and want to show it too!
Luxury yachts can cost tens of millions of pounds, and are sometimes over 100 metres long, looking more like ships!