Sunday, October 25, 2009

Flipping for Judo.(RUSSIA)(Let's Learn Judo With Vladimir Putin)(Brief article).

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Just weeks after Russia's state-run media reported that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had saved a news crew from a wild tiger, he's flexing his muscles again--this time in a martial-arts video. Let's Learn Judo With Vladimir Putin includes instructional, tips from the Prime Minister, who is a black belt, and from a former world champion and other experts. The video will be sold in martial-arts schools throughout Russia. "Anyone who watches this material, will learn not from your humble servant," says Putin, "but from true masters." But the martial-arts studio is not the only place where the Prime Minister has been flexing his muscles: Putin and President Dmitri Medvedev sent Russian troops into neighboring Georgia in August, setting off a 10-day war. The Russian incursion--the first outside its territory since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991--has sparked renewed tension between Russia and the United States and its European allies.

Named Works: Let's Learn Judo With Vladimir Putin (Video recording)

Source Citation:"Flipping for Judo.(RUSSIA)(Let's Learn Judo With Vladimir Putin)(Brief article)." New York Times Upfront 141.6 (Nov 17, 2008): 4(1). Academic OneFile. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 25 Oct. 2009

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