Monday, August 24, 2009

How I Spent My Weekend

There was a storm brewing all weekend here in New York City, but it didn't actually rain until Sunday night. I didn't let the possibility of bad weather break my plans. I ventured into the city on Saturday night for an amazing dinner, great sangria & great company at my favorite restaurant. I took this photo of the dark sky over the city as I drove in on the FDR.

BrooklynThread has received several requests for back-to-school bracelets for little girls for "good luck" on their first day back to school. (Not exactly my target market, lol). If you do have any custom requests for little girls, I am happy to design something cute & colorful for your little girl to sport on her first day of school. This photo is of a few I sent out this past weekend. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

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