second article i'm sharing with you about hiring help.... it's all about that these few weeks i guess!
you won't believe how much time it takes to hire, train, hoping they get it right (if not, close), deciding they can't make it and have to let them go, or they decide it's too much shit for them to handle.... of course, it's so much harder with regards to hiring sewers, but still....
hiring is so much fun... *bitter laugh...*
i've been meeting so many cute peeps the past month, mostly nice ones, some strange ones, and some... ah-hem... yeah. very twilight zoney....
phone rings
picks up phone
before i can say hello...
"eh, you want part-time ah?"
"erm, yes, i'm hiring"
"but it's what ah?"
"err... are you applying for position of sales promoter or admin assistant?"
"so it's 2 lah, hah?"
"yah, but you can choose either or, don't need to apply for both positions...."
"so it's what ah?"
"err, what is what?"
"it's where ah?"
"for the sales promoter, it's in town..."
"so it's do what one hah?
"err.... oh, sorry, i'm afraid the positions have been filled...."
"oh, okay. bye."
i had to lie!!! i just had to!!! come on!!! this auntie clearly can't read the requirements i stated
- "must speak proper english!"
oh dear gawd.
but if help is needed, it's needed. it'll be for the better good in the long run.... it'd better be!!
just like how it's better to hire models/photographers! if you can't get it right yourself ;)
model: Bernadett Bondár
photographer: Balázs Bondár
weekly shoppe updates are in already!
both sales promoter and administrative assistant positions are currently closed!
thank you all so very much for your job applications!
we are looking to hire at least 1 intern to help with daily runnings here @ littleoddforest, at our humble home-office this coming year-end, so please drop us an email with your detailed information - subject heading - I WANNA INTERN!!!
prerequisites are the same as before, except for the "selling" part. and very importantly, you must be able to find joy in mundane tasks like filing invoices!
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