Friday, May 16, 2008

gnomes are the dope

you know that world in my head? i know for sure that this has been subconsciously influencing me and my life choices and molded me to some extent. i love gnomes. i love animals. i don't like humans. i love the outdoors, the woods, and nature. my label is littleoddforest.

as j puts it "kids do stupid things nowadays because they don't have such cartoons anymore"

but.... wassup with all the nose rubbing!!!?? dude!!! i'm so going to have nightmares tonight. and the troll? looks exactly like that stupid obnoxious supplier i met last week. that long big red disgusting nose. lol!!!

off for short getaway with our homecoming pals this weekend!! have been only getting about 4 hours of sleep each night for this entire week... (x ____ x)
and it didn't help that mao was in town and in a strange 1am supper mode... i'm going to force rub noses with you later. hahahahahh! happy weekend, folks! muacks!

p.s. i have so many surprises up my sleeves i'm almost gagging on all of them! expect new item range! new designs! new purses! new collaborations! and more! soon! i'll be spewing them out slowly, one at a time... give my eyes, my fingers, and my head a lil' break yeah! xoxoxo!

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