Tuesday, April 24, 2007

chattering shopping madness

delayed! yes! well, but better late than never...
so how was girls' day out, so many of you have asked.... well, you should have gone instead of asking moi! heh

if you haven't seen the very few random photos taken by me and my partner in crime for the day, mandy, of an oink production, go here!
LOF at Poppy's Girls' Day Out Party!

we had a great time! well, i speak for myself, or maybe mandy :p
b had a great time only after the event, in the evening, after we had showered, changed, and went out for an actual home party at lana's place... he was so bored he slept in the car! hahaha well, partly also because he was having a slight cold... poor b *tight squeezey for you for being so niceee* and he was again super nice when mandy and i were too engrossed chatting in the car and basically just spacing out with regards to everything else, aka, the direction b was driving, because we ended up in bugis instead of kovan, yikes! he thought i was meeting lisa and steph at hotel intercontinental first, when mandy was suppose to be dropped off first, before we head home for a nice cool shower and then out later... thank gawd for your patience and nice temper!

anyways... i promised my mum a big pressie if sales were good, and yes.. she got her pressie ;)
both our sales far exceeded our expectations! *dances a little jig*
mandy and her very small aspiration for the day.... and me, just wanting to go and do something different and say hi to people, and basically have some fun, which means....
--> forgetting to record sales, not memorising prices in singapore dollars, not remembering discounted prices, not being too bothered with display of our space, having a 1-hour lunch break, and etc... you get the drift. ooppss! :p i was one hell of a lazy relaxed ass that day, i wouldn't have been able to have done it without mandy and b of course!
hey, this is afterall my first "outdoor" kinda selling event since.... 2-3 yrs???

when you put so many fun chatty girls or youngish ladies (whatever you like.. none of the designers/vendors looked over 30!!!) together, you get crazy chaos! sarah of poppy was... awesome. she was super fun and super nice! and best of all, she had a super nice aunt who couldn't stop helping to promote lof and myself to everyone who walked to the front door!!! i would have given her a huge huge hug if not for me feeling sweaty all over... thanks, auntie may!! i hope she likes her new bag...
i officially had no name whatsoever that day. it was just "littleoddforest! your customer is here!" as sarah bellows across the hall....
and mandy baked boxes of baby muffins for me, b, and mr. lye (my dad lah...) haha mr. lye is officially a fan of yours, girl!
and super nice ladies of trioo coutoure, scarlet ivory, dotted line, kooshi, thru the looking glass, and ooi.i.n.c.
and not forgetting celeb of the day, mandy's crazy friend, ang bee hong! she provided the much needed hilarious entertainment towards the end of the day, when things started to quietened down. and she happens to be ex-colleague of steph... how annoyingly small is singapore???? yikes
and yes yes, of course i bought stuff, how could i not?? i got a cute little purse from trioo, and a pretty skirt from thru the looking glass (which i hope not to cut up and make purse out of...haha)

and my dear customers as well. where would i be without you all???
you're all soo cute and friendly in person! so many of you have such an adorable personality. seriously. gosh
as mandy had mentioned, it was like a "meet-the-customers-session" that day...
half the people i said hi to or offered our business card, already had a lof card or was already our customer from either our web shoppe or local stockists... oppss
if i was bolder in person, i would have grabbed every single lof customer who carried an lof bag/purse to poppy's that day and snapped a quick photo.... i'm not usually an initiated-photo-taking-person, unless someone reminds or asks me to... so i didn't even freaking take photos of mandy and me! needless to say... no photos with sarah or anyone else for that matter... yikes!!! lana babe, i'm sorry i'm "soooooo useless tsk tsk tsk" :pppp she couldn't stop harping on it that entire night, until the alcohol kinda suddenly hit her system with full impact :p

to everyone...
thanks so much for taking the time and trouble to come down to shop!
thanks for braving the hot/humid/drizzling weather!
thanks for saying hi to me and buying lof goods! (and dragging your boy down to pay for you as well... hahaha)
and thanks again, mandy and b, for all your help :)))))))

*greatful tears of joy* xoxoxo!

losing a friend....

Dont worry, no one died.

Like many little girls, Georgia has wanted a horse or pony of her own. when we moved into this house, we found ourselves in a "horsey" area. Lots of people seem to have horses including our lovely neighbor Karen. Before we were even moved into the house Karen said that we could come with her to help feed her horse and to visit her etc. The horse's name is Tia. Of course Georgia was in heaven at the idea of having access to a horse every day, she was just a 2 minutes walk over the road.

Karen told us right in the beginning that she was thinking of selling Tia because sadly Karen had been in car accident which damaged her leg and she was no longer able to ride Tia. Tia needed to be ridden and to have lots of attention. George was only to happy to take on this task but she has never had any experience riding at all so she needed to learn everything right from the beginning.

So for 3 months we have been going over to see Tia most days, Karen even gave us a brush of our own so we could brush her ourselves when we went over. We didnt have to go with Karen, we had full access to this beautiful creature and we were loving every moment of it. Karen told Georgia that she could ride her when the weather got better but then she began working a night shift and was very busy so I didnt push the riding thing, I knew she would get around to it when she had the time.

Karen and I went over to see Tia a few days ago and she told me that someone was coming to "see" Tia and they wanted to buy her. I was shocked but I shouldnt have been, she did mention selling her when we first met. Tia needs to be ridden and given attention every day. Georgia thought she would be the one to do this but I imagine that with Karens new work hours, she just didnt have the time and energy to put into teaching Georgia (a complete novice) how to ride and all that goes with that. Still after all this while, George and I certainly have formed a bond with this animal...and George...well I think she actually felt like the horse was hers.

Karen broke the news to Georgia yesterday. To make a long story short, Georgia cried all evening long. It was pretty awful. She never got the chance to ride Tia despite having waited so patiently ( not easy for an 8 year old) all this while. She is heartbroken about it. She has a photo of herself and Tia in a frame by her bed. Looking at it made me cry. It is tough to see your child really hurt.

So, today we went to the toy shop and bought her a toy she has been wanting for ages. It seems to have taken her mind off things for now and I know that she will be fine soon enough. I think Tia is leaving tomorrow. It's been a very difficult decision for Karen and I know she is really struggling about it but tia is going to a lovely place with an experienced young rider. It is going to be a sad parting for us but I feel so lucky to have had this beautiful, funny and gentle creature in my life for at least a few months.

sweet press

style conspiracy --
a blog that showcases independent designers, artists and business owners of color! i'm yellow by the way... ha!

daily candy --
riding on the wave of house of dang, our fabulous stockist in dallas! they actually made a tree in their store for my bags! aarrr!!
*dances a little jig*


female magazine (singapore) --
we made it into their top 45 local and international shopping sites! thanks so much nice editorial peeps of female!

visao (portugal) --
fermento, our awesome stockist in the beautiful city of lisbon, portugal, scored our treelings a big feature spread in "portugal's equivalent of the time magazine", visao! carmo, of fermento, was super cool, not only letting me know about it, but also sent me a copy of the magazine! thanks tons carmo!!

enough helium for me for now.... ha!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

i'm madly in love with you


gorgeous italian green drops chandelier
thank gawd i don't own my own home.... yet....

and you have got to be kiddin' me..... iwood aviator ecodesign wood glasses!!!!!!!
ack! ack! ack!!!
i can't think of anything to not love about this pair of shades.
it's wood
it's name is iwood. as in ipod. itunes.
it's eco
everyone is trying hard to be eco recently, either sincerely, or just plainly for sleazy marketing purposes, but hey, this eco thing above is hard to beat! can YOU make that??? nope. didn't think so.
it's cool
and last but not least,
she and she and she and maybe he, most probably won't have it and won't be wearing it that very same day you decide to flaunt yours at the very cool beach bar
such unbeatable reasons

i'm such a professional bitch

... that i disgust myself sometimes....


Hi there, once again everything sold out - great for you guys but a real pain to have waited for the restock only to find nothing left. please take me off your mailing list



I'm very sorry that you were not able to purchase what you had intended to because they are sold out. Please accept our apologies for the displeasure this has caused you.

I am a one-woman business with only a small group of sewers assisting me in making all our handmade products possible, and some of our more popular items always tend to sell-out faster than we can re-stock them. We have been and are still trying our best to cater to everyone's requests, most of our designs are very limited in numbers because we believe in not mass-producing designs. We also have a waiting list, and these are the people who are notified first once their requested item(s) are available, which also explains why our some of our items sell out very quickly once they are newly listed or re-stocked.

If you're still interested, feel free to let us know which are the specific item(s) you had in mind and we will place you on the waiting list for them. You might also like to note that we update the shoppe at least once every week, and we send out newsletters only when there is a larger update. We hope you can understand that our customers' enthusiastic response is beyond our control.

Your email has been removed from our mailing list, thanks for your subscription previously, and we hope you have a nice week ahead,

Best Rgds,



Friday, April 13, 2007

we're just sheep...

i've no problems with their huge pay hike and see most of the logic

but this is a developed country still without a minimum wage

so before that happens, everything else is plain bull crap

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

2 more weeks to NBT!

don't say you weren't reminded! (^__~)

and i almost forgot to file my income tax.... phew...

Monday, April 9, 2007

fashion is spinach film series

fashion is spinach is having its second screening this coming saturday, 14 april! i heard about its first screening when it was already over and done with (being the super irregular blog-reader me... sigh), and then i've 3 short trips abroad these few weekends, and so i can forget about catching this second one as well...argh! but hey! YOU can! if you're in singapore (^__~)

fashion is spinach film series

go here -- www.fashionisspinach.com
and here -- www.fashionisspinach.com/2007/03/on-with-show.html
for more delightful information!

if you don't already know, "Ms. Spinach is a fashion writer, photoblogger and rampant overspender currently living in Asia. Fashion is Spinach dot com is her blog focusing on interesting design, quirky finds and personal style--just like its namesake book. Sort of."

this second screening will be showing unzipped - "a documentary that follows Isaac Mizrahi as he preps for a big collection and runway show. Tons and tons of cameos, and a great behind-the-scenes look at putting together a collection. Plus! It was shot in the mid-1990s so the fashion concepts are a little ridiculous."

the screening will be at the pitch black, be there from 7:30pm onwards to have some yummy brownies and socialise. otherwise, the film starts at 8.30pm. seats are limited, and ms. spinach recommends that you rsvp her. and you will also have the chance to catch ms. spinach in something pink, bright, and ostentatious. so she divulges. hee

and there's also a raffle prize to give away to the audience! ta-da! a littleoddforest leaf wristlet, in a vintage blue-colored kimono fabric with textural touch. much thanks to ms. spinach who has kindly asked lof for sponsorship!

that's all for now, folks! back to slogging in my sweatshop workshop.... ha!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

indie craft documentary

it has been really hectic recently, i even managed to squeeze in a short 3-day work trip abroad, amidst the work and usual booze and socialising.... and we also welcomed littleoddforest's new personal assistant, belle, who started work on april fools' day! hope you don't find things too crazy to handle, belle!!

i've also been finalising our new spring/summer '07 collection, "renovating" our web shoppe bit by bit, and etc... so sorry if i haven't had the chance to reply your emails... i don't have time to read anything at all... unless it is thrust upon my lap, or face, or... well, you get the drift...

anyways, just a few must-share things again! --->

this is an exciting sneak peak of selected footage from the awesome handmade nation: the rise of diy art, craft & design, by filmmakers faythe levine of flying fish gallery and michaela o’herlihy, who have travelled round the united states filming and documenting the diy movement!

it's also like a preview of who and what i can hopefully expect to see when i make my trip this sept!! i'm so thrilled!! eeppp! now i know more of the faces, and hopefully names!... i'm horrible with names...unless i've sat down for coffee with you for more than an hour stretch...

oh! i loovee the website design as well! do check out --- www.indiecraftdocumentary.com -- for more information!

and more love for lof!

from exponent inspira --

and from unruly things --

i've noticed how more and more people seem to like to do the photo tiling thingie. well, i just pointed out something pointless. nevermind :p

thank you so much for your very kind reviews, you nice online ladies!!! xoxo!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Bluebell woods...

I havent been posting as much as I would like lately. I am still trying to get the last few jobs done in the "new" house and of course there has been the garden to attend to which has been a huge job. Every time I try to get on with a job, I end up wandering around thinking " do I really like that cupboard there?" or " I think I need a different frame for the picture". I think some weird perfectionist qualities are slowing me down so just for a bit of relaxation, I have decided to share a couple short video clips with you.

Its almost that time of year again when the bluebells begin to come out which reminded me of last year when we visited one of our favorite "secret" spots ( not so secret actually). As it happens, this wood is right down the road from our house now. It is so beautifully decorated with little white wood anemones and wild primroses right now but it is also covered with the leaves of the bluebells, billions of them. It shouldnt be long before the whole woods is once again a carpet of the richest blue. This wonderful place also has fields of foxgloves amongst other wildflowers. The video clips are from last year and shows just a tiny portion of this magical place.

Monday, April 2, 2007

new designs 04-01-07