so how was girls' day out, so many of you have asked.... well, you should have gone instead of asking moi! heh
if you haven't seen the very few random photos taken by me and my partner in crime for the day, mandy, of an oink production, go here!
we had a great time! well, i speak for myself, or maybe mandy :p
b had a great time only after the event, in the evening, after we had showered, changed, and went out for an actual home party at lana's place... he was so bored he slept in the car! hahaha well, partly also because he was having a slight cold... poor b *tight squeezey for you for being so niceee* and he was again super nice when mandy and i were too engrossed chatting in the car and basically just spacing out with regards to everything else, aka, the direction b was driving, because we ended up in bugis instead of kovan, yikes! he thought i was meeting lisa and steph at hotel intercontinental first, when mandy was suppose to be dropped off first, before we head home for a nice cool shower and then out later... thank gawd for your patience and nice temper!
anyways... i promised my mum a big pressie if sales were good, and yes.. she got her pressie ;)
both our sales far exceeded our expectations! *dances a little jig*
mandy and her very small aspiration for the day.... and me, just wanting to go and do something different and say hi to people, and basically have some fun, which means....
--> forgetting to record sales, not memorising prices in singapore dollars, not remembering discounted prices, not being too bothered with display of our space, having a 1-hour lunch break, and etc... you get the drift. ooppss! :p i was one hell of a lazy relaxed ass that day, i wouldn't have been able to have done it without mandy and b of course!
hey, this is afterall my first "outdoor" kinda selling event since.... 2-3 yrs???
when you put so many fun chatty girls or youngish ladies (whatever you like.. none of the designers/vendors looked over 30!!!) together, you get crazy chaos! sarah of poppy was... awesome. she was super fun and super nice! and best of all, she had a super nice aunt who couldn't stop helping to promote lof and myself to everyone who walked to the front door!!! i would have given her a huge huge hug if not for me feeling sweaty all over... thanks, auntie may!! i hope she likes her new bag...
i officially had no name whatsoever that day. it was just "littleoddforest! your customer is here!" as sarah bellows across the hall....
and mandy baked boxes of baby muffins for me, b, and mr. lye (my dad lah...) haha mr. lye is officially a fan of yours, girl!
and super nice ladies of trioo coutoure, scarlet ivory, dotted line, kooshi, thru the looking glass, and ooi.i.n.c.
and not forgetting celeb of the day, mandy's crazy friend, ang bee hong! she provided the much needed hilarious entertainment towards the end of the day, when things started to quietened down. and she happens to be ex-colleague of steph... how annoyingly small is singapore???? yikes
and yes yes, of course i bought stuff, how could i not?? i got a cute little purse from trioo, and a pretty skirt from thru the looking glass (which i hope not to cut up and make purse out of...haha)
and my dear customers as well. where would i be without you all???
you're all soo cute and friendly in person! so many of you have such an adorable personality. seriously. gosh
as mandy had mentioned, it was like a "meet-the-customers-session" that day...
half the people i said hi to or offered our business card, already had a lof card or was already our customer from either our web shoppe or local stockists... oppss
if i was bolder in person, i would have grabbed every single lof customer who carried an lof bag/purse to poppy's that day and snapped a quick photo.... i'm not usually an initiated-photo-taking-person, unless someone reminds or asks me to... so i didn't even freaking take photos of mandy and me! needless to say... no photos with sarah or anyone else for that matter... yikes!!! lana babe, i'm sorry i'm "soooooo useless tsk tsk tsk" :pppp she couldn't stop harping on it that entire night, until the alcohol kinda suddenly hit her system with full impact :p
to everyone...
thanks so much for taking the time and trouble to come down to shop!
thanks for braving the hot/humid/drizzling weather!
thanks for saying hi to me and buying lof goods! (and dragging your boy down to pay for you as well... hahaha)
and thanks again, mandy and b, for all your help :)))))))
*greatful tears of joy* xoxoxo!