Friday, March 30, 2007

girls' day out!

girls' day out party fair

organised by | PoPPy Inc
place | 76 Taman Warna (Holland Village, Chip Bee Gardens)
when | Saturday, 21 April - 10.30am to 6.30pm
to be invited | email poppy [at]

products that you can find @ this girly party, held in an aussie/vintage themed house, other than selected and exclusive littleoddforest items, includes handmade and vintage bags, funky vintage/retro themed clothes, accessories, sleep wears, the prettiest lingeries, girly home accents and more!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

sleeping in the forest

quoting chicadecanela --- "I don´t have any time left in my life..." haha (bittersweet laugh)

jerry emailed me something i simply have to share with you in the midst of all the chaos i'm handling now..

ahhhh.... sleeping in the foresty woodlands...... sweet genius... this would for sure rid me of my stress

Saturday, March 24, 2007

taichi nishida

if you're japanese or read japanese, go check out japanese illustrator, taichi nishida's wonderful illustration/design blog!

he loves littleoddforest (^__^) ---

and i'm truly honored and flattered! thanks so much for your kind words and being so polite in asking me for permission to blog about lof! xoxo!

babel translation --
"In the world the many designers and the artist are former times very could not view the work of those people to in spite, but now there is Internet, the many artists announce your own work with your own sight and the like reach, reach to be able to purchase. Well, with such reason, from today series? So it keeps introducing the artist and the designer whom I revere. First, first feature, the designer where I encounter with Flickr, is my little odd forest. Making the bag and the accessory, and the various small article, being to reach, it does, my little odd forest, but as for her "i ' m not a fashion designer, nor a bag designer, nor an accessory designer and nor a whatever. i ' m a Stuff Designer. (as for me it is not the fashion designer or or being the accessory designer in bag, it is. Being able to meet, if you say, mono designer kana. ) "With, it introduces itself. Just you think that it is like the. However something it is good, to focus to one ones, by your those which would like you design. Normally when so it does, but it becomes vague tend what you think that every one those which she makes quality are high, want even with me of the man. With you say, or wanting being something, now which you probably will buy, being perplexed, the place where you think that such her it is most splendid, thinks that there is her color errand. If you look at her Flickr and the sight, you think that it is understood, but the sense for color is splendid. That it is not possible to I, that you say you cannot use easily, you are, you think, she thinks even with the combination of the color which that it has managed perfectly. When that much vivid color is used, when unskillfulness it does, however it becomes vulgar, as for that it is not is consistent and to her work, is beautiful, and is lovely. And not to be harboring lovely, the just a little クス っ it seems that smiles, such it is splendid, mono only. Presently she base occurs in Singapore, has your own work the many people know in order, open the small design company. Then it is not mass production, the heart saw it had, happiness it was plugged, mono it makes, it is. It was the designer my little odd forest whom such a, I revere."

in broken english. kewl. i just highlight portions i understand, or like. haha! :ppp

all the people you get to meet in the world of the internet... amazing.

hocus pocus

my horoscope readings, very excitedly and loudly pointed out to me by jerry --

"it's a good time to be discreet about your options, whether they're career-related or personal. some envious types are looking to cause mischief. don't give them the opportunity to do it on your watch."

courtesy of the straits times

if you know the inside joke... you would for sure go totally ballistic!!!! hahaha!

oh and super appreciative thanks to petrina my dear cousin, jerry my dear friend, and alicia my dear customer for your concerned smses and emails! to get all these from you three different people in the very same single day, about the very same issue... it's just... woow... wild... and this is starting to be some prickly bugger irritating the shit out of me.... sigh... you guys have to know that there's really nothing at all i can do okay? whether or not imitation is the best form of flattery, i'll be chanting it everyday to maintain my low blood pressure. haha

anyhow... gazillion apologies for all yet-to-be-answered/read emails!!!!! i'm almost more than 2 weeks behind quite a number of emails!!?? too much stuff going on... work to be done... activities to do... hanging out with people i like ..... all of which have been super! (but of course! i had my very first cup of yummylicious coffee and alcohol last week!! whooppee! but then i also had slight gastric pains while having sushi dinner with tracy.... and then jollibee came to the rescue with soya milk. b and mao says we should brand all soya milk stores and products with the red-cross sign. ppfftttt. yes. but i never learn. i had a wild drinking session last night. ha) but very time-consuming... the days have flown by so quickly... when one is happily busy... lots of this and that. march has been c r a z y ! and it'll still be for awhile, at least until summer is here!

so please bear with me, i'll try to catch up with you all this week....

have a safe flight, dan+yungi+hailey!!!! hope to see ya all this sept in your turf. ha

cat allergy

surprise from an oink production!! mandy aka demightyshiva, de mighty baker/crafter babe, has once again surprised moi with a super sweet and thoughtful care package! eeppp!! i was feeling SICK for abit,many days back. not sick, but SICK. and she so understands the feeling of THAT SICKness. and ta-da! just a couple days later after she got word of my apparent SICKness, i got a cute little package with cutey piggy drawings, a very kind letter on a very pretty kitty postcard, cut kitty plastic charms, and... the best for last... a really pretty pair of kitty earrings! all nicely wrapped in tissue paper

for the record. demightyshiva DESTESTS cats. she won't hurt them or spit on them or anything. but she'll most probably go "eeww" when she sees any. she has sacrificed the pain of touching cat-related things for the sake of preparing a little care package for kitty-lover me. gosh. how traumatising it must have been for her cat-allergic skin cells.

oh did i mention excellent craftsmenship? even b could make a statement like "it doesn't look like those cheapo ones those girls are making out there like nobody's business...." hahaha! s

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cross posting and space saving.....

I was very interested to read niki's latest blog because I have been thinking the same thing for ages. I did not "catch" the "re-used" photos but each time I see the new issue of CL I think to myself that I wont buy it, I wont be drawn in by the lovely covers because Im just not seeing enough of what I used to buy CL for. Also, in every issue, I can find items by the same few major companies, over and over again. I feel like telling them that "yes, these items are beautiful, but there are so many wonderful companies that have yet to be discovered and I would like to see and hear more about them!"

I used to spend a fair amount of money buying the new "home" mags each month but now I really limit my magazine purchases. I flick through them before I buy them and if there isn't more than one feature that really catches my eye, I won't buy it.

I do seem to be buying Country Homes and Interiors more than the others. This last issue in particular has been quite inspiring and it came with a "vintage" craft type leaflet which was nice. I have SO enjoyed the pics of the homes and also the Easter feature including the easter cake with the primroses delicately scattered around. I havent posted a pic of it because nonnie already posted a bit about that issue! I seem to be so behind with "blogging" that I am cross posting with all my "vintage" pals!

Over the years I kept most of the magazines I have bought but as you know, they take up so much room and I am one of those people who will rarely go searching through my backlog of mags for a certain pics or inspiration. I was going to offer a mag each month here on my blog, like a trade, so you send me one that I didnt buy and I will send you mine, but lets face it, there are usually at least some photos that we want to keep. SO, a couple years ago, I started cutting out any photos I wanted to keep. I bought a basic binder and clear plastic sleeves and some thin card. I put all the pics I want to keep in the clear sleeves and the small pics get taped onto the card and then inserted into the binder.

This has worked very well for me. I cant tell you how many times I have flicked through my "inspiration" book, hubby does too! It even makes me happy just to look at it if I'm having a down day! It's great to have all my favorite inspirational photos in one place.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

next big thing 2007

it's time again! fred flare's call for the next big thing 2007 is here! click on for more details about joining this year's competition, and also see what previous years' winners in 2005 and 2006 did! littleoddforest was one of the very lucky winners last year! it could be you this year!

ppssstt.. there is prize money to be won this year! wooow

new designs 03-14-07

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

bank transfer payment option error


if you have chosen and clicked on the BANK TRANSFER option during checkout,
and found that you could not proceed any further,
please do not worry.

YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN SENT to us and you should have, as per usual,
received your email order confirmation with order and bank payment details.

item quantities are limited, so if you see that the item you had ordered is marked as sold out,
please do not panic or be pissed off.

if nothing else is wrong, one piece should have been reserved for you.

if you still do not receive your email order confirmation in an hour,
if it isn't there, please EMAIL TO LET US KNOW ASAP.
and we will promptly email you your order confirmation.

sincere apologies for this TEMPORARY TECHNICAL GLITCH with the bank transfer payment option.

it seems like this problem started last week, but we thought at first that it was a one-off error, tried to fix it, apparently it wasn't fixed, and then we got a ton of emails and phone calls, and.... yeah. brandon our busy engineer will be working on this problem as soon as he can!

thanks and hugs for your super kind patience!

so sorry for any inconvenience caused! just a small problem! shop away as usual!



lots of restocks comin' your way!

i will not return calls

unless you leave me a voice message or if you repeatedly call more than twice, which hints its urgency.

if i miss a call, then it's missed. sorry! i've been receiving way too many silly calls and it's testing my patience. it's especially annoying if i'm in the midst of a crazy sewing frenzy or photo-taking frenzy or just basically work which requires great concentration and attention. and it's super duper annoying if i lose my track of thought or inspiration, or am on the phone in the midst of important overseas work matters, just because of one bloody phone call.

so unless i know your number, or get your voice message, or something, hey, sorry.

this is year 2007. i'm sure you have a cellphone to text me. i'll more likely read a text than have a chance to pick up your call. email. okay? i've customer service assistants to help attend to emails. but not phone calls.

this might be coming across pretty rudely... i apologise!!! but it needs to be said this way. don't call me when i'm overseas early in the morning 8am just to ask curtly and abruptly, not even with a hello - "where are your outlets?"

where are your manners, people???? tsk.

and dude, where did you get my phone number from??? from my website right??? then click and browse to look for the outlets! arrrggghhhh!

back to work...

Thursday, March 8, 2007


isn't that so cute to say? a sweetest fellow-crafter/designer, regular customer of crafthings wooden handles is the creator of filofee from france! elodie spins the most colorful yarn and makes the sweetest purses with them!

i like fairy grass, just because... great name, great colors, nice handles... haha well duh!

check out her cute little felted pin brooches too! there should be more aubergines around... how often do you see anyone make these?? u always see the usual strawberries, cherries, mushrooms... blah... purple is the color for 2007, did you know? aubergine's the way to go. she also makes custom accessories for weddings.. i like the purse in this photo...

thanks so much for being such a great customer, elodie! cheers to all our creative endeavors!

medical experiments toy show

littleoddforest got invited to participate in this exciting show! - medical experiments in plush.
so a mutated littleoddforest tree is going to be there!
along with tons and tons of wonderful artists' creations!
this is going to be such a fun show, duh!
take note of the date and location and do visit the show if you can!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

i've been crazy busy!!

running around like a loony, trying to work twice as fast... back to old habits eh

no no... it's because so many of my friends (not from the same clique) from abroad have returned for holiday and i've been so busy going out with them, catching up, entertaining and stuff... on top of fulfilling this crazy large order of huggables and brooches, which only i myself do, and my fingers are so sore and beaten up right now.... ugh! it's soo much worse than practising on the piano for my grade 8 exams.... i can still remember... the nightmare more than a decade ago.... that was a nightmare... this is just... crazy busy... but happy... but crazy....

so tired... but i'm also super excited because there are so many new surprises in store!!! in addition to the new stumpie items just newly introduced into the little odd forest, a brand new collection of designs will be rolling in soon!!!!! and then more new exciting things to follow!!!!!

- new tanktop print
- new mirrors and pin buttons
- new bags collection
- new surprises in the works! ssshhhhh for now.....

summer 2007 is going to be so kick-ass awesome!

i've drawn up some new plans for 2007 awhile back, mostly for myself (personal life goals to achieve) but also for littleoddforest, mostly overly-ambitious large plans as usual, and i most probably have been thinking about them too obsessively that i've been dreaming about them all every single gawd damn night!!? trying to think of ways to work things out. after the hospital incident awhile back, i haven't had my beloved coffee... it was torturous for awhile, but then my obsessive compulsion to take over the world took over my mind (yeah, well, you know what i mean), and sudddenly one fine day.. i feel so hyped up and energetic and not so sleepy-yawny in the mornings anymore... it's almost bordering a manic state... i could be exaggerating.. but oh well..

i'm mental. that's what it is. people who know me well enough knows.

i'm off to bed... i've officially broken my sleeping curfew. yikes. and no, i'm not on drugs.

kill bill's browser

taken from amy | re:makeables ---

that preeetty much sums it up.
you can say i'm biased because i've been a mac addict-user for the past 8 years... i don't really care. ha!
we're one big happy cult. ppfffttt.....

Thursday, March 1, 2007

N.E.E.T. Magazine 006 feature!

littleoddforest goods have been featured in the new issue 006 of N.E.E.T. Magazine!
if you've been a froggy in a well (hee..) N.E.E.T., based in the uk, is a colorful quarterly online fashion/diy publication in a magazine format that serves as a showcase for grassroots creativity
i've always liked their photography spreads... just super!

pg. 24 -- forest leaf wristlet
pg. 79 -- tree trunk coasters

not one, but two lof products have been featured in this issue. sweet!

i like --
dapple-grey's interview (pg.106)
candystore's product photospreads (pg.112)

our loot (casey and mine. i got her hooked. ha!) --
gameboy purse (pg.11)
space invaders badge (p.10)
(sidetrack: we love emmaferguson's work!)
pom strawberry red purse (pg.8)

and hooray for makisquarepatch, a singaporean entity, for having items featured as well! (pg.9)
cute stuff! i like that they have a distinctive flavor and originality.
it seems they're getting pretty famous around here, way to go ladies!

okay, back to worky work... i'm waayyy behind on my plush wholesale orderss.... uck..



four! not two, of our products were featured!
hahaha! thanks so much, amanda!!
we crazy girls were so busy gawking the front pages and busy shopping and buying stuff that we didn't notice that we haven't gone beyond to the last few pages. ha! sillybilly.

pg.153 -- forest seedlings tote + bird and cloud brooch