Tuesday, February 27, 2007

venuszine magazine feature

one of littleoddforest's latest tanktop design - faerie rain tank top - has been so kindly featured in kickass indie-supporting magazine venuszine (page 73) woohoo! sweeeettt...
"From The Blooming Desk Of Emilie Zanger
Take that, winter blahs!"
venuszine is sadly not available in singapore.... bahhh.... but the nice people of venuszine has sent me a copy way before it hit the magazine racks on 1st march 2007 (til june 2007).. it arrived few days ago... so nice... without waiting till my neck broke.... which was usually the case....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

new designs 02-21-07

Thursday, February 22, 2007

craft from the past....

As most of you know, I havent had the time lately to create anything pretty to share with you so I have decided to post about items that I did awhile back. This item is a folding screen. We saw it at our local auction and thought it had potential. It was just the old wood with lots of old nails poking out of it and tiny fragments of not very nice fabric left hanging from the nails. Instead of hinges to connect the panles, there was old thin rope woven in an intricate way to allow the freedom of movement for the panels.

This was alot of work, I think it took about 2 weeks before it was fully finished. after removing the old nails etc and rubbing it down, it took layer after layer of paint to cover it completely. We actually spent one evening trying to weave the new "rope" like it had been originally, each time we would have to start again because it wasnt quite right!

I used one of my favorite fabrics with the most gorgeous sage green background and faded roses to make the fabric panels. I made them quite wide so that the material gathered up alot along the curtain wires. I think it came out beautiful and is one of my most favorite peices I have done. It also sold to one of my favorite customers!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

an oink production

so! speaking of the golden piggy, the oinking and the snorting...

visit an oink production today for all your whimsy little accessories and jewelry needs!

mandy aka demightyshiva, my dear customer turned stalker turned friend (ha!) has turned from her baking martha self into a crafty extraodinare!

yes, she tries so hard to use her hands and fingers, all those muscles trained from kneading so much dough, now, those same stubby fingers are working hard, in much smaller constraints, to bring you earring fanatics out there thoughtful creations! (and i'm sure more coming up for other accessories fanatics out thereeeee heh) i say thoughtful because i like the way she names every single piece she comes up with. it's sooo... originally mandy. her designs might be restricted by her current supplies, but i'm sure there will be lots more variety as she gets her hands on more supplies in future!

street screaming is not something i will do. so here's the shout out in my blog, babe! i never thought i'd switch from saying 'happy baking' to you.... but hey! happy crafting!! (^__^)

smiling with gleee!

one of lof's loyal-est (no such word? watever. ha!) and nicest singapore customer to date! littlebearyli is in love with our new stumpie collection! yayy!! thanks so much for your support and love all these while, li li! from the bottomest of my heart (^__^) i like how she always emails me her order of items which are not even listed in the shoppe yet. hee

we've loads more new reviews up in our press and praise page too

happy looking!!

happy golden piggy lunar new year!!!

helllooo year of the golden piggy!!
oink oink snort snort
i know this is 3 days late... but hey! lunar new year is 15 days! heh
don't stuff yourselves with too much chinese new year goodies!
i know i'm not gonna try to :p

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

i'm better?

hell yeah. for reals. me thinks. hee!

i just have to take the milky stuff once a day now.... i've consumed a total of 6 big bottles!!! crazy !???! and i've consumed about 10 cartons of soy bean milk thus far.... my insides are all milky right now... eeewwwww... haha, and thanks for the suggestion to make it into banana smoothie, tscd! sorry to disappoint you... i tried it but i thought it was terrible... maybe your patient added sugar? i don't know, i didn't... and then i think it's because i had to drink it slower, instead of just one big gigantuos gulp of getting done with it.. ha...

weellll... busy b and busy me had a non-busy "mental wellness retreat" extended weekend (as he calls it haha) at siloso beach resort and cafe del mar.... wonderful wonderful gorgeousness wonderful....
we obviously love the pool, the jacuzzi, slide and waterfall. part of the resort was still under construction, but it was a nice quaint place, the architecture blending with the trees they're trying to conserve, the wooden steps etc... nice.. and we obviously love love love the fact that cafe del mar was just a 3 seconds run away from the doorsteps of the resort. yep, we timed it. ha

the music starts early in the day and ends late into the night, morning at cafe del mar... afternoon at the resort, night at cafe del mar... ahhhh.... we drove there but decided to try the spanking new monorail, and it was good, like the train ride to hongkong disney. it took us just 10 mins to reach vivo city to grab lots of snacks and soy bean milk for me (since i've to constantly nibble throughout the day.... what a chore... ). we have to do this next week you're back in singapore, mao!!! you'll love it. me thinks.

everyone overseas (which is mostly everyone i like... sigh..) is coming back for chinese new year this weekend!! so no sigh, for now. hee!!!! the only reason i like chinese new year. ha.

and before i forget, here's to share with you our welcome pack from wwf as a donor... please remember to do your part to save this ailing earth! recycle! re-use! conserve! donate! be a responsible citizen of this world....

Friday, February 9, 2007

new designs 02-07-07

Thursday, February 8, 2007

I've been tagged...6 weird things about me!

I've been tagged by Alison to write 6 weird things about myself. I am then supposed to tag 6 other unfortunate souls so that they can write 6 weird things about themselves.

Ok, weird thing #1:

Sometimes music makes me cry and it doesnt need to be a sad song to make my cry. It can be a real swingin' tune or even something like Led Zeppelin. If I just love a song, I sometimes cant help but cry. Most recently, its Ella Fitzgerald doing a live version of Mack the Knife. She forgets the words and makes up her own words, she laughs and is so charming.

I can't go more than a week without pizza, honestly.

I won't get a good night's sleep if my sheets and blankets are not sorted out properly. They have to be centered and properly tucked in at the bottom or I just cant get comfortable.

I love Broadway musicals and I know all the words to most of the songs (including Annie and Jesus Christ Superstar which in case you didnt know, the part of Jesus was sung by Ian Gillan of Deep Purple)

I have always wanted to be one of the "Pink Ladies" ( and still do)

The weirdest thing of all: I once turned down the chance to have a drink with Paul Weller.

I tag Sue , Clare , kelly , and Niki I know thats not 6 but I dont know enough bloggers yet!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

amy and remakeables

has it been 2 years already??? yep. i guess so. that's how long i've known dear amy! the super nice miracle writer cum talented artist, illustrator, crafter.... you'll soon see! because her looonnngggg awaited awesome website is finally here! -- re:make

totally awesome.

did i say awesome? yes.

i really adore the artisty browny, yellowy, mutardy shades... and a yarn tree!! i loveeee! fantastic original illustration. great job girl! now you've to start work on filling up your shop with wonderful remakeables yes? i'm anticipating!! and you all should too!

how's that for stress, amy? ha! oh! and hooray for getting your new computer! me... i can only choose between the ny/chicago trip this year end, or a powermac g5..... not both?... sigh... so much dough to roll out... priorities priorities priorities... thou shalt not be distracted....

house of dang trunk show!

the house of dang is one of our awesome stockists! and they're having a trunk show! go see if you can!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


sorry to have you worried, i can see that b doesn't really know how to translate a warm, less-serious toned message with typed out words...

i've been having stomach pains on and off for the previous 2 weeks... probably due to the travelling and increased work load, and it's also just plain old news for lynda lye, who has been suffering from gastritis her entire teenage and adult life thus far, and has stubbornly or just cannot be bothered enough to take her meals on time, regularly, who eats waayyy too much when she likes to, and eats waayy too little when she doesn't have the time to, drinks too much coffee and alcohol, loves her green chilli too much........ blah...

the doctor was soooooo close to saying "fuck. you deserved it girl." hell yeah... i was asking for it. there. he said it was a clear-cut case of stress-induced, long-term abuse gastritis thus stomach ulcer.... and gave me a super menacing glare. now, that's what i call a true doctor. one who screws his patients for ending up seeing him, even when i was in tears and curled up like a ball. i like you dr. chong.

i'm still in pain right now, although it's like 1/100th of the termendous pain i experienced last week, when i vomitted countless times, shitted sticky dark stuff...really gory.... i have pretty high pain tolerance, and yet almost died of pain... so much for that... i had a relapse yesterday when i felt better in the morning, proudly proclaimed i was back in business to everyone, ta-da! all gung-ho and went out to the post office, to meet a client, to get some supplies, replied a trillion emails, took some product photos, starting sewing a woody-san.... and even though i had my proper meals and meds.... ugh... pain in the evening... till now.....

no work for me for the rest of the week. ban imposed by my dear family and friends. but does a ban work for me? history shows.... it doesn't, after a short period of time, at least.... i'm suppose to be banned from even being online... apparently, this dear doctor of mine says that the internet causes me stress. ??????? so. i guess i'm violating the ban right now by posting this entry. you'll see how i love violating bans... i've more to post later...

yeah, lynda lye doesn't care much does she... she's so asking for it...

okay, enough of nonsense... time for my yucky meds and millky shitty stuff i have to drink... and maybe some trashy day-time and lamey late-night american tv, which i obviously sorely miss, will help lift my moods. my dear friend nat recorded them for me and labelled it as a stress-reliever. thanks. much. yo.

p.s. thanks for all your super sweet emails, wishes, and concerns...i was pleasantly surprised to receive so many of them, so sorry if i haven't replied.... but please do know i've read them all and i'm really grateful in my heart.... i did receive a deady bunch of flowers on sunday, courtesy of mao who apprently didn't have the common sense to know that i was too much in pain to put them in a vase of water... so they died. pretty much. in a day. thanks babe, pls know i love you, and have fun in istanbul

thanky thanky thanky

to you all for your kind, sweet, nice reviews of lof!!!
dear doctor of mine, how can the internet possibly cause me stress? unless possibly i can't get myself too elated because that will start up my gastric juices too....

On My That's Awesome

Mighty Goods

Baby Fashion Gifts

Print Pattern

My Design Scout

Nettas Creations

Friday, February 2, 2007

Some delays

Hi everyone, Lynda has been admitted to the hospital for stomach ulcer. We appreciate your understanding for any delays in replying your emails and queries and anything that requires her attention. Thanks,

Warm Rgds,