just have to mention some sweet gifts i got this year, that are not the regular commercial items (like my new watch.. but which I still adore of course!! hugs hugs pat!!)
here's a big white box all the way from hungary! what a surprise! eeppp! thanks so much sweet betti & szili!! i got to know this cute couple when szili first bought a hyena pouch from me, as part of a x'mas pressie for betti (that was last year! wow!), and before we know it, we're friends via flickr and they're definitely one of my most awesome regular customer couple!!
there was so much love and handmade goodness in their package, it's just too much to describe, and the hungarian folklore dvd they sent me was super inspiring! 2007 here we come!! :DD

and a surprise from adorable lyn, another lof fan! this girl is just super cute, she can't stop telling me how much she loves lof, and also took cute photos of her little stumpie!really appreciate it as these are things which i think of whenever i meet obstacles at work and feel down. she is creative girl as well, i had no idea before i received this, she is florspace, and sells her wares at her own website and at etsy too!
and last but not least!!! a huge fabric stash!! from my 3 crazy girl buds mao, lana, and joanne!! mao is a jet-setter who i get to see very little of, lana is a corporate climber in the world of f&b, and joanne is a new friend i got to know last year, a physiotherapist who is schooled in the thought of moral ethics and filial piety

i almost teared when i got the big heavy box... they planned this when my workshop was flooded as they thought i was going to throw in the towel... tsk tsk, you think little of my big stubborn determination.. haha! i love you guys!! love is my fuel! haha! and if you don't already know, b and i are agnostic but are easy-going enough to go with the flow of x'mas celebrating and gift-exchanging (esp. since my dad is a christian). but this year, we've decided that we shall stop giving each other x'mas gifts, but instead the biggest gift we can give each other would be saving up for the bigger and better things in life and not just small materialistic needs (^__^) i'm super stoked and anticipating the arrival of 2007!! smuacks smuacks!
hope you guys had a wonderful long weekend filled with joy!!! thank you all for your sweet greetings and lovely cards!! here's a big loud cheers to the new year this coming weekend!!! xoxo!!
puhhlease... to those people who have taken on task upon themselves to teach me a thing or two about CHRISTmas.... thanks for your super bloody long emails and comments, which i am not obliged to publish. don't lecture me on wat CHRISTmas is or isn't about. i bloody know what CHRISTmas is. i have read the bible gazillion times since a child and have attended church for the most part of my life. was even in a methodist girls' school for 4 freaking years. so spare me. X'mas is an abbreviation to me and doesn't mean i am not acknowledging the true meaning behind CHRISTmas. actually, i do not even need to acknowledge anything at all, because X'mas is a national holiday here in singapore as with most parts of the world. and because it is a holiday, many people don't work, and because many people don't work, we party!!!! that just makes logical sense!!! you see why the world is in chaos now with all the wars of race and religion? it's precisely because of the existence of sensitive pricks like you. i'm not a christian (maybe you were blind and couldn't read that i said i was agnostic) so there's really absolutely no need for me to worship the day like you do. heck, my dad even wanted to go to church but his church has no service on the eve and x'mas day, because his pastor told them they should celebrate christ's birth at home, with family, with good food, and sweet presents!! so wat do you say to that??! the x'mas tree and exchange of gifts are an actual custom practiced in parts of europe. so i like the tree. so i like giving people gifts (and not just on 25 dec!!) and i bloody love receiving them! so wat??? the world is so big. stop living in your small shallow space.