Sunday, July 30, 2006

consignment program

After a few months of some careful planning and 101 answers found, i am pleased to announce the consignment program is now up and running!

Great reasons to take advantage of this program and its benefits:
  • The program costs you nothing to start up!
  • Consumers love my designs. The comments and sales prove it.
  • You will have a solid, diverse inventory of sellable product.
  • Your merchandise presentation will be strong and colorful.
  • The designs are unique and unlike what most consumers would anticipate.
  • Plants can be used for freshwater or reptile environments.
  • You will receive 25% of the selling price of each item!
  • Your business will be listed on the aquarium life-style blog (image jpg./business card) as a participant during the 30 program.
  • All the product is safe, no toxic products used. Pre-dipped to check for color fading.
  • The silk plants are beautiful and long lasting.
  • All designs are hand done by a local artist.
  • Many of the designs will compliment the tank as well as the individuals own personal sense of style in the home. Our interiors are different from one another, why shouldn't theirs?
  • At the end of the program, you can decide not to repeat it or roll it over on a month to month basis.

Remember... my primary focus is on the life-style. The aquatic interior you create and the space they flourish in.

If you have any questions, please email me.
I will respond within a few days.

To begin the Aquarium Life-style Consignment Program for 30 days,
simply email your request here!

(along with your request, please provide your business name, complete mailing address, phone #, fax #, contact name, years in business and a brief description of products/services offered. Once we receive your your request, we will contact you via email within a few days.)

Aquarium Life-style Consignment Program details, policy and procedures:
The consignment period is 30 days. Program start-date begins day the items are shipped; email notice of shipping will follow. Consignor agrees to accept a minimum of 15 single items (plants/designs) for the duration of the said program. Consignor may request specific designs/plants/items (from images provided on the aquarium life-style blog) based on availability at that time; there are no guarantees on specific availability of said/pictured items. Designer may alter request or decision of product assortment based on current inventory levels and or availability. Additional plants/designs may be requested by the Consignor (via email only) to replace sold items and or to increase on-hand inventory. Additional items requested/shipped will be detailed on an additional shipping invoice. Please allow time for preparation, availability and shipping. All shipping to the consignor will be provided by the designer. Designer (Ron L. Beck) will choose shipping method/rate/time. All items are new and unused. No toxic products have been used. Product is safe for freshwater fish & reptiles. All sales are final. Selling price will be established by the designer (each item is pre-tagged) and may not be altered/discounted in any way. Your portion of sales proceeds from an item will be 35% of the tagged selling price. At the end of the consignment period, any unsold items will be picked up (designer's local area only within 20 miles of 18702) or shipped back. Return postage payable by the consignor; your choice of shipping return method/rate. All unsold items/point of sale material, of the program, must be shipped back to the designer (Ron L. Beck) within 10 business days after the program end date. Consignor will then pay the designer 65% (at end of program date) of all items sold/not returned based on the ticketed selling price per item; cash or company/personal check *payable to Ron L. Beck. A $30.00 fee will apply for any returned checks/insf.. Any items returned to designer which are damaged and or un-sellable are the consignor’s responsibility and must be paid for, in full, based on the tagged selling price in addition to any/all other payments due. Consignor will be notified if any damages in shipping occurred. Any promotional signs/displays provided by the designer, must be displayed near product during the consignment period. The items agreed upon will be delivered to the Consignor, a detailed invoice of items selected/shipped will be enclosed, for resale on the terms described here. Should Consignor not return any received and or unsold items as described/detailed in the original shipping invoice, Consignor assumes full financial responsibility and agrees to pay the designer, Ron L Beck the total dollar amount of that particular said-shipping invoice. Failure to comply with any of the above stated items/program details could result in legal action if so necessary. I agree to hold the designer, Ron L. Beck, harmless from any responsibility for any disease, infection and or deaths that might occur as a result of the design product. Your email request to participate in the 30 day consigment program, as detailed above, validates & confirms that you understand and agree to all of the above; as per the original internet post "consignment program information & request link" (07/30/2006) on the aquarium life-style blog
*Ron L. Beck is the designer mentioned above.

Any changes to consignment program details will be forwarded to Consignor participant via email and or USPS. 07/30/2006.

Friday, July 28, 2006

some good stuffss

cabaret by the toy factory was fantabulous!! fei xiang was yummy, as with emma yong and all the other scantily clad cast. karen tan as the landlady was pretty good as well, but her accent was kinda singapore-english-accented karen-tan-style with slight german flavoring, it was at times a little confusing. great direction by beatrice chia. nice little orchestra. nifty set design. great costume designs by frederick lee. i always buy the front row balcony seats on the second floor at the esplanade, frontal view, good angle, not the most expensive, but second most expensive, most worth it! we had such a great time! b and i were humming the cabaret song while digging into our late dinner cum supper at the makansutra hawker place... in singapore? you have to catch it this weekend, the last show is on sunday!

and this from smoking lily, i'm drooling over
how can you not?? i love their website too! very very cool.... you have to check it out

my birthday wish list is groooowwwing... scary. ha!

no bitching and whining in this post. saving that for a good one later on... happy weekend everyone!!

i'm going cable-skiing again tomorroooowww.. yeh!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

new friends & places 07-27-06

i am pleased at announce that Deans Aquarium & Supply Co. of Berwick, PA has joined the consignment program. Dean & Yuvonne have been life long pet enthusiasts and in business for well over 30 years! If you have questions that are pet related, they have the correct answers; trust & shop with confidence.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

treats for u + moi

sweet! look what b surprised me with! ^_^

it's going to be at the esplande. i hope it's good! it's suppose to be raunchylicious... hhmmmm... he got the 2nd most expensive seats, but it's on the 2nd floor, a balcony seat? not sure... hope the view isn't too far or blocked...


on to littleoddforest news...

things have been kinda sucky, because of a big delayed payment... and i had to put a new project on hold, because this money was suppose to be funding it... bleurghhh :((

come on, big businesses. don't be big ass-holes as well. you have the monies. please pay. don't be jerk asses. thanks :(( don't make me sob and wail and cry my lungs out!!!

but of course not, me?? wail my lungs out?? you'll have to wait a million years to catch me doing that! ha! on the contrary, i've been really busy coming up with new designs, and we have some new products waiting to be listed! wooppee!
Love Owl Pin BroochA Little Bird Pin BroochLittle Owl In Little Tree

august will be great month, yes? i had registered forestprints design as a business as the business registrar's, on 9 august 2004. what an auspicious date. that's the typical chinese part of me... hahahaha! so this coming august will be the official 2nd birthday of this little quirky business of mine! and in case you didn't know, 9 august is also singapore's birthday!!! wow! the coincidence! right..... :p haha.. and august is also, ahem... the owner's birthday too, though sadly, not her 2nd... waahahaha.. *the crying kinda laughter*

i have been bombarded with customer emails asking if we are ever having any sales or specials or etc. well, no whole-store-sale thingie, not in my business plans, since we already have a clearance sale section, and we also have our viff membership discount cards for our regular customers. just shop more than once and you'll get discounts yah? but we do have an upcoming summer august special !-->

+ free shipping (for both local and international shoppers) from 1st - 9th august, for minimum purchases of USD 60.00, only 1 shipping address per order is allowed

also, expect another special coming up in our web shoppe's 2nd birthday in november!


i'll be making a short trip to hong kong (!!) around the august 16, for a few days. no worries as the shop will still be opened, orders will still be processed, and etc. but do forgive if there are some slight delays here and there.. it's more a work trip than a holiday though... i hope to come back with surprises!

mao, i'm sorry dear... but i may not be able to make it to new york this sept... so sorry!!!! i'll still try my very best, but it's getting a little hard to get away for a long period of time at one shot... 2 weeks... is long... preparation for my show starts in october... ;((((

this entry is one big roller coaster ride of emotions.... dang! and this is how i go through every day... off for my late lunch now.. cheerios~

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Visiting friends....

Paul and I had a wonderful visit with Alison. and her husband this weekend in Littlehampton. Their house is truly lovely, so fresh, bright and VINTAGE! I spent quite awhile just looking around and admiring their lovely home. I took this photo of Alison as soon as we arrived and she opened the door, I think it's really cute!

They cooked us a delicious meal and then we wandered off to the charming little town of Arundel for a walk around the antique shops. Of course Al knew the best places to find vintage goodies and I didn't come home empty handed! I bought a gorgeous large wooden "trug" painted a pale green with pretty vintage floral fabric in the base. I could have spent a fortune actually because I saw so many lovely things but I did try to practise some sort of restraint!

Because Alison is moving off to new Zealand, she is clearing out some of the items she will not be taking with her when she moves...oh dear, what a shame she cant take everything with her...Yes, I came home with a car load of lovely items. It felt a bit like Christmas for a vintage gal like me.

We really did have a great day together and I will miss my friend and her wonderful hubby when they leave but I know very well that you never know where life will take you, we could easily end up being neighbors in the future, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

bye for now....

Friday, July 14, 2006

feature in NOW Toronto Mag

NOW Toronto Magazine

our wooden handle bag with vintage blue blossoms upholstery fabric is featured in NOW Toronto in their july 13-19 issue here! ^_^

bag feature

thanks to our canadian stockist - propaganda, run by super nice gal regina!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

good news!

yes! big smilies! finally some good news i'm happy to share! about time right???

i'm done with my new tanktop designs for season 3! wooppee! new type of 100% cotton fabric, 2 brand new colors, 4 brand new print designs, and larger size cuttings! now i'm just finalising them with the silkscreen printers... and working out the new cuttings for the sizes with the sewers ^_^

and! i'm almost done with the new unisex tee design! yes, it's just one design, but hopefully in 2 different tee-shirt colors. unisex! means that it's larger for the larger ladies! and the smaller men can wear them too! yah! because you know, i was not very far-sighted to make labels for XXL and XXXL and so on.... so i've tried to fit the unisex cuttings within my usual size categories of S, M, L and XL. the size varies larger between them, so i'm confident they will be able to fit most of you ^_^

and! i've found myself an ideal model for all my new stuff! after all those sweat and headaches and arguments with b! would you believe it, we argue over who to choose as our model... hahaha! so this one we're so happy with as we both like her! and she has an "international" look with darker-colored hair, pretty of course, and is my ideal size of size small-medium! yaayy!

but it remains to be seen how the photography and photos work out of course... so i'm keeping her a secret for now *toes and fingers crossed* hopefully they turn out good and i can also put them in my new catalog and hopefully do up some photo-pictures for my booth at this year's sfw trade show... *stress* but the happy-good kinda stress... if there's such a thing?? ha!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


...hypocrites, backstabbers, and so many others i've met ever since i started doing this business... wonder why? am i being too judgemental? well, whatever, i don't really care, so long as you don't tread in my path... and pleasseee don't patronise me... gawd. just go ahead and stab me upfront ok. i like to see my killer's ugly face before something happens to me yah?

i've been hiding in a mountain hole, trying to get new tanktops and tee designs ready, trying to re-stock brooches and huggables, trying to get wholesale orders done

typing this shit now takes me only a furious 10 mins. but replying emails take me... what. few hours??
so don't think that just because i have the time to put in this entry, means i'm being some jerk.
because for urgent customer emails, i do have a customer representative friend, who replies all your emails, in case you didn't know.

which brings me to this.

this poor friend of mine, her computer keyboard almost lost its life earlier this week. she complained to me over the phone for an entire hour (and she wasn't even finished with all the atrocities yet), almost breaking down in tears.


because some people or lousy customers out there... are plain rude. arrogant. obnoxious. bitches and pricks.

(case 1 of 5)
some incredulous person demanded for a particular item to be made available immediately this week because if not, she would hate us all for providing her with such poor customer service. my friend very nicely and politely replied that "we're very apologetic about this situation, but we hope you can understand that we are unable to reproduce that design in such a short notice, especially since we are but a small entity and also because it involves silkscreen, which we do in..... " blah blah blah

"I have not encountered such an unprofessional service before, and will take my business somewhere else."


(case 2 of 5)
you have to enter your credit card numbers one by one in order to make actual payment for an order. that shouldn't take soooo fast that you didn't even know that you were entering the numbers. yes? and right after you make payment, you want to cancel your order? ok, fine. for whatever menopausal reasons you changed your mind so fast, that's fine. our policy clearly states in our info pages that we do not do any kind of refunds unless it is a fault of ours. so, you didn't know and didn't read it. that's fine too. so we politely ask for a reason, you know, for curiosity's sake. because our policy is not written for show only. it's written to be used and implemented! because hey, your sweetness and apologetic behavior would most probably be rewarded with... an actual refund! yes! but no! you asked very curtly if you were "stuck with it", with no reason provided or whatsoever.

no, you are not stuck with it. you were never stuck with it to begin with. you are but 1 customer who is undeserving of friendly service. your peanut-ty tiny order has been refunded. there.

i'm not even going to do onto case 3, 4, 5.... because they just stink... real bad... i hope you don't quit on me k! i need your help in replying customer emails, for awhile more at least...

by the way people, if you want good customer service, be good customers too. it all comes in a big round cycle.
goodness begets goodness. learnt that sometime during your childhood school years??

Monday, July 10, 2006


below taken from cool hunting:


Puffy AmiYumi


Puffy AmiYumi is playing tomorrow night, 11 July 2006, at the World Financial Center Plaza. Presently in the midst of celebrating the 10th year of their luminous career, the duo is so much more than a manufactured J-pop girl band. At this point they're more like a veritable pop culture institution; it's a very special treat to see them perform live.

Over the last decade Puffy AmyYumi has hosted their own weekly TV show in Japan, "Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Puffy,*" starred in the action-packed cartoon, "Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi,” were featured as a float in the 2005 Macy’s Day Parade, and Mattel is making dolls in their likeness. And, of course, Puffy Amiyumi makes music, selling millions of records in Japan and collaborating with super foxy Jon Spencer of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion on their upcoming album Splurge. Due out 25 July 2006, purchase it from Amazon.

*Sean “Puffy” Combs' prevents them from going by Puffy in the U.S.


i love PUFFY! the cute japanese one, not the "other" not-cute-at-all one...
have loved them since they started 10 years ago... dear gawd... i'm olddddd.... eeuck.
and baahh.. the above i put in bold... stupid. silly. stupid. and pukey.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

too much going on

everyone is pressing me for something at the same time!...

my silkscreen printer keeps pressing me for date i submit the designs, my sewers are pressing me for fabrics and new designs so that they can plan their work schedule, my buyers are pressing me for more stocks and new designs, my cat is pressing me to play "umbrella monster" with him (don't ask), my friend is pressing me to go to new york to visit, my subconscious mind keeps pressing me to do my damn media/press kit and photoshoot... and all i want to do is to do my laundry, mop the floor and clean the furniture...???? well, that's what i did earlier today, before i had to rush out to deliver stocks to retail therapy at wheelock place and re-stock the clutches at tannlines in wisma atria... i had to space out for a few hours before i go cuckoo... and doing household chores helps me to space out... gawd knows why...

anywaysss.. things to come!

-- our 3rd season of tanktops are in the works!!! 2 brand new colors! larger and longer cuttings!!! yayy! so no more bitching about it being a tad bit short or a tad bit small yah??? heh, just kiddin'. any particular animal or creature you'd like to see???

-- 3rd season of ladies tees also in the works!!! colors undecided yet, all suggestions and comments are welcome!

-- more new bags designs! big? small? medium? feel free to tell me what you want more of!

email me! replies are not warranted, but reading of your emails are guaranteed. HA!

-- did you notice that our website is being tweaked here and there??? thanks to my superdood, b! he has been treated to a sea-sports mini island-beach vacation, to bribe him into working harder... muuaahahahaha *evil grin + manipulative thoughts*

-- i may going away for awhile, not sure when, but i need to go shopping for new supplies... singapore sucks!!! and i'm tired of paying so much for international shipping getting fabrics online....

i've been getting lots of well-wishes via email from nice peeps and customers, thanks so much for being so kind~ it makes my engine rev... (huh??) yep, it does. and vroom vroom here i go!

i'm in a strange mood. i love you all.

back to worky-work