Sunday, March 26, 2006

to explain further

my previous post was about over-protective cat lovers... whose behavior and response i could not comprehend at all, at that moment in time. they did not even give me a chance and come take a look at my apt. which has only ceiling to floor windows, and thus really no need for my new cat to want to be suicidal and take a leap down since he can already see what's waaayyy down there, and my kitchen windows really inaccessible, which you, my house guest, will be able to certify if you had bothered to come at all. no other windows to account for. oh well.

i've had 5 cats in my 26 years of life, 3 of which are staying with b in his home (2 were picked up as stray kittens, 1 was given by a friend), 2 of which i had with me in chicago (both bought in at the pet-store) which of course has since been given away to a friend when i left, all 5 of which are still very much alive, ranging between 3 - 8 years old, very smart and intelligent. i've never had to screen any windows, which are usually closed because i'm not fond of opening my windows, albeit for that little tiny 1 inch gap, god knows why, oh, i know, i don't like dust to come flying in, and my air-conditioning is on most of the time.. yep

on the other hand, windows in b's home is always wide open, and, no feline has died yet (i think she would love to strangle information of his addy out of me so that she can set the cat patrol and law enforcers on him. haha! pppffftttt...)

so, if a cat is being silly and suicidal, what can i do? do we barricade windows to prevent careless, stupid, or suicidal humans from flying down 10 floors? i must emphasise that this is a full-grown cat, who has been house-trained in an apartment, as so nicely mentioned by them. puuhlease... wat a whole load of bull. if he ain't very smart, or really, not apartment trained, which we usually associate with high-floors, duh, then please don't put that in the description. thanks

i was in my customer service attitude with smiles and all, and all i got were catty rude responses. well, they'll have to keep allll their cats and forget about giving them up for adoption unless it were that lesse than 5% of singaporean population who live on landed property with a fully grounded home, or that 2% of strange singaporeans who will fence up all their apt windows for their pet (refer to definition of pet in previous post). i know in the states many apt windows have fences, but hey, they don't have window grilles do they, and isn't it really for other purposes and not just for flying cats...

i did not feel offended in any way at all, because i totally understand where they're coming from, what they're worried about and how they feel etc. we humans built high-rise buildings, so we have to protect the animals who don't know how to deal with man-made creations, and they as the fosterers have to look out for their babies and make sure they go to a good home blah blah blah... i know all that dude. but had the catty attitude been a little more civil, and more human-like, instead of the hissing, i won't be as pissed as i had been that day. if i'm smiling at you, you better fucking smile back at me. that's the way i am. i'm just quick tempered, not hot tempered, so i get real pissed real fast, and then it subsides into nothingness the very next minute. my friends'll know :p

i've controlled my temper successfully and refrained from making personal attacks in this post (? i hope?)

so here's sharing waffles with you -

he has managed to find a snotty space for him to be a "business-minder" (he's a super busy-body who wants to know what everyone's up to) amongst all the crap on my work table

how can you resist cuddling him ?? heeee... jus kiddin, you know who you are, don't you dare go near him with a parang... lol

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