Tuesday, March 28, 2006

silk aquarium plants

I am happy to say, my first collection of hand made silk aquarium plants are complete. Beyond wanting something creative to do, I also wanted to design a unique line of aquarium plants. I’ve been a louver of tropical fish for along time. Through out the years pursuing this hobby, I have always been turned off by most of the “choices” available for aquarium interior design. Yes, I said aquarium interior design. It’s safe to say most people spend a lot of time, money and energy making their personal living space comfortable and attractive. Do most with fish spend that much time on their tank? Probably not, which is why many tanks interiors are not all that appealing to look at. Chances are also good that the fish are more than likely, uncomfortable within their glass house. I think the aquatic design decision should be an equal share of your personal style with their natural needs and “familiar” surroundings. Face it, we get into fish for one big reason…to watch them! They are graceful, beautiful to look at and very unpredictable. With just a few minutes spent staring into the tank, all the stress of the day is gone. Peace is now completely yours.

The idea of “plastic” makes me quiver. Most are bland in design, available in minimal species and not even close to looking “real”. I don’t even like the way they feel on my skin so why would I want my fish near it? Until just a few years ago, plastic aquarium plants were our only option. Silks and latex blended materials have opened many new avenues of style & theme. Many of the current silk plant manufacture’s have spent good time researching and designing incredible “life like” looking plants. Again, the choices are still moderate but better than plastic. One big issue with me has always been the selling price; it’s way too high. I know its not any everyday item but the mark up is too greedy, boys.

So here’s an alternative option, my designs. I’ve chosen what I feel are “other” ideas for species availability. My primary focus is on the life-style…the aquatic interior you create and the space they flourish in. To enlarge an image, click on it. Additional items under other post's by date. For further details and or to purchase, click on the “ebay” image (my stuff for sale) on this page. Thanks for your interest. I’m always open to comments & suggestions…

Monday, March 27, 2006

silk aquarium plants 03-29-06

back to business

As you may already know, things have been super crazy busy for quite some time, and one of our produce is ready to make an appearance by next week -
Our new Spring/Summer 2006 TankTops have arrived! More birds and animal goodness!
Just waiting for photoshoot and blah stuff to be done...

Also upcoming are new silkscreen items, including brand new Cushion Covers and Tote Bags!
We have also recently added a new item of fun Embroidered Corduroy Coasters in our Home Decor section

Also, LittleOddForest will be participating in this year's PlushYou II!

And thanks to Mimo Style for going a little review on our products -


Sunday, March 26, 2006

silk aquarium plants 03-28-06

another portugal package!

yippee! hooray for reimao who so wonderfully made me a singapura doll!!!! how awesome is that! her package was awesome, nicely packaged cute silkscreen tee-shirts, beautifully decorated and customised pencil, and wobbly eyes for my own crafts ^o^ thanks so much!
swap package

to explain further

my previous post was about over-protective cat lovers... whose behavior and response i could not comprehend at all, at that moment in time. they did not even give me a chance and come take a look at my apt. which has only ceiling to floor windows, and thus really no need for my new cat to want to be suicidal and take a leap down since he can already see what's waaayyy down there, and my kitchen windows really inaccessible, which you, my house guest, will be able to certify if you had bothered to come at all. no other windows to account for. oh well.

i've had 5 cats in my 26 years of life, 3 of which are staying with b in his home (2 were picked up as stray kittens, 1 was given by a friend), 2 of which i had with me in chicago (both bought in at the pet-store) which of course has since been given away to a friend when i left, all 5 of which are still very much alive, ranging between 3 - 8 years old, very smart and intelligent. i've never had to screen any windows, which are usually closed because i'm not fond of opening my windows, albeit for that little tiny 1 inch gap, god knows why, oh, i know, i don't like dust to come flying in, and my air-conditioning is on most of the time.. yep

on the other hand, windows in b's home is always wide open, and, no feline has died yet (i think she would love to strangle information of his addy out of me so that she can set the cat patrol and law enforcers on him. haha! pppffftttt...)

so, if a cat is being silly and suicidal, what can i do? do we barricade windows to prevent careless, stupid, or suicidal humans from flying down 10 floors? i must emphasise that this is a full-grown cat, who has been house-trained in an apartment, as so nicely mentioned by them. puuhlease... wat a whole load of bull. if he ain't very smart, or really, not apartment trained, which we usually associate with high-floors, duh, then please don't put that in the description. thanks

i was in my customer service attitude with smiles and all, and all i got were catty rude responses. well, they'll have to keep allll their cats and forget about giving them up for adoption unless it were that lesse than 5% of singaporean population who live on landed property with a fully grounded home, or that 2% of strange singaporeans who will fence up all their apt windows for their pet (refer to definition of pet in previous post). i know in the states many apt windows have fences, but hey, they don't have window grilles do they, and isn't it really for other purposes and not just for flying cats...

i did not feel offended in any way at all, because i totally understand where they're coming from, what they're worried about and how they feel etc. we humans built high-rise buildings, so we have to protect the animals who don't know how to deal with man-made creations, and they as the fosterers have to look out for their babies and make sure they go to a good home blah blah blah... i know all that dude. but had the catty attitude been a little more civil, and more human-like, instead of the hissing, i won't be as pissed as i had been that day. if i'm smiling at you, you better fucking smile back at me. that's the way i am. i'm just quick tempered, not hot tempered, so i get real pissed real fast, and then it subsides into nothingness the very next minute. my friends'll know :p

i've controlled my temper successfully and refrained from making personal attacks in this post (? i hope?)

so here's sharing waffles with you -

he has managed to find a snotty space for him to be a "business-minder" (he's a super busy-body who wants to know what everyone's up to) amongst all the crap on my work table

how can you resist cuddling him ?? heeee... jus kiddin, you know who you are, don't you dare go near him with a parang... lol

Friday, March 24, 2006

silk aquarium plants 03-26-06

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

silk aquarium plants 03-23-06

Sunday, March 19, 2006


are you for real, ladies? huh??? *bewilderment*
there's really no need to be so angry you know
i totally understand your concerns, but seriously.... this?? woowww
this small world of living creatures and inanimate objects never fails to amaze me...

pet1 n.
An animal kept for amusement or companionship.

as defined by us, human beings, the supposedly highest intelligence being occupying this earth, though sometime we really don't deserve this title...

this is a bewildering post, sorry, i'm just rambling my thoughts out, maybe i'll explain later when i've more time...

i'll most probably be bewildered this whole fucking day

0_0 ??


Monday, March 13, 2006

recent events


it's open to the whole world, so join in singapore aspiring designers!

thank you, imelda, for letting me know early on and spurring me!! you all should check out her journal of all things design

i really couldn't believe it when i saw this in one of her posts, but yes, it was sooo similar to that in my dreams!! oooohh.... *dreams of dream coming true*

also, update on my 2 missing.in.action orders... still no email or word on them... and i'm not confrontational enough to do anything about it... pppfffttt.... i'm so tempted to tell you which shop it is, but i can't and so i shall not.... sorry y'all. she's super popular and all, and seems to be a super swell person too, so maybe it's really a misunderstanding? i hope...

on to better service, stephanie of whammy industries is fab! i've ordered twice from her already, fairly large orders of 1" buttons, and on both times. she was super easy to communicate with, super fast too, she started work on them and delivered super promptly as promised! i really appreciate it, thanks so much!!! i was expecting the printed colors to be inaccurate or something, but they all turned out perfect, just great!

i've ordered some new buttons, coming soon to the shoppe.. yippee! i was surprised that buttons sell out so fast, i initially ordered some for a promo event, and then put some in the shoppe as supplementary items, just to spice things up alittle, and whoop! they go quick! ^o^

also, look what present the mailman brought to me last friday! my swap package from flickr friend, jek! her style's awesome, and she loves green, and she specially made a mushrooms apron for me!! weeeeee!

her robots and foresty goodies are great additions to my exploding collection of knick knacks, which include wooden toy trees, plants, and lego! will take some fun photos of them when time permits

back to last weekend, we had a swell "activity day", back to doing simple things and enjoying simple pleasures, no clubbing or boozing or anything like that. it was the goat farm, nice walks and our famous "no signboard" seafood!

seafood feast aftermath...

the kids aka baby goats, were super adorable and funny! they had some trouble aiming for the grass, so we had to literally put it to their mouths and stuff it in front of them, with the risk of getting a bite or two from them too! they love licking and nibbling at our fingers instead of food...

goat's milk was awesome (we city singaporeans don't get to drink goats milk much :p), but after 2 bottles of it, our mouths started to have an "awesome" kambing taste...yeurk! hahaha! b loves it though

many other discovery channel stuff to share, but i shan't because i'm weird and i notice all the strangest things, which can be too gross and "discovery channel-like" to share here, unless you're out with me and we can be totally immature and disgusting just for abit at least... we need to chill out once in a while eh...
which i did with tracey dear, who's been back in town, until next week before she goes back to switzerland again...

ok, enough blabbers, back to work... hopefully i'm able to show you all my new adopted cat anytime soon!! *excited!*

Thursday, March 9, 2006

resolution update

- make littleoddforest be a success (a subjective term, but yeah... good? better? you get it...)
on my terms, blah...
- be healthy
i fell ill twice last month, blaahh...
- be organized
i'm struggling with what to do right after i get this post done (a million things and don't know which to do first), blaaahhh...
- have better time management
i'm behind on 4 tasks as it is, product presentation, softie book contribution, eating supper because i've been hungry for the past 3 hours, going to bed early... bleeuurrgghhh....
- have some new investments
just started on one.. finally, a teeny ray of hope!
- save more $$$
which i splurged away last week... #$%&@!
- bring my mum on a totally sponsored holiday abroad (japan? taiwan? she'll decide)
hooray! it's taiwan and china for her in april for 2 weeks!! hope you're happpeeee mummeee! you'd better be since you chose the tour yourself.. :p
- buy my mum an osim massage chair
after multiple splurges... not remotely possible right now...
- learn patience
it seems like i'm learning more to be indifferent than patient? ha! b's nodding his head now... ppffttt...
- b and i
we're okay, we're boring people, we're going to the goat farm this weekend, and we're getting a new cat next week (hee!)
- try to understand my dad
....... indifference would be so much easier
- learn to relax and do nothing sometimes
try tranquilizers and strapping me to the couch... even my dreams are action-packed and filled with activities, flying around, running around, walking around...
- be with good old friends more often
all were invited to my home's chinese new year buffet dinner, had dinner with mao countless times already, went jogging with shan, said hi to ian, had buffet lunch with tracey last week, meeting her again next week.... barely passable i guess... :P
- make more new friends
i've been friendly! lol
- buy a new car with b
well, now that the coe prices are climbing up again, b, you better make up your mind soon!
- trip to u.s.a
sooo... bleak... and... far...away.... targeted time - end of this year! *keeping fingers crossed*

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

littleoddforest in the stores

just some photos of my retailers -

+ propaganda, ontario, canada +
window display at boutique in ontario, canada

+ tannlines, wisma atria, singapore +
retailer's boutique window

+ fermento, lisboa, portugal +


Tuesday, March 7, 2006

where are my packages...???

i placed 2 orders with a super popular indie vintage clothing site slightly more than a month ago, and have received all my swap packages sent out from the same country (united states) just a couple of weeks back, except those 2 orders!!!!! rraawwrr!


conflict of emotions, angry and sad

back to work...

-i emailed her on friday asking if she could provide me with any info on my packages, like the date sent out etc. because you know, they never send out on time and never tell us when they send out either
-no replies, it's now wednesday
-she has updated her journal 3 times since and has time to comment on other people's journal

heelloooo...??? am i invisible????
don't make me regret spending money at your site....

hug tree love tree

please recycle...

i may use plastic bags and wrappers to protect your orders, but they are for you to recycle, it's not that i'm environmentally unfriendly, i just don't want to be screwed over just because your order arrived to you wet or dirtied etc. especially if you're overseas and your order ain't cheap...

hug tree love tree

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Monster Sale March 2009


Thursday, March 2, 2006

march news from littleoddforest

if you're subscribed to our newsletter, you should have gotten this -

Spring Time In The Forest

Hello! Spring is just round the corner and we are all ready for it with our new designs and some long-awaited re-stocks!
As promised before, many more will be coming in in March-April, so do keep your eye out for them!

Introducing our Forest Shrubbies!
all with their very own limited edition number tags

Re-stocks of Treelings!
all with their very own limited edition number tags

VIFF loyalty membership discount cards are being sent out in batches!
all of our regular/repeat customers should expect them in their mailboxes before the end of March.
please email to let us know if you still have not received yours by then.

Bagsss galore!
new bag designs, both big and small, will be popping up in the shoppe!

Re-stocks of selected bag designs!
and still more to come all the way til April

What Else To Expect In Spring-Summer Forest...

New Tank Top Prints!
depending on where you are in the world, this may be the time to let your arms say hi to sunshine!
if not, layering always works, yeah?

New Pins + Brooches!
new cute little critters to pin on your summer bags!
here's just a sample of what to expect!

New Huggables!
new forest critters to hug or just hang around with!

New Home Decor Accessories!
this one's a secret we're still trying to keep, so be on the look-out!

Gift Cards in $25, $50, $75, $100 denominations!
it is taking us some time to get this one up and ready, because we want to make sure that everything works smoothly...
but it'll be ready soon, we promise! and we can soon start the joy of giving! hooray!

Other News

We have been featured in Lucky Magazine again, but it's in the Greece edtion (Feb 06) this time round! Awesome!

And you can pop by our new retailers both locally and abroad, if you are nearby! Only selected designs are stocked in each boutique.

I guess that's it for now folks! Til the next update... have a fabulous month of March!
