Wednesday, January 25, 2006

happy chinese new year 2006!

regardless of the previous post, i love chinese new year for all the cheesy bright red and neon colors, the cheesy new year songs about striking it rich when the fortune god visits you, and marathon feasting for at least 2 days, the chingay parade, and of course the fact that my mum is always back in singapore to spend it with me!

happy chinese new year in advance!! kisses!! (we chinese don't give kisses on chinese new year, or at all at any point of time, but i do.. LOL) ppffttt... stop it lynda! hahaha

in a daze

i've been working in a daze the whole week, had to be told off by b to take a freaking break at least every other 2 hours or so...okokok...geezuss...

so i was just trying to rush through everything before my supposed mini-break in a few days... bleurgghh... my mini-break is not by choice anyhow, it's chinese new year, the time of the year to gather with your super huge extended families from both sides of your parents... not fun, a break nontheless, but not fun

maybe some of you fella singaporean chinese would feel this way??? at least most of my friends do :p

especially when you are at the ripe-old-age of 26... not a millionaire... unmarried... with no private property to your name... you'd still be that wacky little girl who hasn't grown up yet and still daydreaming away idealistically, without a "proper" job...

hellooooo old fardy-dards, it's 2006. what constitutes a proper job. being cooped up in office for 10 hours a day??? getting a payslip from some person higher up??? getting lots of cpf contribution??? talking serious matters with a f***ed up stern look, using proper business terminology??? counting cold hard cash every end of the day??? ppuuleasee....

i love laughing while working, i love being stupid while working, i love acting silly and doing strange things while working, i love talking to myself while working. doesn't mean i'm stupid, strange or dumb, playing a fool, and not doing things the right way.... it just means you don't get it. duh. i do invoices and accounts and the shiat myself. i don't count petty cash, and i am not obliged to show you nor tell you my self-employed salary either. hell, you don't even understand what i'm doing in the first place.

prim and proper, prim and proper, i quit my job and refuse to work for others because i refuse to be prim and proper. i don't take instructions well, and i don't like to follow rules. i like to make my own rules. so there.

in singapore, anything that's unconventional or cannot be fully labelled or categorised is not a proper job. things are looking just slightly better now, but by just that tiny speck... what an educated and civilised nation :p

well, at least i'm going my b and both my parents to the fabulous chingay parade.. hurrah for that!! we haven't gone out as a whole family for quite some time.. and also hoping to make it for a short beach holiday with b... very mild hope... but hoping...

new sewer's verdict - she's okay, i guess i could use her help with some simpler bag designs, i think some of my shapes were a tad difficult for her to follow symmetrically. i hope to be able to sew very minimal bags in a couple of months, and let hired sewers do most of them, since they are by machines. and i can fully concentrate on all the handcrafted stuff, like my brooches and plush, which are all done only by me... cos i've no template for those, i cut them out free handed, and i like to do it in this not-very-productive-primitive way... muahahhaha... :p

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

big corporations

a friend just told me to read this, it's crazily all over myspace and lj, i was told -

and now i feel so ashamed

i've been a big fan of uo since my first year college in chicago, it was just so easy to decorate my own little pad with the colorful cool stuff i could find there, esp when there was a sale...

i've many clothes and accessories from there too... fortunately i got only the other brands that they carry, and not the uo brand.. and alot of my x'mas presents were from there too... courtesy of my pals who were in new york...

and i almost sent in some samples of my stuff mid of last year, backed out in the last minute because i didn't think i could or wanted to meet their quantity requirements and also have heard that they will push your prices to the very bare minimum...

in chinese, we call them "jian" or "cheap"... must big corporations be so "jian" in order to become big or maintain their bigness? or must anyone be "jian" in order to become big? pardon my horrendous english :p

tsk tsk tsk...

as you can see with the jonny cupcakes incident, it is a case of "concept theft", and that is not legally covered as far as i know, because concepts cannot be copyrighted..

i never knew they were fucking so many young and small designers out there, if i had known earlier, i wouldn't have contributed to their profits... i love anthropologie too, which belongs to the same coroporation as uo... heck, their boutique is just right below my apt in chicago... and uo was just a 10 mins walk away... i shouldn't have stayed downtown so near my school huh...


denise! i've replied your email! did you get it? got the package yet?

lots of emails from our forestprints account are going into people's junk mail folder... so to all of you out there, if you're waiting for an email reply from us, or have signed up for our mailing list, please add our email addy to your safe list and address book

i managed to find a new part-time sewer last week, am trying out her skills and workmanship, so will hope for good news when i get to see the "trial" order i've let her work on *keeping fingers, toes, and eyes crossed*

Sunday, January 15, 2006

taking a break...

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Lynda!

  1. Lynda is actually a vegetable, not a fruit.

  2. Lynda is incapable of sleep.

  3. A thimbleful of lynda would weigh over 100 million tons!

  4. The National Heart Foundation recommends eating lynda at least three times a week.

  5. If you kiss lynda for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.

  6. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching lynda.

  7. New Zealand was the first place to allow lynda to vote!

  8. Four-fifths of the surface of lynda is covered in water.

  9. It takes more than 500 peanuts to make lynda.

  10. In the Spanish edition of Cluedo, lynda is the victim.

I am interested in - do tell me about


Friday, January 13, 2006

professional enough?


You are receiving this email because of a recent survey you took at our shoppe/ an email feedback you had sent to us.

We are so sorry to hear that it has been a frustrating experience for you to shop at our small indie design boutique because all the items you had wanted to purchase were sold out.

Many of our items sell out very fast because they are all
one or few-of-a-kind very limited creations, as stated clearly in their descriptions, they are all tenderly handmade and not mass produced by a factory etc.

All our popular designs and items sell out very fast because of their popularity, and also because we have a
very extensive number of mailing list members (you may sign up to be on it to be notified when there are updates), and also waiting list orders for selected items, which we are very busy fulfilling backscene.

We are also currently very busy working on re-stocks and adding new designs and items, which has already started this month, and will stretch all the way til March.

It would be of much help if you could let us know specifically which item(s) you had wanted that are currently sold out, and we would be able to let you know if there is a waiting list that you may sign up for.

Hope this helps a little. Have a nice weekend.

Best Rgds, Customer Service Representative



"Products Are Unsuitable For Grumpy PMS-sy Menopausal Nasty Mean Types of Human Specie"


thanks tscd ^o~

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

i am not wal mart


1) i do not have more than a hundred people working for me

2) i have 6 part-timers who are bringing the meaning of part-time to the extreme

3) i do not have robots and machines that make 1000 pcs of the same item at any time

4) i do not have any wish to do 3) either, because then, even i would not wish to use/carry my own designs (which i always do), because i would hate to have that something so many people out there already has and be at that same place at the same time, because that would suck ass bigggg time and be reeallyyyy stupid

5) i do not have 6 pairs of hands, 9 pairs of eyes, and 3 sets of brains working for me at any time

6) i do not have a million dollars to invest in my business so that i can make that 1 or 2 more items you wish to have so much this very instant

7) i do not like to get fucked just because the item you wish to have is sold out

8) i actually sleep, even if i sleep less than 5 hours everyday, so if your email does not get replied to in that 5 hours of sleep i was in the midst of, that is just tooooo bad

9) life is not perfect, you will not get every single thing you want in life, because life is such, so learn to live with it

10) if you don't like it, don't look at it, you fool. if you wish to be mean, no one can stop you, but congratulations on gaining some bad karma

11) i am writing this on my public journal which you may actually be reading but i seriously don't really care because i need to preserve my sanity in order to reply that few more other nice emails i have other than the previous poopy ones

12) i have many nasty things i wish to say but it is all just swirling around in my big head because i am trying to dissolve them on the inside because that is one of my new year resolution and i am not about to break that just because of you stinky poopy people

Monday, January 9, 2006

rainy day gift

why does it feel different to receive a package on a super rainy day versus any other ordinary day? it felt really nice...
swap package from winkie! swap package from winkie!
portugal is officially on my list of never-been-to-before-and-therefore-must-visit-countries

Sunday, January 8, 2006

and it rained yet again...

i love the rain, the sounds, the smell, the sight, the puddles...

i love cold, gloomy weather because snuggling up with hot chocolate and a good movie, is great fun

but there's really only so much rain i can take...

and it is raining yet again... 3 whole days in a row, non-stop, okay, so it stopped for a few 5 minutes intervals, before it started to pour heavier than before...

we didn't get to go to the treetop walk
we didn't get to laze by the pool
i couldn't take decent photos of new items for the shoppe
i couldn't take any other decent photos of anything for that matter
going to the post office without the car, in the rain, with a loadful of packages and boxes, trying not to get them thoroughly soaked, is a pain in my ass...


and so i work in the dark at 11am this morning...
11am in the morning

Friday, January 6, 2006


thoroughly pissed off!

by ultra irresponsible people, lackadasical attitudes, bloody thick-skinned liars, inconsiderate and self-centered worms !!! no.. some worms are cute... these people aren't at all!! and the saddest thing is, the world around us is full of such people nowadays, and their numbers are ever increasing! gawd

no i'm not breaking my first resolution of the new year, nothing to do with my patience... it was really a shitty situation, and i was outwardly calm throughout. b couldn't stop cursing out loud for a straight 15 minutes, it had me boiling too, though i cursed in my head and under my breath

i hope he'll feel better later after the breath of fresh air outdoors at macritchie reservoir, where we are going for our 11km tree-top walk. woooo!

i'm so sick and tired of replying customer service emails shiat stuff, why even bother with 3 hours of replying shitty emails, when i could have sewn something! so i have relegated the job to an angel, who gets to have freebies and food every now and then... though she has templates to follow, so as to still provide the very personal, friendly and warm feel :p

i understand how tired marie of the sampler feels, some customer people out there are truly very demanding and rude and curt and crazy, especially when things don't go their way.... pppffttt...

Log Cabin Living My Way: Old Faithful Inn

I stirred in the bed and rolled over, looking towards the open window, the cool air chilling me despite it being June. The sound was like a jet engine at full throttle, and I pawed for my glasses as my wife slept on, oblivious. An incredible sight was perfectly framed in the window opening, lit only by the moonlight. A vast white jet of steam and water shot into the air nearly 200 feet with terrific force while the powerful sound – a jet underlaid by moaning, continued. Dumbfounded, I watched for at least five minutes until it abruptly ended, the night silent except for the distant sound of coyotes calling to each other. I laid my head on the pillow and returned to sleep.

That nighttime interruption was one of many special experiences that I enjoyed while staying at Yellowstone National Park’s Old Faithful Inn. Dominating the Old Faithful Geyser Basin, and standing next to its eponymous geyser, the Old Faithful Inn has provided lodgings for weary Yellowstone travelers since it opened in 1904.

The day we arrived, we hiked through the upper geyser basin overlooking Old Faithful, and admired the seemingly perfect nozzle-like vent of Beehive Geyser. The sign said that Beehive geyser was as large as Old Faithful but only erupted once or twice a day at unpredictable intervals. We walked on, sure that we would never see Beehive erupt. That night, I discovered that because of our choice in lodgings, we were wrong, when Beehive Geyser’s nocturnal eruption awakened me.

The Old Faithful Inn is unlike any hotel I’ve ever stayed in. It is the largest log building in the United States and has a spectacular lobby that rises over 90 feet to the exposed ceiling. The centerpiece of the lobby is a massive fireplace made of local stone, its chimney rising through the space. As an historic building, the Inn retains a high degree of integrity with many of the original light fixtures and wood furniture still in use today. It has been designated a National Historic Landmark, the highest honor any historic building may receive in the U.S.

Our room was located on the second floor of the old building and had a view of the Upper Geyser Basin and Firehole River. The room included a sink, no bathroom, rough-hewn wooden walls, a metal-framed bed, dresser, wardrobe, chair and the coolest thing for me: an original rotary light switch to operate the lights.

If you’re not an historic building aficionado like me, allow me to explain -- used in the early twentieth century, these switches were usually abandoned or removed when buildings were rewired. They were kind of big and make a satisfying solid click when you rotated them. I had never seen one in use, although I’m not surprised that they could last 100 years because they seem so solid.

The new wings of the Inn, added in the 1920s, consist of larger rooms with private bathrooms many with views of Old Faithful Geyser itself. These rooms are more conventional and less rustic. I didn’t mind the shared bathroom that we had to use. It was close to the room, spotlessly clean and the whole time we were there, I never encountered another soul in there even though the Inn seemed to be booked solid.

The Old Faithful complex around the Inn includes the Visitor’s Center, and two other lodgings: The Old Faithful Lodge and The Snow Lodge, as well as shops and other concessions for visitors. On summer days it can seem that every visitor to the Park is there as the crowds around Old Faithful Geyser swell. I found it considerably more civilized in the evenings when the tour buses have departed and you and a few other guests enjoy the deserted landscape from the second floor porch while sipping a cocktail from the bar. You’ll feel as if Old Faithful is putting on a private show just for you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

forest factory rejects

i will be having a superrr bigggg sale! for forest factory quality control rejects, starting off first with some of our home decor items of pillow and cushion covers.

what are quality control rejects?

- that 0.25" of silkscreen dye run amok, or
- that 0.1" black dots from nowhere, or
- that 0.5" faintly visible mark from somewhere, or
- that 1" long of sewing line run amok, or
- that slight ...

you get the drift! they are all not visible marks unless you have me super hawk eyes, and are a super perfectionist :p

only super limited pieces left! (less than 5 pieces per design per color)

cushion covers - US$5.80 (originally US$10.00, now on sale at US$8.00)
pillowcases - US$3.80 (originally US$8.00, now on sale at US$6.00) regular shipping charges appliess

this is really good for those of you who had wanted that sold out design and who don't mind that hardly visible mark, and now can have them at this ridiculously low price???! yeah!

i don't know when b will be able to code this shiat into our website, so i decided to announce it here first, and anyone who wants any of these, just email me! -
info at forestprints dot com

only some designs and certain colors are available, because seriously, if every piece had a qc reject, i can just go kill myself now... haha, j/k! so please email me to find out about the item availability.


happy new year 2006!!!!!

nye 2006
most wonderful time! barry ashworth rocked! some highlights of my weekend...
seafood steamboat dinner at home with friendsss, pool lazing and fooling around, family barbeque gathering at uncle's place, super crazy partttyyy!, oversleeping, late for a wholesale order delivery (fuck), wallace and gromit! funnnn!!!! weeeee! why can't real life boring bunnies be so fun??? weeeee..!! dinner at pete's place at hyatt, treetop walk (i almost wanted to die, but in a fun way, and we're doing it again this weekend... what?? hahaha) lazin' lazin' lazin' around... weee....!!!

went on a bathroom accessories shopping spree and i upgraded my bathroom to a worldclass smelling bathroom, with fragrant salts, perfumes, candles, oils, cleaners, soaps *sniff sniff* *happy*

this new year! will be a fantastic new year! for all! me and you! here's cheers to health! happiness! prosperity! and ahem.. world peace! (yeah right...)

new year resolutionss..

- make littleoddforest be a success (a subjective term, but yeah... good? better? you get it...)
- be healthy
- be organized
- have better time management
- have some new investments
- save more $$$
- bring my mum on a totally sponsored holiday abroad (japan? taiwan? she'll decide)
- buy my mum an osim massage chair
- learn patience
- b and i
- try to understand my dad
- learn to relax and do nothing sometimes
- be with good old friends more often
- make more new friends
- buy a new car with b
- trip to u.s.a

no email addy given

hi Lizette Cardenas of Chicago!

you didn't leave me your email address for me to respond to your queries -

yes! we're in the midst of doing some re-stocks, please let me know what you wanted that is sold out so i can tell you when they will be re-stocked. thanks!!

Sunday, January 1, 2006

what they said

At the beginning of July, 2008 I felt it was time, once again, to share some of the many comments folks have said / left on my ebay feedback

400 Feedback received

Feedback From / Price Date / Time
Positive feedback rating Great product Great Deal Thanks again A+A+A+A+A+A+ Buyer:
badboy-mikey ( 245 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jul-14-08 18:22
aquarium reptile snake plant wild grass spray plstc (#350077397506) US $3.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating Great product Great Deal Thanks again A+A+A+A+A+A+ Buyer:
badboy-mikey ( 245 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jul-14-08 18:21
aquarium reptile snake plant wild grass spray plstc (#350077397179) US $5.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating Great product Great Deal Thanks again A+A+A+A+A+A+ Buyer:
badboy-mikey ( 245 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jul-14-08 18:19
aquarium reptile snake plant oriental wild grass plstc (#350075943014) US $7.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating once again ...great products...a happy customer!!! Buyer:
simonf6151 ( 17 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jul-02-08 22:32
aquarium or reptile snake plant silk retro philodendron (#350071874117) US $7.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating once again ...great products...a happy customer!!! Buyer:
simonf6151 ( 17 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jul-02-08 22:32
aquarium, reptile or snake plant silk dracena greens (#350071577270) US $7.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating Great prices for realistic plants. The options in stores don't even compare! A+ Buyer:
sgn2ss ( 75 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Jun-28-08 10:19
aquarium reptile snake plant princess calla lily (#350071577009) US $6.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating Would absolutely buy from again! Thanks! Buyer:
sgn2ss ( 75 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Jun-28-08 10:19
aquarium reptile snake plant boston fern mini silk (#350072168653) US $6.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating FAST shipping with GOOD communication! AAA+++ Buyer:
sgn2ss ( 75 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Jun-28-08 10:19
aquarium or reptile plant silk fitonia bush grn pnk (#350072169918) US $8.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating AMAZING products!!! This guy's a genius! Buyer:
sgn2ss ( 75 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Jun-28-08 10:19
aquarium reptile snake plant pittosoporum plastic (#350072169168) US $7.49 View Item
dragonlord262 ( 21 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jun-24-08 15:14
aquarium reptile snake plant maiden hair spray plstc (#350071578425) US $6.49 View Item
dragonlord262 ( 21 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jun-24-08 15:14
aquarium reptile snake plant jade spray silk (#350071578932) US $8.49 View Item
dragonlord262 ( 21 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jun-24-08 15:13
aquarium, reptile or snake plant Dieffenbachia (#350071578274) US $7.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating Very attractiver-an artist at work. Buyer:
glasslizard ( 15 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jun-21-08 16:42
aquarium reptile snake plant vargtd wondering jew silk (#350066333293) US $9.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating Very attractive-much better than pet shop plastic plants Buyer:
glasslizard ( 15 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Jun-21-08 16:42
aquarium, reptile or snake plant fitonia bush hanger (#350067003512) US $11.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating ALWAYS a PERFECT Transaction, Best Handmade Plants EVER! Thanks Ron! Extras! Ty! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Jun-14-08 09:40
aquarium reptile snake plant cycas palm plastic (#350068766016) US $12.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating ALWAYS a PERFECT Transaction, Best Handmade Plants EVER! Thanks Ron! 5.0x's4 Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Jun-14-08 09:39
aquarium reptile snake plant cycas palm plastic (#350068764817) US $6.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating great thanks super fast delivery Buyer:
coul650 ( 138 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jun-10-08 23:37
aquarium reptile snake plant alium plastic (#350066489703) US $7.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating super fast great to deal with very happy with item thank you . Buyer:
coul650 ( 138 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jun-10-08 23:36
aquarium or reptile plant silk bracken fern (#350066488728) US $7.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating top of the range very quick to with postage Buyer:
coul650 ( 138 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jun-10-08 23:36
aquarium reptile snake plant laurel leaf fall silk (#350066482801) US $9.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating super fast great to deal with very happy with item thank you . Buyer:
coul650 ( 138 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jun-10-08 23:30
aquarium or reptile plant plastic ornamental grass (#350064947870) US $7.98 View Item
Positive feedback rating Ron's is The BEST Place to buy Aquatic Plants, Handmade & so REAL LIKE! Thanks! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Jun-07-08 17:24
aquarium reptile plant cycas palm plastic (#350066327897) US $6.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating Ron's is The BEST Place to buy Aquatic Plants, Handmade & so REAL LIKE! Ty! 5.0+ Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Jun-07-08 17:23
aquarium, reptile or snake plant donkey tail bush (#350066482348) US $8.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating Ron's is The BEST Place to buy Aquatic Plants, Handmade & so REAL LIKE! Ty! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Jun-07-08 17:23
aquarium reptile snake plant chain sword bush plstc (#350066331300) US $5.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating As ALWAYS Perfect Plants From Ron's Own Hands! 5 Stars! Thanks Ron! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
May-19-08 09:23
aquarium reptile or snake plant sago palm (#350059964220) US $8.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating As ALWAYS Perfect Plants From Ron's Own Hands! 5 Stars! Thanks Ron! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
May-19-08 09:22
aquarium or reptile silk plant mini fitonia bush (#350059046868)

Positive feedback rating As ALWAYS Perfect Plants From Ron's Own Hands! 5 Stars! Thanks Ron! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
May-19-08 09:21
aquarium, reptile or snake plant cycas palm (#350058005449) US $7.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating TRULY THE BEST WHEN IT COMES TO AQUARIUM PLANTS !! Buyer:
skydog9 ( 1745 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-22-08 08:23
plastic aquarium or reptile plant stag horn fern (#350045245455) US $5.99 View Item
Positive feedback rating WOW-WOW-WOW- you can't beat these for beauty in a tank ........ Buyer:
skydog9 ( 1745 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-22-08 08:23
aquarium or reptile snake plant silk wandering jew vrgd (#350044228365) US $6.49 View Item
Positive feedback rating AWESOME <>!!!!!! Buyer:
skydog9 ( 1745 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-22-08 08:23
aquarium or reptile snake plant plycias spray (#350044233038) US $8.49 View Item
Detailed item information is not available for the following items because the Feedback is over 90 days old.
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..5.0><((((º>`..¸¸..FOR Ron!><((((º>`..¸¸..X'S 4><((((º>`..¸¸.. Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-10-08 18:48
-- (#350044630369) --
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..WAY TO GO 5.0 X'S 4><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸.. Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-10-08 18:47
-- (#350044233735) --
Positive feedback rating My FAVORITE! make some More PLEASE! Thanks so much Ron! 5.0 4 x's Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-10-08 18:46
-- (#350044231786) --
Positive feedback rating If you don't Buy Lifelike Plants here your missing out BIG TIME! 5.0 x's 4 Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-10-08 18:45
-- (#350044229549) --
Positive feedback rating Awesome Plants as Always, Much Better Bases too, Love em! Thanks Ron! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Apr-10-08 18:41
-- (#350044227282) --
Positive feedback rating great item fast shipping Buyer:
djw.513 ( 41 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Apr-03-08 16:11
-- (#350038751139) --
Positive feedback rating great shipping Buyer:
djw.513 ( 41 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Apr-03-08 16:11
-- (#350038751724) --
Positive feedback rating great item fast shipping Buyer:
djw.513 ( 41 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Apr-03-08 16:09
-- (#350038751021) --
Positive feedback rating Smooth transaction. No worries. Fast postage. A real pleasure. Buyer:
seven_horns ( 385 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-30-08 15:34
-- (#350029483892) --
Positive feedback rating Great seller. Extremely fast shippingg. Great item. Definitely recommended!!! Buyer:
simonf6151 ( 17 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 22:20
-- (#350038747146) --
Positive feedback rating Great seller. Extremely fast shippingg. Great item. Definitely recommended!!! Buyer:
simonf6151 ( 17 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 22:19
-- (#350038746057) --
Positive feedback rating Great seller. Extremely fast shippingg. Great item. Definitely recommended!!! Buyer:
simonf6151 ( 17 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 22:18
-- (#350038745806) --
Positive feedback rating Great seller. Extremely fast shippingg. Great item. Definitely recommended!!! Buyer:
simonf6151 ( 17 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 22:17
-- (#350038384785) --
Positive feedback rating IF You Want Lifelike Plants for your Aquariums, Look no Further! Shop RLBECK! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:37
-- (#350038745673) --
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸..*****5.0***** Rating Here! Thanks! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:36
-- (#350038746194) --
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..This Plant Rocks! ><((((º>`..¸¸.. Keep up the Great Work Ron! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:35
-- (#350038747045) --
Positive feedback rating Always a Pleasure Buying From, Promptly Ships & prices are the BEST! TYVM! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:34
-- (#350038749595) --
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..Swimming Through the Reeds! Awesome Plants But The Seller "BEST"! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:33
-- (#350038750026) --
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸..><((((º>`..¸¸.OhYea! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:32
-- (#350038750265) --
Positive feedback rating ><((((º>`..¸¸..Ron><((((º>`..¸¸..Makes><((((º>`..¸¸..FISH><((((º>`..¸¸..Happy! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:31
-- (#350038750377) --

Positive feedback rating Hey, Hey, RON's the Man! He "CAN" Make it like No One Can! Great Aquatic Plants! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:29
-- (#350038750834) --
Positive feedback rating Shop for Lifelike Plants with Ron, The BEST! Thanks so much! 4X's 5.0 WTG! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:26
-- (#350038750912) --
Positive feedback rating Lightening Fast Shipping, Always SO Helpful, Ron Has my Vote for Aquatic Plants! Buyer:
exotic_inverts ( 2213 [Feedback score is 1,000 to 4,999] )
Mar-29-08 09:25
-- (#350038751472) --
Positive feedback rating Awesome products!! Will definetly buy all future plants needed from you!!!! Buyer:
dragonlord262 ( 21 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 02:43
-- (#350036894160) --
Positive feedback rating Awesome products!! Will definetly buy all future plants needed from you!!!! Buyer:
dragonlord262 ( 21 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 02:43
-- (#350035869904) --
Positive feedback rating Awesome products!! Will definetly buy all future plants needed from you!!!! Buyer:
dragonlord262 ( 21 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-29-08 02:42
-- (#350037212630) --
Positive feedback rating Great deal, thanks! Buyer:
morbid-mayhem ( 47 [Feedback score is 10 to 49] )
Mar-15-08 07:38
-- (#350033026175) --
Positive feedback rating Item received as described. Thanks!!!!! Buyer:
cause415 ( 567 [Feedback score is 500 to 999] )
Mar-14-08 12:27
-- (#350033025164) --
Positive feedback rating beautiful plant. fast shipping. thank you again. Buyer:
jayda423 ( 300 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-14-08 08:44
-- (#350027521464) --
Positive feedback rating Great sale - Fast Shipping A+++++++++++++ Buyer:
revilienenterprises ( 87 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Mar-13-08 09:02
-- (#350029476495) --
Positive feedback rating Received as described - Thanks Buyer:
ek1taxpro ( 182 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-13-08 02:15
-- (#350031958036) --
Positive feedback rating Received as described - Thanks Buyer:
ek1taxpro ( 182 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-13-08 02:15
-- (#350031957286) --
Positive feedback rating Received as described - Thanks Buyer:
ek1taxpro ( 182 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-13-08 02:15
-- (#350031956829) --
Positive feedback rating Received as described - Thanks Buyer:
ek1taxpro ( 182 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-13-08 02:15
-- (#350031939385) --
Positive feedback rating just as you said watched it the other night thankyouA++++++++++++++++++++!!!! Buyer:
603mikey603 ( 60 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Mar-12-08 07:25
-- (#350029479501) --
Positive feedback rating Arrived quickly and works great. Thanks a lot!! Buyer:
mitsurugi-w ( 274 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-09-08 19:13
-- (#350029480546) --
Positive feedback rating Arrived quickly and works great. Thanks a lot!! Buyer:
mitsurugi-w ( 274 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-09-08 19:12
-- (#350029477847) --
Positive feedback rating very happy with the items Buyer:
failed_jettison ( 4 )
Mar-09-08 11:59
-- (#350029482257) --
Positive feedback rating great response time and the items were in excellent condition...very happy =] Buyer:
failed_jettison ( 4 )
Mar-09-08 11:58
-- (#350029479054) --
Positive feedback rating A+-:¦:-•:*'"*:•.-:¦:-•*Super Seller!!*•-:¦:-•:*''''*:•-:¦:-•*Thanks A Bunch!!* Buyer:
soul*kandy*studios ( 671 [Feedback score is 500 to 999] )
Mar-08-08 13:46
-- (#350023997467) --
Positive feedback rating Fast shipping, mint condition, thanks!!!! Buyer:
coinopfun ( 75 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Mar-07-08 13:05
-- (#350029481057) --
Positive feedback rating Received item in like new condition. Thanks. Buyer:
patch422 ( 350 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-06-08 19:52
-- (#350029483400) --
Positive feedback rating Received item in like new condition. Thanks. Buyer:
patch422 ( 350 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-06-08 19:52
-- (#350029482925) --
Positive feedback rating Received item in like new condition. Thanks. Buyer:
patch422 ( 350 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Mar-06-08 19:52
-- (#350029475592) --
Positive feedback rating great plants!!! Extremely life-like and perfect for my tank..thank you! Buyer:
wormlegs ( 488 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Feb-26-08 05:06
-- (#350027519828) --

Positive feedback rating GREAT CUSTOMER ! FAST PAYMENT! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seller:
ronvags330 ( 309 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Feb-25-08 11:57
-- (#220202423946) --
Positive feedback rating One of the best looking items I've purchased from seller...a real work of art!! Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-25-08 14:08
-- (#350016080659) --
Positive feedback rating Superior design and function...I will be dealing w/ seller again!! Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-25-08 14:08
-- (#350016078482) --
Positive feedback rating Another excellent creation, and they arrived very fast too!! Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-25-08 14:08
-- (#350014695502) --
Positive feedback rating Excellent plant, can't wait to get it in the tank...thank you! Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-25-08 14:04
-- (#350014685816) --
Positive feedback rating thanks worked great Buyer:
xw160 ( 259 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-16-08 00:25
-- (#330187886868) --
Positive feedback rating thanks worked great Buyer:
xw160 ( 259 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-16-08 00:25
-- (#330188393175) --
Positive feedback rating thanks worked great Buyer:
xw160 ( 259 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-16-08 00:25
-- (#330187887078) --
Positive feedback rating thanks worked great Buyer:
xw160 ( 259 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Jan-16-08 00:25
-- (#330187871274) --
Positive feedback rating when it comes to excellent plants this is it Buyer:
b.a.bettas ( 207 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-27-07 16:37
-- (#350004540761) --
Positive feedback rating what are you waiting for this is the site you been looking for Buyer:
b.a.bettas ( 207 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-27-07 16:36
-- (#350004541187) --
Positive feedback rating i will buy from this seller anytime Buyer:
b.a.bettas ( 207 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-27-07 16:35
-- (#350004561414) --
Positive feedback rating Seller is class act...a real asset to eBay community!! Thank you!! AAAAA+++++ Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-17-07 19:11
-- (#350002152535) --
Positive feedback rating Quality product...look forward to future purchases w/ seller Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-17-07 19:10
-- (#350002132295) --
Positive feedback rating Item better than picture, will be purchasing more! Buyer:
iu_dlt_07 ( 399 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-17-07 19:09
-- (#350002155147) --
Positive feedback rating Quick shipping, great product, A+++++ Buyer:
scbedo ( 141 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-16-07 18:24
-- (#330184564326) --
Positive feedback rating A++++++++++++ Buyer:
scbedo ( 141 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-16-07 18:24
-- (#330184563579) --
Positive feedback rating Product just as described, A++++++ Buyer:
scbedo ( 141 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-16-07 18:24
-- (#330184548004) --
Positive feedback rating Items just as described, quick shipping, A+++++++++++ Buyer:
scbedo ( 141 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-16-07 18:24
-- (#330184541636) --
Positive feedback rating i wish i knew about these plants before i got other one these are excellent Buyer:
b.a.bettas ( 207 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-13-07 14:52
-- (#350002132113) --
Positive feedback rating if you want outstanding plants this is the place Buyer:
b.a.bettas ( 207 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-13-07 14:50
-- (#350002131722) --
Positive feedback rating Beautiful, great communication, thank you again... Buyer:
tedyzbear ( 140 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Dec-07-07 16:52
-- (#330188100061) --
Positive feedback rating Very nice, look real in the tank, actually better than real. Buyer:
tedyzbear ( 140 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Nov-28-07 16:11
-- (#330188100819) --
Positive feedback rating Beautiful in my tank, the angels love them. Buyer:
tedyzbear ( 140 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Nov-28-07 16:11
-- (#330188100487) --
Positive feedback rating Fantastic transaction start to finish. Buyer: tedyzbear ( 140 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
Nov-28-07 16:11
-- (#330190613468)