Friday, September 30, 2005


i've made a freakin' big mistake of replying some emails.... GAWD! i can kill myself right now..

so what do you do when annoymous people just start asking outright for discounts?? at least tell me you're in extreme dire straits and your bag has a hole in it or you need to get a good birthday gift for your sister who's critically ill in the hospital or blah blah blah

and what do you do when people you know just start asking for free stuff and big big big discounts that don't even cover the cost of my materials??? i mean, i do give gifts all the time, but it's really up to me to choose who to give and when to give, isn't it??

how can some people just look at my stock and go "oh! you've so many of those (6 bags of same design but different fabric, which makes them DIFFERENT), give me a few leh.. i like this color and that color in this design. oh i'm sure you can afford to give me a few lah, don't be so stingy lah, you can just sew a few more things to sell what, i'm very poor this month leh, haven't gone for my weekly shopping trip... and i can't sew, but you can! can lah lynda... you're very nice one i know..."


pardon the singapore english (singlish) because that was the way it was said, and to correct it just makes it sound nicer than it should be...

ladies, please... 1 week or even 1 month of no shopping trips WON'T KILL YOU. hurricanes and tsunamis and poverty and stuff like that do!!

i must also learn to not be so easily tempted and enticed... now i'm #$%&*@ broke!! because i failed to get certain details of a business related thingie and be very firm in saying that i'll wait first.. so now that thing better freakin' work out okay and not leave me in big blobs of tears... i'll just have to make sure it works out and wait and see... :(

wat a whole load of rubbish rubbish rubbish...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

happy all round

a biggie thank you! to karin -, an inspiring swedish designer/artist, who has mentioned my wooden handles owl tote, and to katey of the fabulous one good bumblebee who is currently obsessing over it!

incidentally, that tote has just sold :D

also! there have been many kind words said of my other baby too, mostly thanks via emails etc. *grateful*, check this out - bag designer/crafter malisonian - has made a pretty red tote using one of the handles she bought!

Sunday, September 25, 2005 featured in harper's bazaar singapore

it's our little forest luva kitties ~ now exclusively available at pixelgirl shop! :) In Harper's Bazaar Singapore In Harper's Bazaar Singapore In Harper's Bazaar Singapore

Thursday, September 22, 2005

tearing eyes...

You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish

Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

ok, so now i'm a girly girl? bleurghh... i like being a monkey or kitty so much better ;p

time for some cold pills... sigh

sniffing away in a daze...

You Are A: Monkey!

monkeyMonkeys are intelligent and agile, well-adapted for jungle life as they swing happily from tree to tree. As a monkey, you are a social animal who eats a wide range of food, is quick to learn new things and loves to climb. A monkey's tiny primate features are irresistable, as is her gregarious personality!

You were almost a: Parakeet or a Kitten
You are least like a: Turtle or a GroundhogDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Layzzzzeeeeeeeee Boy

SoloTrek TM XFV ®

I want One of These!!

Development History
In the year 2003, exactly 100 years after the Wright Flyer made its historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, another aviation first was recorded in the history books. The world's first exoskeleton backpack aircraft, the SoloTrek XFV (Exoskeleton Flying Vehicle), demonstrated conclusively that its technology was both viable and practical.Over a seven-year development effort that began in 1996, two proof-of-concept SoloTrek prototype aircraft were designed, built and hover-tested by a crack, five-man development team. Three different pilots accumulated 63 flight sorties and over 76 hours of test time while demonstrating stable, controlled hover flight in wind conditions gusting to 12 knots.The original SoloTrek proof-of-concept prototype aircraft was retired from testing in the summer of 2002. Subsequently, it was donated to the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California, where it remains on display to museum visitors.Separately, development and testing continues on SoloTrek and related products with private and government funding. No additional information regarding the manned or unmanned aircraft development programs is available at this time to the public.

Virtu Nokia Phone

Five years ago mobile phones were the latest rage. Today they are a commodity. But there still are ways to stand out from the crowd: Either by refusing to own a phone altogether, or by spending €3500 Euro for a Vertu.,1564,1224156,00.html

Anyone Know a better URL for this phone?

Sony Vaio Visual Audio Input Output?

This Piece of kit looks the biz for all you gadget freaks - shame about the unreliability of the Sony Products I have dealt with.

Sony VAIO U series

VAIO, an acronym for "Video Audio Integrated Operation", is a brand slogan for many of Sony's computer products. The branding was created to distinguish items that encompassed the use of consumer audio and video, as well as being conventional computing products. One example of this was the Sony VAIO W Series Personal Computer, which functioned as a regular PC and a miniature entertainment centre.

(Logo = sine wave and digital 1 and 0)

sleepless rantings

i'm tired but can't sleep, i'm happy but pissed too, i'm excited but ... contradictory feelings, aching bloodshot eyes, so much to do, can't wait to get them done, but can only get that much done each day... #$%@&! do you know how that feels?? it feels like this... uuaarrgghh!

grateful thanks to my 2 free slaves who have been helping me out with some of my bulk orders... my sewing machine is alittle overworked, so have been religiously cleaning and oiling my baby...

we're also preparing for our 1st year birthday in my little odd forest©! woah! it's almost a year!!! expect new changes here and there! and loads of other stuff, can't disclose yet... fully packed schedule.. even squeezing in a short holiday in september..

some new tank tops have arrived!! and in s,m,l and XL!!! so to awesome ann marie for photoshoot again! i miss chicago... i need to be more disciplined in saving money for my trip back, and try not to always end up using a third of what's been saved for smaller things like... short holidays!!! #$%&@^

i promise to update crafthings as soon as i can... stock replenishment is getting done, but zero for photography and editing on my part.. :/

i need a massage.. but my massager's blissfully asleep.. oh well

still need to return steph her tiffin carrier filled with yummy food... still owe mao a treat... waiting for 2 big deliveries and meeting tracey tomorrow...

oh ya.. and to all dog lovers out there... it's so great that you love animals and treat them right.. but please don't spoil your pets, pets like people need discipline too, that's why they're called "domesticated" pets and not wild animals on the loose... do not in your blind love for your pet, disregard your surroundings and people around you, and behave in an inconsiderate, selfish or irrational way... everyone has different preferences, cultural practices and religion... don't expect everyone to love your dog... we love all dogs and cats, but please keep your dog's poopoo and peepee in your plastic bag or somewhere else, not on lana's bag and skirt.. and please, if that happens, do bring out your manners and apologies and at least show that you try to amend the situation... not behave as if we've struck gold and should kowtow to you... i'm sure you'll scream and whack my child if he/she poopoo and peepee on you... "public area" does not mean "dogs are kings here" area...

end of rant... night..

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Private Jet Fractional Ownership

Fractional Ownership is becoming a very popular method of owning expensive occasional use items . These items can be things such as aircraft, luxury yachts, holiday homes. The management of these items is normally done through a management company, and you buy shares in the item.

One of the most luxurious of these items is a Private Jet. Capable of travelling at up to 500 mph, these jets are essential for the businessman who travels the globe. Needless to say, fuel and insurance/permissions are a huge portion of the price of one of these jets, needless to say profit, safety, and wages of all the staff involved. They are however, luxurious inside, and cater for all businessmen.

An interesting point is that the kerosene used in the jet turbine engines is actually cheaper than Chanel No. 5 perfume, and Ink jet Refill Ink. So, things could be worse.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Fast Cars Fun Cars? Look no Further.

Fast and Fun? Well they don't get much more so than this - the Porsche 911 4S. It is a truly beautiful car, and I love the way that it's shape is highly reminiscent of an E-type Jaguar.

With a 3.8 litre six-cylinder engine giving 385 horsepower, and 420 Nm of torque at 4'400 rpm stuck in the back of your car, there is no going wrong. This car is beautiful, and extremely classy looking. Porsche really have created something beautiful here.

It's top speed? 183 mph. And yes, that is fast. And it does 0-60 in an amazing 4.7 seconds. And considering it can do about 35 mpg in a run, you aren't going to run out of fuel soon either. It's price? £73'434.00 GBP inclusive of VAT. That is not something to complain about.

A truly beautiful luxury yacht...

This yacht is the Jeanneau 49 DS. With a wide deck, luxurious cabin, and distinctive red sails, it is not the sort of thing you could hire for the day. These yachts are extremely desirable and are great if you have money, lots of it, and want to show it too!

Luxury yachts can cost tens of millions of pounds, and are sometimes over 100 metres long, looking more like ships!

Thursday, September 1, 2005

more thanks :)

explosive kiwi says
- forestprints: it's a great, quirky forum for creatively alternative goods. i like almost every piece featured on the site and hope that i too, may one day be as cool. inspiration was also taken from them for the format of explosive kiwi.