Friday, July 31, 2009

Diving at the shallow end: Green turtle behaviour in near-shore foraging habitat

Green turtles Chelonia mydas of immature and adult size (n =19, curved carapace length 49 to 118 cm) were equipped with time-depth recorders for short periods ([less than or equal to]7 d) to investigate diel and seasonal variation in diving behaviour. Research sessions were distributed over 2 years to cover seasonal variation in sea temperature from 14 [degrees]C to 30 [degrees]C. Diurnal dives were shallower and shorter than nocturnal dives, with diel patterns also evident in dawn and dusk peaks in occupation of depths within 1 m of the surface, elevated diurnal occupation of depths 1 to 2 m below the surface and elevated nocturnal occupation of depths >2 m. Dive duration increased as sea temperature decreased, showing strong negative correlation by day and by night. Study turtles made resting dives that were 3 to 4 times longer in median duration, and six times longer in maximum duration, at cool temperatures than they were at warm temperatures, but there was no evidence of winter diapause or location shift to avoid cold water. The large majority of turtles spent 89 to 100% of their time at depths [less than or equal to]5 m below the surface, three individuals did not exceed 3 m and the maximum depth recorded by any turtle was 7.9 m, although deeper water was available. Furthermore, the dive data indicated that study turtles collectively spent more than 80% of their time at charted (low tide) depths of 3 m or less, indicating that they consistently used the shallow margins of the bay where human activities tend to be concentrated, thereby potentially increasing their exposure to anthropogenic threats.

Author Affiliation:

School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811, Australia

Article History:

Received 15 December 2008; Revised 13 January 2009; Accepted 13 January 2009

Source Citation:Hazel, Julia, Ivan R. Lawler, and Mark Hamann. "Diving at the shallow end: Green turtle behaviour in near-shore foraging habitat." Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 371.1 (March 31, 2009): 84(9). Academic OneFile. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 31 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A194630867

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Defence mechanisms. (martial arts for women)

The most often used martial arts for self-defense include karate, judo, aikido, jujitsu and wen-do. Jujitsu, which combines the techniques of judo, karate, aikido and wu shu, is the best martial arts for self-defense. However, a simplified martial arts suited for women is the wen-do.

Source Citation:Barichello, Lawrence. "Defence mechanisms." Chatelaine 69.n3 (March 1996): 24D(1). Academic OneFile. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 31 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A18084267

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Defence mechanisms. (martial arts for women)

The most often used martial arts for self-defense include karate, judo, aikido, jujitsu and wen-do. Jujitsu, which combines the techniques of judo, karate, aikido and wu shu, is the best martial arts for self-defense. However, a simplified martial arts suited for women is the wen-do.

Source Citation:Barichello, Lawrence. "Defence mechanisms." Chatelaine 69.n3 (March 1996): 24D(1). Academic OneFile. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 31 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A18084267

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Defence mechanisms. (martial arts for women)

The most often used martial arts for self-defense include karate, judo, aikido, jujitsu and wen-do. Jujitsu, which combines the techniques of judo, karate, aikido and wu shu, is the best martial arts for self-defense. However, a simplified martial arts suited for women is the wen-do.

Source Citation:Barichello, Lawrence. "Defence mechanisms." Chatelaine 69.n3 (March 1996): 24D(1). Academic OneFile. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 31 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A18084267

United States Judo Association - USJA

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For the Love of Brooklyn

I love all things Brooklyn. I am a native Brooklyn girl and can't imagine living anywhere else. My new house, which is a major restoration-in-progress, is located on a classic Brooklyn tree-lined block. I am surrounded by beautiful historic limestones, each over 100 years old. This kind of neighborhood just can't be replicated.

Friday Frugal Finds

This week's frugal finds, from left to right: Coco Bracelet Pack by Delias, set of 8 strands of beads ($10.50); Wood Bead Stretch Bracelets by Kirra, made of 5 strands of wood, aqua and green beads linked together for a layered look ($6.50); Cracked Oval Stone Ring by Forever 21, so bold ($4.80). All will look perfect for bbq-hopping this weekend!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Flipping out.(MOVE)(judo)

These judoka (people who practice judo) really know how to throw their weight around. In judo--which started as a Japanese martial art--contestants try to flip their opponents to the mat or neutralize them with holds and other techniques. Judo is the most-practiced martial art. To learn more, flip yourself over to

Source Citation:"Flipping out.(MOVE)(judo)(Brief article)(Photograph)." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication 34.1 (Sept 2007): 2(1). Popular Magazines. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 30 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A172250803

Disclaimer:This information is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional care.

United States Judo Association - USJA

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Flipping out.(MOVE)(judo)

These judoka (people who practice judo) really know how to throw their weight around. In judo--which started as a Japanese martial art--contestants try to flip their opponents to the mat or neutralize them with holds and other techniques. Judo is the most-practiced martial art. To learn more, flip yourself over to

Source Citation:"Flipping out.(MOVE)(judo)(Brief article)(Photograph)." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication 34.1 (Sept 2007): 2(1). Popular Magazines. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 30 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A172250803

Disclaimer:This information is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional care.

United States Judo Association - USJA

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Flipping out.(MOVE)(judo)

These judoka (people who practice judo) really know how to throw their weight around. In judo--which started as a Japanese martial art--contestants try to flip their opponents to the mat or neutralize them with holds and other techniques. Judo is the most-practiced martial art. To learn more, flip yourself over to

Source Citation:"Flipping out.(MOVE)(judo)(Brief article)(Photograph)." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication 34.1 (Sept 2007): 2(1). Popular Magazines. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 30 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A172250803

Disclaimer:This information is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional care.

United States Judo Association - USJA

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Chip for depth-sensing cameras

CAMERAS that gauge depth could open up a range of applications, from gesture-interpreting computer interfaces to 3-D robot vision. With the DeepC chipset, manufacturers could soon give any camera depth-sensing capabilities. DeepC works with an emitter and detector of infrared light, controlling the camera's shutter so precisely that little light reflected by distant objects reaches the detector before the shutter closes. More light makes it back from nearby objects, allowing the chip to gauge their distance.

* Product: DeepC Cost: Less than $30 Source: Company: 3DV Systems

Source Citation:"Chip for depth-sensing cameras.(MACHINE VISION)." Technology Review (Cambridge, Mass.) 111.4 (July-August 2008): 30(1). Academic OneFile. Gale. BROWARD COUNTY LIBRARY. 30 July 2009
Gale Document Number:A181300468

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Lou Lou Ghost Chair Giveaway

All Modern offers these unique Ghost Chairs by Kartell, which work great in a small space. "Adventures in Renovating a Brooklyn Limestone" is hosting a giveaway for the "Lou Lou" baby version of this chair. I love it. It's perfect for my soon to be renovated Brooklyn house and for Zoe (my cat, lol, since I don't have an actual little one yet). You also have a chance to win this chair by entering here: Adventures in Renovating a Brooklyn Limestone. Good luck to you! And to me! ;)

Poinsettia Template

We've been getting a lot of positive feedback from our friends at CHA. One project that everyone's been wanting a template for is our poinsettia box topper. Josh found an amazing website that gives you a crazy array of paper projects. It was found on the Canon website. If you'd like to see the poinsettia template click here. We just added some of our rhinestone brads to beautify the center of the flower.

We also wanted to show off a few of Canon's other amazing paper projects. Have you ever wanted your very own Saint Peter's Basilica?
Just click and print.
Or a little mouse...
There's some amazing projects if you have the time and patience. They put a whole new spin on the art of origami. Hope you enjoy this link as much as we do!

National Friendship Day

This Sunday, August 2, 2009, is National Friendship Day. In celebration - BrooklynThread is offering 10% off & free shipping, today through this Sunday, for all Lifestyle Bohemia blog followers. Simply become a follower of the blog, place your order, and enter "friendship" in the notes field at check-out. You will then be refunded 10% and the shipping cost. Promote friendship with a friendship bracelet!

I Heart Cardigans

Cardigans are essential. I always have one either in my bag, over my arm or on my shoulders. Some not so ordinary choices, from left to right: Marjie Cardigan by Tory Burch (on sale; and perfect for the transition from summer to fall); Drapey Pocket Cardigan by Free People (once again - on sale! I love the black/navy color combo); Promenade Cardigan by Anthropologie (available in ivory or brown). You can never have enough!