Thursday, April 30, 2009


There are loads of things that a girl can accomodate in her handbag and the items would vary from person to person. Someone who likes reading would always carry a book, who loves music will have an i-Pod or MP3 player, someone who loves taking pictures might want to carry her camera, girls with dry skin would keep their lotion or moisturiser handy, almost every girl would want makeup items (lipstick, mascara, compact, blusher). But despite everyone's individuals needs, the following are the 10 must-have items, the essentials, that every girl should carry in her handbag:

1. Wallet

Best Buy: Nine West (1&2), Matt and Nat (3) and Stella McCartney Wallets



2. Lip Gloss or Li
p Balm and/or lipstick

Best Buy: Lancome Juicy Tube (lip gloss and colour)

. . Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream (lip balm)

Lancome's Juicy Tubes smell good, makes your lips soft and supple and keep them hydrated and make them look delectable. For more information on Juicy Tubes click here.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream is the best lip balm ever. it as an ultra-intensive lip balm and gloss. It's very soothing indeed and needs only occasional re-application when compared with similar products. It works well even on the most dry and cracked lips and makes your lip soft and supple. Read more on The Encyclopedia of Lip Balms.



3. Hairbrush or Comb

Best Buy: Denman Comb


4. Pen

Best Buys: Mont Blanc, Parker, Cross

Pens are one of the most importnt handbag essentials which many girls neglect. They come in useful at the most unusual times. Mont Blanc, Cartier, Parker or Cross, whichever suits your budget, style and need, you must have one.


5. Small Tissue Pack

Best Buy: Paseo Small Tissue Pack


6. Miniature Perfume

Best Buy: Estee Lauder Miniature Perfume Gift Set, Harajuku Lovers miniature perfume bottles

The delicate look of the miniature perfume is beguiling and its portability and obvious convenience makes it a handbag essential. You can instantly smell delicious in your fav perfume's miniature version just about anywhere. I have loads of them (miniature bottles). In case you don't want to spend on them then perfume samples are a great option. Ask the person at the store to give you some perfume samples whenever you buy a bottle, and stash them in your bag. Its free and handy.


1. Estee Lauder Miniature Perfume Gift Set for £24 (US click here $67)

2. Harajuku Lovers Miniature Perfume Bottles for £12 each

3. Miniature Perfume Vivabox by The Perfume Shop for £29.35 and £49


7. Mirror

Best Buy: Chanel's Mirror Duo

Chanel's Double Facette Duo Mirror, normal and magnifying, is the indispensable handbag mirror for precise makeup application and re-touching throughout the day. The normal side for discreet retouching and the magnifying fo precision application. And it looks great too with its black case having Chanel logo on the front and ultra slim shape. Totally worth it at $40 (USA), 20 GBP (UK) and Rs 1,650 (India).


8. Sanitary Napkin

Goes without saying. This must be there in your bag at all times. Best Buy? Well depends which suits you and your needs but I think P&G's sanitary napkins are best, their brands include Whisper and Always.


9. Hair Ties or Hair Pins

You never know when it comes handy. And they are life savers that moment.

10. SOS items - nail filer, bandaid, painkiller, safety pins

With these Ten Handbag Essentials you are ready for every situation. Girls, what are the must-have items in your handbag? Leave your comments.


Follow me on Twitter


Related Posts:

Wardrobe Must Haves - all time classics



There are loads of things that a girl can accomodate in her handbag and the items would vary from person to person. Someone who likes reading would always carry a book, who loves music will have an i-Pod or MP3 player, someone who loves taking pictures might want to carry her camera, girls with dry skin would keep their lotion or moisturiser handy, almost every girl would want makeup items (lipstick, mascara, compact, blusher). But despite everyone's individuals needs, the following are the 10 must-have items, the essentials, that every girl should carry in her handbag:

1. Wallet

Best Buy: Nine West (1&2), Matt and Nat (3) and Stella McCartney Wallets



2. Lip Gloss or Li
p Balm and/or lipstick

Best Buy: Lancome Juicy Tube (lip gloss and colour)

. . Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream (lip balm)

Lancome's Juicy Tubes smell good, makes your lips soft and supple and keep them hydrated and make them look delectable. For more information on Juicy Tubes click here.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream is the best lip balm ever. it as an ultra-intensive lip balm and gloss. It's very soothing indeed and needs only occasional re-application when compared with similar products. It works well even on the most dry and cracked lips and makes your lip soft and supple. Read more on The Encyclopedia of Lip Balms.



3. Hairbrush or Comb

Best Buy: Denman Comb


4. Pen

Best Buys: Mont Blanc, Parker, Cross

Pens are one of the most importnt handbag essentials which many girls neglect. They come in useful at the most unusual times. Mont Blanc, Cartier, Parker or Cross, whichever suits your budget, style and need, you must have one.


5. Small Tissue Pack

Best Buy: Paseo Small Tissue Pack


6. Miniature Perfume

Best Buy: Estee Lauder Miniature Perfume Gift Set, Harajuku Lovers miniature perfume bottles

The delicate look of the miniature perfume is beguiling and its portability and obvious convenience makes it a handbag essential. You can instantly smell delicious in your fav perfume's miniature version just about anywhere. I have loads of them (miniature bottles). In case you don't want to spend on them then perfume samples are a great option. Ask the person at the store to give you some perfume samples whenever you buy a bottle, and stash them in your bag. Its free and handy.


1. Estee Lauder Miniature Perfume Gift Set for £24 (US click here $67)

2. Harajuku Lovers Miniature Perfume Bottles for £12 each

3. Miniature Perfume Vivabox by The Perfume Shop for £29.35 and £49


7. Mirror

Best Buy: Chanel's Mirror Duo

Chanel's Double Facette Duo Mirror, normal and magnifying, is the indispensable handbag mirror for precise makeup application and re-touching throughout the day. The normal side for discreet retouching and the magnifying fo precision application. And it looks great too with its black case having Chanel logo on the front and ultra slim shape. Totally worth it at $40 (USA), 20 GBP (UK) and Rs 1,650 (India).


8. Sanitary Napkin

Goes without saying. This must be there in your bag at all times. Best Buy? Well depends which suits you and your needs but I think P&G's sanitary napkins are best, their brands include Whisper and Always.


9. Hair Ties or Hair Pins

You never know when it comes handy. And they are life savers that moment.

10. SOS items - nail filer, bandaid, painkiller, safety pins

With these Ten Handbag Essentials you are ready for every situation. Girls, what are the must-have items in your handbag? Leave your comments.


Follow me on Twitter


Related Posts:

Wardrobe Must Haves - all time classics


Cast Your Votes

Winning price? an 11x14 mounted, on luster finish.
Who's da lucky winner? the bride.

Click image to enlarge

Cast your votes before Thursday April 30 at 11:59pm

Just Some Notes


What kind of an idiot does it take to buzz the city of New York with a jet and two fighter planes? People in New York tend to notice these things. I believe it has something to do with some planes aiming for, and hitting the World Trade Center in 2001. There have been some recent examples. Remember the New York Yankees ball player that was flying his plane in New York and ended up crashing into an apartment building? First thought was terrorism. Then there was the plane that landed in the Hudson River earlier this year. It turned into a great story with nobody being killed, but the terrorism thought was there by some watching as it happened.

This backup of Air Force One and the two F-16's escorting (shooting pictures) was another terrorist attack, even if unintended. People were running the streets and exiting office buildings.

This was a stupid move and lays at the feet of the President. It's his employees that did this for a photo op for him. The ultimate responsibility lays with Obama.

Obama the Tax Collector

President Obama has done his part to help the recovery of the economy. By nominating Kathleen Sebelius as Health and Human Services Secretary, he's collected another $7,.000 from someone that hadn't paid their taxes. So far, Obama has collected nearly $160,000 in back taxes just from his nominees. His nominees for HHS have accounted for approximately $147,000. If you will remember, his first nominee owed approximately $140,000 in back taxes. The Treasury Department comes in second with over $30,000 collected just from Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Maybe the way to save the economy is to create more cabinet posts and have Obama name his choices for those posts. It is interesting that these are all Democrats that owe the back taxes. The Democrats are the tax and spend party, yet they don't seem to pay their taxes.

Finally!! An Obama Success!!

After the many missteps of Obama's choices for various positions, including Bill Richardson who decided not to take the post of Commerce Secretary due to a scanal in New Mexico that he seems to be tied to, and Senator Judd Gregg deciding not to take the same position when the White House moved the Census to the White House and away from the Commerce Dept., Ellen Moran has decided to leave her post in the West Wing of the White House as Communications Director and become the Chief of Staff for none other than the Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke.

When asked why she would leave the west wing for a lesser position, she said "that's all I got for you" and she walked away. One can only wonder if there will be more about this at some point in the future.

Flu Panic/Confusion/Borders

Every year in this country, approximately 36,000 people die from the flu. Yes, just the normal flu that we hear about every year. Now an outbreak of "Swine flu" has developed in Mexico. Over 100 people have died from this (according the reports that come out every two and a half minutes on the news) in Mexico. It's spread. People that traveled to Mexico in the past month seem to have contracted it and brought it back. There are masked people wandering the streets of Mexico and now in some areas here. 11 states now report that they have cases of the "Swine flu".

However, scientists at the University of Wisconsin have discovered that this strain of flu is not as dangerous as originally thought. In fact, they are saying that it may not be as dangerous as the flu that 36,000 people die from every year.

In the meantime, questions have been raised about closing the border to Mexico to protect us from the flu. Wait a minute!! We have an estimated 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens in this country and the Democrats claim that they need amnesty and that monitoring the borders won't stop them. But we can shut down the borders for the flu? Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security, says the borders don't need to be closed for the flu, but that's not my point. My point is that she thinks she can. If we can close the borders for the flu why can't we close the borders from the illegal aliens? Maybe the answer is to take away their Nyquil and they will stop crossing the border.


No, I'm not talking about another press conference by Obama and I'm not talking about Vice President Joe Biden, although with Biden, anything is possible. The President decided to release memo's describing the "torture". After seeing some of the things that pass for torture, I now understand the fear my niece had as a child when she used to scream at a moth that flew too close to her at night. One of our torture methods was apparently to put a lady bug in the room with a detainee. Another method seems to have been to push the detainee into a wall.

Then there's the big one. Waterboarding. This is a method where a doctor is in the room to be sure that the detainee has immediate medical care should the detainee swallow wrong. You know, have the drink go down the wrong pipe. We were limited to only a few times an hour. It makes me wonder, if we could bring back Daniel Pearl and asked him if he'd prefer to have waterboarding under those conditions or would he prefer to have his head cut off as happened.

In the meantime, Al Queda is now having a science class for terrorists teaching them that lady bugs, while a nuisance, don't hurt you. Caterpillars are fuzzy little creatures that inch their way from one place to another, but that the biggest danger to you could be that you'd die of old age before the caterpillar went from one side of the room to the other.

Someone should tell the President that terrorists will learn this science and figure out that butterflies don't pose a threat. After all, the terrorists have proven they are capable of learning. They learned how to fly our planes.


President Obama is telling people not to panic, but to be concerned about the flu. Wash your hands thoroughly, cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze and if you're feeling sick, don't go to work or school and don't send your kids to day care if you keep them home from school. Didn't we all learn this growing up? Oh well, that's another topic for another day.

Vice President Joe Biden, appearing on the Today show said that he's told his family to stay off of enclosed transportation. Stay away from subways, trains, planes to protect themselves from the flu. This is in direct contrast to Obama's words. Even Matt Lauer and Meredith Veira commented after Biden's interview that he must be mistaken because it wasn't what the President was saying.

Obama's First 100 Days

I am so glad that we're finally into the 101st day. I am sick to death of the countdown that CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and the other liberal media were going through to reach that hundredth day. It got to the point where I was looking to see if the media was going to count wrong one day and have a big discussion. I'm really surprised they didn't have their little clock in the corner that said 99 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 45 seconds to Obama's hundredth day, beginning from the moment he was inaugurated.

This President has been covered more than any previous President. The media just swoons at every sighting of him. He's taped coming out of the White House, going in, stepping onto Air Force One, stepping off of it. They went nuts waiting for the choice of a dog, then for the dog to reach the age where it could be delivered, then the delivery of the dog. It's really a wonder they don't give a play by play description of him attending to his private personal matters.

The important part of the first 100 days seems to have been glossed over. Obama has spent more money than all of the previous Presidents combined. From George Washington to George W. Bush not as much money has been spent as Obama and the Democrat Congress have spent.

After complaining about "record deficits" under President Bush, the Obama administration has increased the deficit four times that amount in less than 100 days. Remember the jokes of President Bush holding hands with a prince from the middle east? Obama bows to a middle eastern King. Remember Bush trying to exit through a locked door in Japan? Obama walked into a window at the White House.

Remember Bush mangling the English language when he speaks? Obama has the Teleprompter of the United States (TOTUS). There's even a blog site for TOTUS.

Arlen Specter

Senator Arlen Specter changed to the Democrat Party from the Republican Party. So what? He hasn't been a Republican other than collecting the money from the Republicans, in years.

Specter discovered that he couldn't win a Republican Primary next year. He has a better chance to win as a Democrat, according to him.

Remember when Phil Graham changed from being a Democrat to a Republican? He gave up his seat because he ran as a Democrat and was changing to the Republican Party. He promptly ran for the seat as a Republican and won.

Government Takeover of Auto Companies

Chrysler is filing bankruptcy. All of those billions of dollars did no good. Look for a new model that has a windmill on the trunk to make it go. It will only come in green.

You're welcome to comment.


Some of My Favorite Dancing Pics

From a wedding in West Jordan Utah.

Click images to enlarge

CLEAN Perfume

CLEAN perfumes are a fresh delightful range of products which offer a clean fresh fragrance for you. When you just step out from the shower, you smell fresh and clean, and who wouldn’t want that fragrance to last all day? The fragrance which was launched to present these smells, of just stepping out of the shower, after using your favourite soap, is a uniquely fresh smelling scent, which has rocketed success from simply being inspired from soap. After unsuccessfully searching for a fragrance that would do this, Randi Shinder from Canada, decided to develop her own fragrance that would portray these freshly washed smells all day.

Clean is a great success and it’s a good job that Randi Shinder shared her fragrance with all of us, as its a stunning scent, without being overpowering or exaggerated. CLEAN perfume is simply sweet, and subtly sexy, which everyone wants to wear. Even ladies are buying CLEAN Perfume for men for their other halves.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dates dates dates!

howdy again cute peeps!
poppin' in for a quick but super important announcement!

due to a personal event happening for us this month of may, please take note of the following no shipping dates

To make up for it (we feel bad for letting you wait!), here's the sweet part :

enter free shipping code upon checkout
(whilst in shopping bag page)


gotta run to re-stock the shoppe for you before i drop off the radar for a little while!

hugs & kisses!
lynda & lof fairies + gnomes


Water is the environment a Scuba Diver submerges them selves in this liquid environment.

The chemical compound of water is a mixture of hydrogen (liquid air) and oxygen (gaseous air) causing a water, but within unsurpassable large qualities of grouped housings, per lakes or ocean environments. However, the liquid state becomes a solid state when ice crystals form a solid material to develop.

In sum, temperature plays a significant part of the chemical properties of water; when scuba diving in different areas of water based housing arenas.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

PADI IDC ASIA with Blue Season Bali


Aikido uses an opponent balance against them to disarm the aggressor, whereas, Judo uses explosion of force on force to disarm and opponent; causing retreat or surrender. Both arts are of Japanese heritage; as both arts perform dodging movement and counter attacks within a scope of harmony with the world around them. Aikido is a gentle Art, as with Judo, except Judo is more world wide recognized in the Olympic as a known or popular Olympic sport.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA


Aikido uses an opponent balance against them to disarm the aggressor, whereas, Judo uses explosion of force on force to disarm and opponent; causing retreat or surrender. Both arts are of Japanese heritage; as both arts perform dodging movement and counter attacks within a scope of harmony with the world around them. Aikido is a gentle Art, as with Judo, except Judo is more world wide recognized in the Olympic as a known or popular Olympic sport.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA


Aikido uses an opponent balance against them to disarm the aggressor, whereas, Judo uses explosion of force on force to disarm and opponent; causing retreat or surrender. Both arts are of Japanese heritage; as both arts perform dodging movement and counter attacks within a scope of harmony with the world around them. Aikido is a gentle Art, as with Judo, except Judo is more world wide recognized in the Olympic as a known or popular Olympic sport.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA

tiny feet

crazy crazy limited restocks of our currently sold-out baby booties will be happening today!
wheeee! watch out for them! i won't be able to make any more in the month of may :)
gotta run now... *muacks!

fwah! your text message came so fast! lol
yes yes, there will also be brand new fabrics/colors/combinations! they will be listed as soon as the weather cooperates with moi.

all completed!! i will be emailing you all by this weekend! :D

Senior Photos in Salt Lake City

Beautiful smiles speak for themselves. Good times shooting this session in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click images to enlarge
Senior Photos in Salt Lake CitySenior Photos in Salt Lake CitySenior Photos in Salt Lake City

Reebok EasyTone Shoes

Take your gym with you this season. Reebok's EasyTone is the latest innovation in the sports footwear range. These new line of sneakers tone your legs as you walk around in them.

EasyTone is a cushioning concept designed to help you burn more calories and tone core leg muscles. They have “balance pods” built in under the heel and forefoot of the shoes, which are designed to create natural instability with every step. This instability forces your leg and glute muscles to work harder, increasing muscle tone and giving you a workout when you’re just walking around the house or doing everyday activities.

Now by just running for your daily errands, shopping, picking your groceries you can keep yourself fit. At Reebok they say 'you're always toning with EasyTone - even when you're standing still'. At $109, these shoes are worth a try, and they do look good. They come in five colours black, blue, green, golden and purple.

Related Posts:
Nike Dunk High Premium Sneakers for Women
Look slimmer with smart dressing

Reebok EasyTone Shoes

Take your gym with you this season. Reebok's EasyTone is the latest innovation in the sports footwear range. These new line of sneakers tone your legs as you walk around in them.

EasyTone is a cushioning concept designed to help you burn more calories and tone core leg muscles. They have “balance pods” built in under the heel and forefoot of the shoes, which are designed to create natural instability with every step. This instability forces your leg and glute muscles to work harder, increasing muscle tone and giving you a workout when you’re just walking around the house or doing everyday activities.

Now by just running for your daily errands, shopping, picking your groceries you can keep yourself fit. At Reebok they say 'you're always toning with EasyTone - even when you're standing still'. At $109, these shoes are worth a try, and they do look good. They come in five colours black, blue, green, golden and purple.

Related Posts:
Nike Dunk High Premium Sneakers for Women
Look slimmer with smart dressing

TH1 Hairdressing

TH1 Hairdressing is a Bangor hairdressers and beauty salon. It offers its clients up to date, top of the range hair care and beauty products. Th1 Hairdressing and beauty salon are within a beautifully restored Welsh Chapel which has been converted into an inspiring and relaxing salon. As soon as you walk through the door, you will be relaxed, calm, and stress free. You’ll begin to feel transformed, and TH1 will start the process in making you look as great as you feel.

Th1 Bangor Hairdressing offers the customer lots of up to date treatments, and cuts, and TH1s suppliers consist of renowned K.M.S, Paul Mitchell, GHD, and Nioxin. TH1 will spend lots of time with you making sure you receive the best cut and re-styles around, and you’ll leave their salon looking good, and feeling happy with your new look. They can add colour into your hair whether it being high lights to low lights, foils to slices, re-touching to colour correction, from roots to full head. TH1 can also create permanent Waving, from high curls, to spirals, to delicate waves. They use the Paul Brown collection to create volume, and long lasting results.

TH1 Hairdressing is also the only Bangor hairdressing that offers NANOMAX in the area. NANOMAX is a revolutionary treatment that will restore your hair to its natural glory. If your hair is damaged from too much heat, or too many hair dying sessions, NANOMAX can repair your hair back to natural beauty. NANOMAX is a prescriptive range of permanent repair for damaged hair.

TH1 Bangor Beauty Salon also offers a wide range of beauty treatments within the beautiful, relaxing Salon, within TH1 Hairdressing. These including body treatments, exotic treatments, anti-aging facials, skin facials, eye treatments, Caci treatments, electrolysis, make-up and self tanning, pamper packages, and also treatments for young women (up to 16 year olds.)

TH1 offer a pamper day every Monday. This includes three hours of pure relaxation and includes a Unique Elemis Facial, Deep Tissue Massage, Style and Finish in the hair salon, and Refreshments. After all this treatment you will leave TH1 looking and feeling great.

TH1 Hairdressing and Beauty Salon offers a Relaxing, Contemporary environment, with state of the art equipment. It’s designed with your comfort and enjoyment in mind, and you will look and feel good from the moment you leave right up until you return.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The custom or judge is white or off-white. The jacket must be long enough to cover the thighs and have a rugged tapestry to undergo heavy excursion on the mats or competition. Thus, safety is a priority of effective throwing abilities; so both opponents are not hurt or injured, on the mats. For example, groundwork and sparring on the mat are based on a combination of strength and balance; through throwing techniques, requiring a sturdy uniform.

Scoring is based on a referee’s choice of throwing and groundwork, based on the ruggedness of the Judo uniform is able to undertake on the mats; so the opponent scores the best marks or points.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA


The custom or judge is white or off-white. The jacket must be long enough to cover the thighs and have a rugged tapestry to undergo heavy excursion on the mats or competition. Thus, safety is a priority of effective throwing abilities; so both opponents are not hurt or injured, on the mats. For example, groundwork and sparring on the mat are based on a combination of strength and balance; through throwing techniques, requiring a sturdy uniform.

Scoring is based on a referee’s choice of throwing and groundwork, based on the ruggedness of the Judo uniform is able to undertake on the mats; so the opponent scores the best marks or points.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA


The custom or judge is white or off-white. The jacket must be long enough to cover the thighs and have a rugged tapestry to undergo heavy excursion on the mats or competition. Thus, safety is a priority of effective throwing abilities; so both opponents are not hurt or injured, on the mats. For example, groundwork and sparring on the mat are based on a combination of strength and balance; through throwing techniques, requiring a sturdy uniform.

Scoring is based on a referee’s choice of throwing and groundwork, based on the ruggedness of the Judo uniform is able to undertake on the mats; so the opponent scores the best marks or points.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA

Scuba Dive

A reef is an unspoiled, massive structure of color and coral; massing with a blend creamy to green or brown colors with majestic seascapes. The fish that live in a reef are the most colorful and spindled of the marine animals in the reef’s habitat.

The reef fish glide an array of colored, spotted, striped and barred shapes; followed by colors of blue, purple, greenish and yellow fans and sea whips. For example, the blue parrotfish, yellowtail snapper are a sample of the fish that live in a reef. The volume of specimens of tropical fish covers more than 160 species of tropical fish.

The crowd or throng of life in the reef makes up the coral community.


(Album / Profile)

Len Wilson

PADI IDC ASIA with Blue Season Bali

New Wedding Albums = More Loving

We just introduced these albums to our product line...more durable and much sexier. All handmade leather albums.

Click image to enlarge

First 100 Days Ends with Obama Terrorist Attack

The Liberal media is making hay of the coming of the 100th day of Obama. If you were to tune in Wolf Blitzers "Situation Room" during the past week, every segment starts with him reviewing the headlines for that segment and adding in that Obama's grades are coming up for his first 100 days and ended each segment telling everyone that Wednesday marks his 100th day.

So how has Obama marked his first 100 days? By terrorizing the American people. On Monday, the defense department held a photo op, using a backup for Air Force One and an F-16 fighter jet. They wanted pictures of it flying over the Statue of Liberty.

People in nearby office buildings saw the 747 flying low over the Hudson River and banking. This brought back memories of September 11, 2001. Businesses sent people out of the buildings and panic set in as the people were running through the streets. Would the plane go into a building? Would the F-16 shoot it down and where would it hit?

What people didn't know was that there was a photographer in the F-16 not shooting guns, but shooting pictures. The New York Police Department was notified in advance but told not to release the information to the public. The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg was furious that he was not informed.

We've been told that it's not a question of if there will be another terrorist attack, but when. Well, we've now found out. The when was Monday, when the back up to Air Force One was used to terrorize the people in New York.

This is just the climax to Obama's first 100 days. He's quadrupled the deficit. The Treasury borrowed another $361 Billion and expect to borrow another over $500 billion in July. The Obama administration gave bailout money to banks and others, but changed the rules of that bailout after the bailout was given. Now, when these companies want to pay back the bailout money, the Obamas won't accept it.

Of course, there was the debacle of the so-called stimulus package that was passed in which nobody read the bill prior to the vote on it. Yes, Representative Mark Schauer, I said "NOBODY" despite your claims of having read it. We all know that even you didn't read it. Most of the so-called stimulus package doesn't even take effect for two years, despite the stated need for it immediately by the Obamas.

Obama has also released memos of the so-called torture and is releasing pictures. But he's not released the memo's showing the results. This puts our service men and women in peril around the world. In the meantime, the Taliban has moved within 60 miles of the capitol of Pakistan. Pakistan has nuclear weapons!

Then, there is the question of his nominations for various positions in his administration. One tax cheat made it to the Treasury Department, but hasn't filled his staff out yet, which seems to me would be a high priority given that they claim we're in the worst economy since the Great Depression. Others that have cheated on their taxes, were ousted, such as Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer (who ousted herself). Another is now Labor Secretary and yet another is about to be put into Health and Human Services.

Then there is the Secretary of Homeland Security who has changed the name of the War on Terror, and Ticked off the military with her report calling ex military as well as Conservatives terrorists. She won't call terrorists terrorists, but she'll call our former marines, sailors and soldiers, terrorists.

Now we end up with the swine flu. This is symbolically fitting. Obama ends his first 100 days terrorizing the American people and they are "sick" after his first 100 days.

You're welcome to comment.
