Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming

The Tax and Spend Democrats have taken over. With taxes increasing beginning with the tobacco tax on April 1, we're learning of still more Democrats that didn't pay taxes. Naturally, they continue to say "unintentional".

One incident I might be able to understand. Two would be a coincidence. Three begins to appear as though it's becoming common. Four has to make you wonder if taxes are only meant for everyone other than Democrats. Five, makes it halfway to the Ten Most Wanted List. Six makes one wonder if there are any Democrats able to follow the laws that they write.

I'd ask 'who's next', but I'm afraid that we may find out.

You're welcome to comment.


Summer Office Wear

Summer is around and its time to bring out your summer office clothes (or shop for them!!!). Some women are lucky enough working in the office where they can work in tees and vintage 50s dresses and beat the sun. While some of us have to maintain the 'formal office code', which may leave with little room for summer wear that would be formal.

But not to worry, you can be clad formally yet chill out in the heat.

And I personally think that you should be dressed formally in the office, as it brings in different kind of energy and professionalism to your work.

In summer, it is most important to feel cool and comfortable. And even if you have an AC in the office, commuting to and from the office can be really uncomfortable. Thus clothes made from cool fabrics like cotton and linen are very practical for summer office wardrobe. They let your skin breathe and does not block the air flow, which is a must for the summer.

Linen Trousers
Linen trousers are light and airy, and are perfect for the summers. Pick a smart pair of linen trousers this summer; a pair of white linen trousers would be the perfect choice for the summery look. And if you're afraid to wear the white, you can never go wrong with Black. If you are tall and lean, go for wide-legged comfortable trousers in linen or even cotton.

Florals and Bright Colours
Yup, they are the best to beat the summer heat with the life they bring to your look. Get a floral shift knee-length dress for the office, you could pair it with a smart linen jacket to add the business-like tinge to the look. Don't wear tropical looking florals, as if you've just come from the Bahamas. You can also team along a floral scarf or printed tops for a feminine summery look without going overboard. Or else, go for brightly coloured dress or a shirt (not too bright, as it will distract others).

Monochromatic look is a huge trend for 2009 and that's a great news for the office-goers, as that's what we generally end up wearing to the office. Pick colours that would keep you cool, whites, green, natural tans or nudes, pink, khakhi. Avoid black as it absorbs heat, pick deep blues, browns and greys instead. The best part about the monochromatic look is it makes you look slimmer. Check out Look Slimmer with Smart Dressing.

White Shirt
No summer office wardrobe would be complete without a white shirt. The colour makes you feel cooler and calmer. Plus, a white shirt is a very versatile piece of clothing.

Replace the shirt with some comfortable and modern cardigan. There is a huge variety of cotton knitwear in the stores in so many different shapes and colorus. And most of the offices accept them as formal wear. Pair it with formal trousers to stay in the corporate code. Team a decent camisole or vest and a short-sleeved cardi. It would be a lot more comfortable than a shirt. If a collared-shirt is the rule of the office, then pair sleeveless collared cami or shirt with the cardi. Add a scarf or necklace to complete the look. It would look smart and will be comfortable on those hot days.

Most importantly, remember to dress in layers, as the difference in the temperature of your air conditioned office and outdoors can be as huge as 25-30 degrees. A nice cardigan, a cotton jacket or a formal vest or waistcoat is a great way to layer your office ensemble. But avoid too much layering.


Summer Office Wear Tips

- Yup its the season that would make you sweaty and uncomfortable. But strictly avoid shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops and low-cut or sheer blouses, flip-flops or chappals in the office. Don't wear anything too revealing. It may get you attention, but will certainly create a wrong impression.

- Linen, cotton and other lightweight fabrics generally tend to be sheer. Check your reflection under bright lighting to make sure your undergarments don't show through.

- Even if you dress down, make sure you keep a jacket or cardigan handy to cover you up when your boss or an important client calls for an emergency meeting or if the temperature is dropping because of AC.

- Pay attention to your feet. If your company allows open-toe or backless shoes, make sure your feet and toenails are clean and well-groomed. Pamper yourself with a good pedicure regularly especially during summers.

Store Guide:
1 - I.N. San Francisco Grey Jacket for $42, click here to buy
2 - Oasis White Linen Trousers for $45, click here to buy
3 - Paul Smith Scarf for£132, click here to buy
4 - Forever 21 Mustard Belt for $9, click here to buy
5 - BCX White Shirt for $20 (was $36), click here to buy
6 - Flower Brooch from ASOS for £12, click here to buy
7 - Patent Faux Leather Belt for $15, click here to buy
8 - Threaded Bangle for $25, click here to buy
9 - Matt and Nat bag for £175, click here to buy
For smart cardigan in bright blue (£18), click here
Related Posts and Articles:
Stylish and Smart Dressing for the Office
Handbags for Spring/Summer 2009
Get Dotty - Dots are Hot this Season
What not to wear to work
Bangles - the hot fashion accessory

Summer Office Wear

Summer is around and its time to bring out your summer office clothes (or shop for them!!!). Some women are lucky enough working in the office where they can work in tees and vintage 50s dresses and beat the sun. While some of us have to maintain the 'formal office code', which may leave with little room for summer wear that would be formal.

But not to worry, you can be clad formally yet chill out in the heat.

And I personally think that you should be dressed formally in the office, as it brings in different kind of energy and professionalism to your work.

In summer, it is most important to feel cool and comfortable. And even if you have an AC in the office, commuting to and from the office can be really uncomfortable. Thus clothes made from cool fabrics like cotton and linen are very practical for summer office wardrobe. They let your skin breathe and does not block the air flow, which is a must for the summer.

Linen Trousers
Linen trousers are light and airy, and are perfect for the summers. Pick a smart pair of linen trousers this summer; a pair of white linen trousers would be the perfect choice for the summery look. And if you're afraid to wear the white, you can never go wrong with Black. If you are tall and lean, go for wide-legged comfortable trousers in linen or even cotton.

Florals and Bright Colours
Yup, they are the best to beat the summer heat with the life they bring to your look. Get a floral shift knee-length dress for the office, you could pair it with a smart linen jacket to add the business-like tinge to the look. Don't wear tropical looking florals, as if you've just come from the Bahamas. You can also team along a floral scarf or printed tops for a feminine summery look without going overboard. Or else, go for brightly coloured dress or a shirt (not too bright, as it will distract others).

Monochromatic look is a huge trend for 2009 and that's a great news for the office-goers, as that's what we generally end up wearing to the office. Pick colours that would keep you cool, whites, green, natural tans or nudes, pink, khakhi. Avoid black as it absorbs heat, pick deep blues, browns and greys instead. The best part about the monochromatic look is it makes you look slimmer. Check out Look Slimmer with Smart Dressing.

White Shirt
No summer office wardrobe would be complete without a white shirt. The colour makes you feel cooler and calmer. Plus, a white shirt is a very versatile piece of clothing.

Replace the shirt with some comfortable and modern cardigan. There is a huge variety of cotton knitwear in the stores in so many different shapes and colorus. And most of the offices accept them as formal wear. Pair it with formal trousers to stay in the corporate code. Team a decent camisole or vest and a short-sleeved cardi. It would be a lot more comfortable than a shirt. If a collared-shirt is the rule of the office, then pair sleeveless collared cami or shirt with the cardi. Add a scarf or necklace to complete the look. It would look smart and will be comfortable on those hot days.

Most importantly, remember to dress in layers, as the difference in the temperature of your air conditioned office and outdoors can be as huge as 25-30 degrees. A nice cardigan, a cotton jacket or a formal vest or waistcoat is a great way to layer your office ensemble. But avoid too much layering.


Summer Office Wear Tips

- Yup its the season that would make you sweaty and uncomfortable. But strictly avoid shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops and low-cut or sheer blouses, flip-flops or chappals in the office. Don't wear anything too revealing. It may get you attention, but will certainly create a wrong impression.

- Linen, cotton and other lightweight fabrics generally tend to be sheer. Check your reflection under bright lighting to make sure your undergarments don't show through.

- Even if you dress down, make sure you keep a jacket or cardigan handy to cover you up when your boss or an important client calls for an emergency meeting or if the temperature is dropping because of AC.

- Pay attention to your feet. If your company allows open-toe or backless shoes, make sure your feet and toenails are clean and well-groomed. Pamper yourself with a good pedicure regularly especially during summers.

Store Guide:
1 - I.N. San Francisco Grey Jacket for $42, click here to buy
2 - Oasis White Linen Trousers for $45, click here to buy
3 - Paul Smith Scarf for£132, click here to buy
4 - Forever 21 Mustard Belt for $9, click here to buy
5 - BCX White Shirt for $20 (was $36), click here to buy
6 - Flower Brooch from ASOS for £12, click here to buy
7 - Patent Faux Leather Belt for $15, click here to buy
8 - Threaded Bangle for $25, click here to buy
9 - Matt and Nat bag for £175, click here to buy
For smart cardigan in bright blue (£18), click here
Related Posts and Articles:
Stylish and Smart Dressing for the Office
Handbags for Spring/Summer 2009
Get Dotty - Dots are Hot this Season
What not to wear to work
Bangles - the hot fashion accessory

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Best Easter Present Ever!

Spring played a trick on us this week. We had a blizzard yesterday and received about 12"-14" of snow! But before it snowed I was able to see our little tulip bulbs shyly emerging from the ground. So that must mean that spring is here, and with spring comes Easter- the most innocent and beautiful holiday. Eggs galore: boiling, painting & egg hunts. Easter baskets, filled with simple goodies. Baby animals, new plants! It's a celebration of life and it's a wonderful time to celebrate children. Introducing our Paper Doll!

A few years ago we had a paper doll that I had made for a CHA show. It was when we introduced Chick-a-dee. We found it here a few weeks ago and thought what a cute Easter present it would make. So I took the time to trace it and make templates of the outfits that she has available. She comes in her skivvies so you're able to dress her up as much as you want. I printed her outfits onto Ana's Bananas & Tiny Bubbles papers. You can make 9 different outfits with just 3 sheets of paper. The tabs on the clothes have a strip that is made to attach the 2 shoulder tabs with tape. Click here to print an 8.5 x 11" sheet of clothing.

The fun thing with this doll is that you can personalize her by adding the photo of the recipient. I'm actually half Salvadoran so for me I wanted to diversify some skin tones. So there's three options to choose from. My coloring is between the #2 & #3 skin tone. I know they're pretty broad but look at the image below and you can choose from #1, #2 or #3. (<--- Just click these numbers).
I needed to give my doll a home and so I found a tin box and just lined it with chick-a-dee paper. Inside I used the chick-a-dee scalloped ribbon. With some craft wiring I made little hangers for the clothes and hung them off of the ribbon.

I will say that it's not as flattering with adults pictures. I was going to post my paper doll but I looked about 60 lbs heavier, haha. But try this as a project to do with the kids at home or while you're babysitting. It's so much fun picking out the different papers and feeling a little like a fashion designer. No one has ever emailed me pictures of their completed projects, but if you do, I'll post them online.

If you have any questions, please post them and I'll help you in anyway I can. Hope you love this as much as I do!


Tea Party-April 15, 2009

In 1773 citizens of Boston, Massachussets dressed as Indians and boarded three English ships loaded with tea. In three hours time, they tossed that tea into Boston Harbor to protest the latest tax imposed on them.

This event was the culmination of events since the French and Indian War including the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts, and the Boston Masssacre. Great Britain's Parliament thought the colonists wouldn't give up their tea and if they taxed the tea, it would be an indication by the colonists that they agreed with Britains right to tax them.

Today's Tea Parties that are springing up around the nation are not exactly the same as it was in 1773, but it is similar in that the people are protesting the excessive taxation imposed on the people by the government.

In spite of campaign promises to provide a tax cut to 95% of the people of this country, we are now going to be taxed like we haven't been in years. The government is using our money to bailout companies that have already failed. Yes, I said "our money". The government does not earn money. They confiscate money from the people in the form of taxes. Taxes are necessary, but not to the extent that we're being taxed and will be taxed under present conditions in the very near future.

On April 15, there will be Tea Parties held all across this country to protest the taxes that are about to be imposed on the citizens of this country. April 15 is of course, tax day in this country. This has been a growing phenomenon. There have been tea parties held already across the country. Naturally, the size of them has been underreported. The most notable thus far has been in Orlando, Florida, where it was reported that a couple of thousand people were out to protest. The number was actually placed at over 5,000.

Look in your area for when the Tea Party will be held and attend if you are able. I know that there is one planned in Lansing, Michigan and I've been hearing there may be one in Battle Creek, Michigan. I am hoping to attend one here and take pictures and post them. If you attend one in your area and take pictures and send them to me, I will try to post them as well. You can see below for some of the scheduled Tea Parties.

If you are able to send a picture, please send it to me at BYoung7411@gmail.com and include the city and state that your picture represents. If you have the estimated attendance I'd like that as well.

You're welcome to comment.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 4: Tuzigoot Sinaguan Ruins

Standing on the roof of Tuzigoot looking north. The light brown near the cliff is the marsh.

Tuzigoot, which is Apache for crooked water is the remains of a Sinaguan pueblo. It also turned out to be my mother’s favorite site on the trip. She liked the idea of seeing an entire village. I liked it because they have reconstructed the roof of the highest part of the structure so you can stand on the top and view the entire area. This might be the viewing loving Coloradoan in me or it might be the fact that the Sinaguans lived on their roofs, and this reconstruction provides a glimpse into that experience.

Looking up at the ruins from the far southern extent of the walkway. There were two gringo women here conducting some faux Indian ritual. The doubt the original inhabitants would have appreciated such misguided beliefs.

This ruin is near Cottonwood, which is 20 miles east of Sedona. We combined this visit with a trip up to Jerome, an old mining village high up Mingus Mountain. Jerome turned out to be such a dud that I won’t bother blogging it. If you go to Tuzigoot, combine it with Palaki and Honaki for a ruins blitzkrieg.

Looking south to the point where I took the previous picture. You can see the green trees and lush farmland of the Verde Valley. It is not difficult to imagine ancient fields covering the entire region surrounding the site.

Tuzigoot sits on a tall ridge that rises 120 feet above the surrounding Verde Valley. About 50 people inhabited the village from 1125 to at least 1400. I would like to see a modern tract home survive that long.

Looking west. Jerome sites on the far hillside. This view is not pristine. In the distance is a copper mine. Most of the ground here is reclaimed from the mine tailings. Who knows what it would have looked like in ancient times.

The Apache name for the site is very apropos. At one point the Verde River actually hooked around the settlement in what is technically called an oxbow. At one point the river broke through the ridge to the south, sending the river away from the settlement. The marsh, which provided both food and reeds to the inhabitants of Tuzigoot managed to survive, fed but a spring.

Interior of the reconstructed tall house. It gives you an idea of the type of construction needed to build multi-story structures.

Official Dive Guide

A Scenic River is a river or water-shed of free-flowing water, which is highly uninhabited and naturalistic; while being free of developments along its banks.

In contrast to, a scenic patch alongside a roadside area harboring (byways, trees preservation, highway design, or cellular towers).

Thus, a Scenic River is free of power-transmission surroundings; unlike artificial means of scenic enjoyment.

(Web-Page) http://scuba.diver2007.googlepages.com

(Album / Profile) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=10028&id=1661531726&l=c7a1668cdc

Len Wilson

PADI IDC ASIA with Blue Season Bali

Olympic Judo Opening

When two opponents are competing in a Judo match, both opponents bow to each other, before moving into the main area of the mats where the match begins. Then after, the referee starts the competition with the word ready - set - go or "Hajime!!!”

Upon performing Judo throws, grasps, chokes, holds; the objective is to catch the opponent off-guard by administering a winning counter attack, whereby, winning the match with the referee; yelling - "Ippon" or the match is over and the winner is.....

Judo is gentle form of wrestling.

(Web-Page) http://judo.member2008.googlepages.com/

(Album / Profile) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=10023&id=1661531726&l=792eaa11b1

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA

Olympic Judo Opening

When two opponents are competing in a Judo match, both opponents bow to each other, before moving into the main area of the mats where the match begins. Then after, the referee starts the competition with the word ready - set - go or "Hajime!!!”

Upon performing Judo throws, grasps, chokes, holds; the objective is to catch the opponent off-guard by administering a winning counter attack, whereby, winning the match with the referee; yelling - "Ippon" or the match is over and the winner is.....

Judo is gentle form of wrestling.

(Web-Page) http://judo.member2008.googlepages.com/

(Album / Profile) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=10023&id=1661531726&l=792eaa11b1

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA

Olympic Judo Opening

When two opponents are competing in a Judo match, both opponents bow to each other, before moving into the main area of the mats where the match begins. Then after, the referee starts the competition with the word ready - set - go or "Hajime!!!”

Upon performing Judo throws, grasps, chokes, holds; the objective is to catch the opponent off-guard by administering a winning counter attack, whereby, winning the match with the referee; yelling - "Ippon" or the match is over and the winner is.....

Judo is gentle form of wrestling.

(Web-Page) http://judo.member2008.googlepages.com/

(Album / Profile) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=10023&id=1661531726&l=792eaa11b1

Len Wilson

United States Judo Association - USJA

Stylish or Funny?

What were these girls thinking?

We know that these celebs have pressure to make a fashion statement, and all of them want followers rather than to follow fashion. But there is something called 'style' and 'elegance'. To look different does not mean going OTT or looking foolish.

Paris Hilton - Am not surprised

Paris Hilton begs for attention. This girl does everything to be in the headlines. And I think this dress was one of her tactics. Bingo!!

Paris, you are not even close to looking sexy or stylish in this dress. Rather this fan-adorned dress is looking stupid. With the beautiful body you have, am sure you can look great. Change your stylist girl.

Lisa Rinna - planning fashion blunder of the century?

Lisa Rinna, the American actress, is reminding me of some wild bird in this outfit. Looks like someone scored for the fashion blunder for the century. Are you running for the title?

Update: 07 April 2009

Malaika Arora - what shoes?

She really thought these shoes can make a fashion statement? The shoes are really ugly and ghastly and are a complete no-no. You think its stylish or funny? For me its ghastly.


From the runway......
Archana Kochhar Fall 2009 Collection
Honestly, who is really going to wear these funny dresses? Archana Kochhar could have done better. A showstopper on the runway in this badly crafted flowery dress. Hopefully Minisha Lamba (left) would not wear it off the runway.

I don't need to say further about the pink lehenga, it speaks for itself.
Givenchy Spring Summer 2009 Collection
Where to start? The colour, the shirt, the shorts, the shoes or the leggings.... Everything about this look is repulsive. Who is really going to wear this shirt? I don't need to answer.

Stylish or Funny?

What were these girls thinking?

We know that these celebs have pressure to make a fashion statement, and all of them want followers rather than to follow fashion. But there is something called 'style' and 'elegance'. To look different does not mean going OTT or looking foolish.

Paris Hilton - Am not surprised

Paris Hilton begs for attention. This girl does everything to be in the headlines. And I think this dress was one of her tactics. Bingo!!

Paris, you are not even close to looking sexy or stylish in this dress. Rather this fan-adorned dress is looking stupid. With the beautiful body you have, am sure you can look great. Change your stylist girl.

Lisa Rinna - planning fashion blunder of the century?

Lisa Rinna, the American actress, is reminding me of some wild bird in this outfit. Looks like someone scored for the fashion blunder for the century. Are you running for the title?

Update: 07 April 2009

Malaika Arora - what shoes?

She really thought these shoes can make a fashion statement? The shoes are really ugly and ghastly and are a complete no-no. You think its stylish or funny? For me its ghastly.


From the runway......
Archana Kochhar Fall 2009 Collection
Honestly, who is really going to wear these funny dresses? Archana Kochhar could have done better. A showstopper on the runway in this badly crafted flowery dress. Hopefully Minisha Lamba (left) would not wear it off the runway.

I don't need to say further about the pink lehenga, it speaks for itself.
Givenchy Spring Summer 2009 Collection
Where to start? The colour, the shirt, the shorts, the shoes or the leggings.... Everything about this look is repulsive. Who is really going to wear this shirt? I don't need to answer.

Smart Lingerie - Butt Lifting Knicker

Girls how would you feel if your butts life instantly and get firm and round, without even hitting the gym?

Andrew Christian, the celebrity designer famous for men's underwears, has designed a butt lifting underwear for women called WonderWear. Its the female version of the popular male Flashback Bubble Butt underwear for men.

So girls, you can finally get the perfect but with no sweat or implants and surgeries. The WonderWear has invisible lifting support built into the seams of the underwear. The construction of the underwear automatically lifts the buttocks making it look firm and round without the need for any embarrassing padding or straps hidden inside.

It has a wide, black nylon waistband which acts almost as tummy control (dual benefit). And the best thing is, despite the utility it provides, the knickers actually look quite cool. So you don't have to compromise on the look and style.

Doesn't it sound amazing? We needed this since so long. What are you waiting for? Check out Andrew Christrian’s WonderWear if you want to lift your butt.

Click here for product review of WonderWear.

Related Posts:
Look Slimmer With Smart Dressing
Are You Wearing the Right Bra Size?

Smart Lingerie - Butt Lifting Knicker

Girls how would you feel if your butts life instantly and get firm and round, without even hitting the gym?

Andrew Christian, the celebrity designer famous for men's underwears, has designed a butt lifting underwear for women called WonderWear. Its the female version of the popular male Flashback Bubble Butt underwear for men.

So girls, you can finally get the perfect but with no sweat or implants and surgeries. The WonderWear has invisible lifting support built into the seams of the underwear. The construction of the underwear automatically lifts the buttocks making it look firm and round without the need for any embarrassing padding or straps hidden inside.

It has a wide, black nylon waistband which acts almost as tummy control (dual benefit). And the best thing is, despite the utility it provides, the knickers actually look quite cool. So you don't have to compromise on the look and style.

Doesn't it sound amazing? We needed this since so long. What are you waiting for? Check out Andrew Christrian’s WonderWear if you want to lift your butt.

Click here for product review of WonderWear.

Related Posts:
Look Slimmer With Smart Dressing
Are You Wearing the Right Bra Size?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

give me a break... singapore...


yes, all these participating brands need even more recognition, both locally and internationally, and need even more help in reaching an even wider audience, to increase their already $ - - millions of annual turnover, further increase their presence in the local media, and further increase the number of stores they already have along that tiny stretch of orchard road and all over the heartland malls, expand beyond just having branches in bangkok, or kuala lumpur, or dubai, or china, or what-have-you.

oh yes.

even my ang-moh (caucasians) friends can point that out in plain sight whenever they visit singapore.

what a sight for sore eyes. not sour grapes. just simply ???????. bewilderment.

but of course we know the founders and board of directors of this collective...

*gives my signature eye-roll*

Day 4: The Ridge Trail

Distance: 5 miles out and back
Elevation: 4,000 – 4,400 ft
Elevation gain: 400 ft

Back side of Cathedral Rock

I asked my parents when they would let me hike while vacationing in Sedona. They said I could hike all I wanted as long as I was back to cook breakfast by 9 AM. Since I was awake by 6:30 AM anyway, I started going out at sunrise to enjoy the area. I did this trail twice, because the southern trailhead is less than 50 yards from where I am staying near the Crescent Moon Picnic Area. I did not have a map at that point and had no idea where the trail would lead, but it turned out to be wonderful early morning hike with 270-degree views of the surrounding areas. The rock cairns were easy to follow and the views were spectacular.

Beginning of the Ridge Trail from the southwestern side

Cathedral Rock in the early morning light. Not the best time to photograph it. Sunset is much better.

The first day I did the hike, my camera froze up and I was unable to take pictures, which is why I ended up doing it twice. There were also six hot air balloons hovering around Cathedral Rock, which made it particularly festive. I was practically in tears that day knowing I had the chamber of commerce shot right in front of me. My frustration was in vain, however, because my early morning photography skills could use an upgrade. I am so used to taking pictures in the middle of the day, that I did not do very well in the low light conditions.

Behind the Cathedral Rock viewpoint is a small ridge to be scaled.

Intersection with Chavez Road. Note the distinctive cairn.

Note that the first half-mile of this trail is not in the books or on the Sedona trail map. It is obvious, however because there is a large cairn right at the trailhead. These cairns exist all the way to the published trailhead on Chavez road. After that they disappear. Note also that there are more trails in this area than exist on the map so it is hard to tell exactly what trail one is on. Anyway you go will be nice, just realize that unless you do an out and back, finding your way home without a map may be time consuming.

The final pitch to the top of the ridge is a steep and rocky outcrop. Poles would help in coming down this portion.

View to the southwest from the top of the ridge

On my first trip, I did an out and back, turning around the far end of the ridge at a T-intersection. On my second trip I decided to take the left fork of this T for a longer hike. This is the continuation of the Ridge Trail. It goes down the hillside towards Sedona. Since I had a breakfast date, I did not want to go too far but decided to try and find my way back along an old streambed. Do NOT do this! Going off trail has risks that most should not take. Following streambeds means very rocky terrain. Additionally, I had 5 class 2 scrambles to descend where the rocks ended in sharp 6-foot ledges. At each of these locations, I had to evaluate whether I would be able to turn around and retrace my steps. As it was, this streambed ended up intersecting with one of the many trails in the Carrol Canyon area and I continued on them to get out. Later, I studied a map of the area. Had I had this map while hiking, always a better plan, I would have known that 30 yards from where I turned off the trails would have intersected naturally.

The trail as it crosses the ridge

Heading down the left side of the ridge

So, I have not hiked the Ridge Trail from end to end, but scaled the easy, by Colorado standards anyway, 400 ft to the top. The views are well worth that effort. Early morning is a delightful time to hike, even in spring. The sun, in these exposed areas is welcoming and the vistas are awe-inspiring. The following day, I hiked up Fay Canyon, which was beautiful, but cold first thing in the AM. In the heat of summer, I am sure the coolness would be most welcome.

View of Sedona and the surrounding rocks in the early morning light. I got up close and personal to the fingers on the right on the Thunder Mountain Trail on my last day in Sedona.