Friday, June 29, 2007

do not flip

the store is going to be stock-full of brand new goodies in the month of july until early september when i leave for my long-overdue trip!

because we're almost done with the first big mother-effing load of lof's new collection of goodies for one of our stockist's order!!!!! woooooowwww! *does a little crazy jig*

you know what that means....
having extra stock for the shoppe = able to take photographs + edit + come up with some weird-ass story for item if possible = the continuation of listing of our new collection in the shoppe! i know there was a seriously strange halt of listing of new designs after the new hoot the owl purses were re-stocked.... due to unexpected sudden plain simple greed (what an annoying over-acheiver).... and over-eagerness to please people whom i like. what a vaaguueeee explanation!!!? ha :pp

you have been warned.
do not send me crying/sad/complain/rude emails when stuff is sold out, because if they are re-stockable, it will most probably only happen in october.

well, you can go ahead and send them, i'm immune. it's painless now, this is afterall my 3rd year in business. errm, no... 4th year!!!!??! ugh. wow. and "still like a kid playing with "toys" in her little workroom"??? well, BORING old fardy-dart adults... uhh... i've nothing to say to you. because you're just s.t.u.p.i.d., that is at least until i come up with something else not-so-immature to retort you.

party?? booze??? sleep????? rolling on the floor??????? doing nothing for an entire 48 hours??????? ignoring your emails?????? and not bothering about lousy phonecalls?????? here i come!!!!!!!!!! :DD

oh. i was good again and replied your previous comments ;p ciao!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

new designs 06-26-07

Monday, June 25, 2007

new designs 06-26-07

Friday, June 22, 2007

not quite back yet...

i know i've been away... so sorry i've been uber busy!!! buried.... in busy-ness... and business... hmmm. deja-vu. but i just gotta drop by a minute to holler! how have you all been??? so many things are going on!! and i might have missed quite a few here and there... but hey, i can't be here and there and everywhere, especially not working on fulfilling orders... cranking up new designs.. sewing (i've lost count on the number of times my fingers bled these past few weeks)... flying off to get supplies... trying not to neglect my friends too much.... breathing... sending sewing machine #2 for repairs.... eating... and surfing the web at the same time!!?!

not possible.

notice how breathing and eating came in the last few.... blahhhh.... my already genetically thin hands are now super veiny and groooosssssss.....gross... gross.... i've bony man-hands and feet. why, mummy, why...

i'm procrastinating on discontinuing my felt pin brooches' design.... i almost never procrastinate... bleurghh. i'm the only one who can and makes them... and when people order like 60pcs in one single order... and when these people decide to all order at around the same time..... i don't know if i should hip hop hooray or just wail out loud in horror and burst into tears of agony..... the manic-personality disorder moi most certainly did both..... more of the latter though....

so... i've lots of thanks to say to all who have been reviewing and/or featuring littleoddforest goods in the wonderful world of the internet! seriously, it's way too many to list, since i was away for awhile.... so go here to looky look! -->

to continue my random blabbers to prove i'm still kicking.... recently, i've been obsessing over having these --

who's afraid of the peppermint man, part 2
by camille rose garcia

and yes! the forest is set to invade the urban world! woot!
how effing cool is this?????!!

thomas wold mushroom forest coffee table

*drools* boy oh boy oh boy.....

anyone wants to help me fulfil wish of obtaining my own space earlier than i possibly can??? tsk. gawd dammit, the property prices.... just like how i chose to go to college in the u.s. when the exchange rate was up to its highest of 1.8, and how i choose to earn the u.s. dollars now when its down to a sad low... bahhhh....

anyways... i managed to get these pairs of precious babies from day-lab, run by amy who has exceptional tastes (you have to adore her jewelry line!)

anyhow.... for more of what's going on... proceed on to my flickr because it's so much easier to click snap click than type type type.... 10 seconds versus 10 minutes....

2 foreign visitors we entertained last week say that i so need to slow down and smell the fresh air we enjoy in singapore... well. i bummed around and wasted 2 years of my precious youth doing nothingness after my a' levels, and got my degree 2.5 years later than all of my peers who got it.... no time to waste.... gotta get the goals and dough rolling hard and fast. i am, afterall, living in singapore. where we have to work till the day we die. unless we were filthily rich. i shall share with you a silly poem my dad wrote about this later on...

do i smell migration??? nahh...

oh!! i've been unfillial, and failed to mention about my dad's etsy store --

he's a semi-retired businessman and full-time artist/painter. and he's so techie as well!! email, digital camera, online shop, and all that... not forgetting bugging me at the worst times (in the middle of my intensive sewing and etc.) to help him "open a new window", "find out which printer ink color is low", "how come i can't click this?" problems................. sigh. dads. sigh.

pssstttt... mandy~ general consensus of all (mummy, auntie millie, belle, my dad, and moi!) who tasted your beer bread--> put more beer!!! hahaha

but everyone liked how it was very.... herb-y :) thanks babe, for helping me out last weekend...

pssstttttttt.... callie~ i can't stand dolls. puuhhlease... you can spare me (or the dolls) the agony. animals, monsters, funny figures, or weird creatures anytime. just not girly dolls. of any kind. remember my childhood playtime stories? the freaky things my g.i. joes, and transformers did to my most unfortunate barbies and kens....tsk tsk *perverse laughter*

ppssstttttttttt.... lana~ how silly is that? celebrating my fourth year back in singapore???? you must be bored out of your brains.

okay!! i'll be back again, soon!!!! once i'm done with the orders of lof's new collection..... whenever that will be.... :(

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A touch of "vintage" in the garden.....

I have been thinking for ages now that there is a real gap in the market for vintage or even "vintage style" cushions for garden furniture. I have searched high and low to find something that would look just right in our garden but I have not found one thing I really like, nothing! So I decided to make my own and not only that, I have made the first set for the website Vintage Lifestyle... . I think they have come out so pretty that I have decided to do a range of them ( as long as I can keep up with the sewing!). For these, I have used a vintage fabric in rich red and multicoloured florals with a French feel. The next lot are going to be embellished with large bows to tie onto chairs. I can't wait to get to work on them. Now all we need is some serious sunshine so that we can show off the "new" cushions in style!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Everyday miracles...

I always take my camera with me when we go out and this is the perfect reason why. Yesterday we took a drive to a garden center looking for a tree for our garden. On the way Paul spotted a field of oxeye daisies just as we were rushing by in the car. We only caught a glimpse through the hedgerow but we made a plan to stop there on the way back. This is what we found after pulling the car into a layby and sneaking between the hedgerows.

I never really show a photo of myself because they all come out horrible but I am mostly hidden amongst the daisy's so I will share this one with you!

This last photo is a close up that shows not only had the incredible mass of daisy's but also pale lilac scabious, delicate grasses and what I think is "birds foot trefoil".

I dedicate this post to my grandma who loved daisy's.

available soon!

so very sorry that i've been overwhelmed with piling sky-high orders and new projects and the expansion of our workshop in the philippines and more work and a gazillion more and also some nonsense stuff....

but i just have to take a few precious minutes off to announce... the softies book and kit (chronicle books) by the very sweet therese laskey of softies central, and introduced by the very nice leah kramer of, is finally ready to be launched in 1 sept 2007!!! woohooo!!

therese bought a few of my lof huggables more than a year ago and had asked if i'd like it to be 1 of 25 plushies to be featured in this how-to book. i can't thank her enough for loving my treelings enough to consider having it for her book!

so, now you can make your very own littleoddforest treeling as well!

we still do not know how the inside looks like yet, but nevertheless, it's going to be exciting for me to find out! i'll be in the states in september, i guess i can just grab it while i'm there...

you can also pre-order it at here ---

okay, i'm off. i'll be back here! soon. no monkey business eh. xoxoxo!