Friday, April 28, 2006

littleoddforest news

there'll be no shipping on monday because it is our national holiday (labor day) on 1 may.
all orders made on sat, sun, mon, will be shipped out on tuesday 2 may.

happy long weekend!

p.s. thanks for your sweet email becky + elise! i'm getting so much better at doing backup stocks, so there're now fewer sold-outs for my new designs! glad that made you happeee! and no more hate emails for me! wooow!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

before i forget...
sorry to all who have asked me about it, but unfortunately, i'm not at liberty to explicitly name this indie business, but only to people i know personally, in confidence, as i've been warned by many already of the backlash thingie... i might burn in indie hell for it. yeah. so good luck, maybe i was just very unlucky, twice.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

new designs 04-26-06

a great find

my new pal kevin, who can't stop complimenting me on my designs, mentioned this great aquatic online site.

thanks kevin!

ow ow ow...

firstly, check our fabulist - a blog of all things fabulous?
you people are so awesome, thanks!!

now, do you people ever get an elbow/wrist pain when you're at the sewing machine or computer for tooooo long? ack... my right elbow and wrist hurts.... *cry baby* i tried using my left hand, but it only works when i'm using a pen to draw or write, not with my mouse... and of course, 99% of gadgets made on this right-ruled earth cannot be used left-sided.. so much for the scissors and sewing-machine...

minimum wage is something i'm interested in hearing from the wp in election. did you know that economically developed singapore has no minimum wage system??? yeah, people like ambulance drivers, garderners and such, get exploited all the time... did you know that an ambulance driver in singapore who works 16 hour days, get only an average s$500 salary per month??? considering the job scope, that is almost slave labor... a foreign construction worker doing overtime earns more than that!

so, here i got, my very own minimum wage worker, to help me out here, it's officially a war zone in the forest workshop, so chaotic that waffles has to go on a short holiday at b's place. i hope he doesn't pick up bad cat habits from notorious mr.greedy there...

don't you just love minimum wage's description? hee.. "hired, fired, and never come back".. lol

anyway, i'm sure you know who the ugly dolls are, one of the most succesful designer plush toys in the market. but this one is special. i bought the other 2 from the united states. this one here is almost half the price i use to pay before. that's alot of difference. only because it says here that is it "handmade in china". ugly dolls has succumbed to china. to be cheaper. for the masses. how cool.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 review

wooza! a new review of littleoddforest! thanks to jacquie of!

rant rant rant...

so.. there's been too much on my mind and on my hands recently, so pls forgive if i've been spacing out while you were talking to me or trying to tell me something.. (you know who you are people... sorry!!)

things are getting a little too tight for comfort... things have to roll, work has to roll, products have to roll, and most importantly, money has to freaking roll... if someone pays me late, then everything's all fucked up... crash and burn like a 8-car-freak-highway-pile-up-collision... argh! no sweat... will just take it as it comes...

it's election time in politically mundane singapore. we've to give some credit to our very own political loony who is on the loose, yet again.. it's like our very own day-time soap drama... he's very good at it... i wonder when anyone is going to have him sent for psychiatric treatment... buangkok green... very near my home... i still remember when i was in high school, me and my pals, who are all, i'm happy to claim, not "ignorant fools" (this with regards to many singapore youth these days who don't even know who their own prime minister and mps are... gawd), witnessed that loony outside centrepoint, with a mic and speakers, distributing his party's papers... one of my thoroughly insane friend threw him some sarcasm, verbal abuse, and spit. HAHA no kiddin'.

this politically charged pal is now working and living in a foreign country, trying his best to spread his own agenda of eliminating whatever nonsense the foreign media has been fed about singapore, our country. that we'll whoop your arse if you're caught with gum in your mouth (puuuhhllease spare me...), whoop your arse if you were caught jay-walking (i freaking jay walk everyday....), and whoop your arse if smoke indoors (you just get a fine, stupid, like in any other civilised country), that we're in actual fact, a communist nation. (???) btw people, singapore is NOT in china or thailand. can you imagine i got this from a couple of people in my world politics class in college in chicago, they were going on and on about how singapore's civil rights suck and how our democracy is a fraud, and then they ended off their fervent and heated debate by being geographically wrong. i burst out laughing so hard and had to be controlled..

in fact, where are our policemen??? i have to deal with a bunch of hooligans loitering near my home everyday, it's getting abit annoying. when i was living in the united states, every corner i turn, there's a cop, or police car, or the police car siren every now and then, 24 hours, every freaking day... and you call us a police-state? yeah, watever fools.

on the other hand, singapore youth should know our country's own history, go read up! go rent some video archives and see how it was lee kuan yew and not really sir s.raffles or for that matter, sang nila utama, who "founded" singapore. gawd. don't embarrass me, or us, when you go abroad, and actually agree with some baseless criticisms of your very own gawd damn country, made by some foreign fella who hasn't even step foot here! know your roots, and know that to have such a country as your home, comes with a price. nothing is free, or perfect, in this world. look around the world today! you don't even have to look that far for that matter...

quit complaining if you aren't going to do anything else about what you just complained about either. quit complaining, especially if you are that person who don't know the facts, don't know the history, don't know that you have to stand on the left side of the escalator so that whoever is in a hurry can whiz by your big backside, pretend to be asleep when a pregnant/old person is in sight, for that matter, don't even realise that your country was built from kampong village to vibrant infastructurally developed country in less than 40 years. which other nation can claim that? if you'd rather exchange your safe trip back home alone from zouk at 4am, for having to be alert and preferably in a group if out at night in case you were mugged (which i was, twice in chicago, one of which whereby all 7 of us in a group were, by 2 men with what i believe were toy guns), then i guess you'll have to leave for greener pastures elsewhere.

vote with a rational mind. not an emotional heart. this is not a soccer game, nor lunch time at some hawker place. we don't support the underdogs just because they are the underdogs, we don't support the minority just because it's cool to go against the flow and be different, we don't try someone out just to give them a chance to do some business. i don't wish for my country to go down in flames when i'm old, just because some dopes like you ruined it.

Friday, April 21, 2006


who me? i'll never tell but you can read this if your curious...

this blog was just recently created and will continue to be developed. further down is just a smige of what's to come... please check back and thanks for the visit! to see more detailed descriptions of any design, please visit my ebay listings. click on ebay logo to go there.

new designs 4-21-06

Thursday, April 20, 2006

too busy for words

oki... i've been reeeally busy recently.. (yeah...) so these are coming in abit late...

littleoddforest was site of the week over at modish! weee...
thanks to jena, creator of modish - the new shopping frontier!

our little snotty birdy buttons were mentioned over at sharp lily!

and littleoddforest was also mentioned over at cruststation!

thanks, awesome people, for liking littleoddforest... you're awesome!!! ^_^

and i'm tired.... boohoohoo...

i may have some good news later.. but for now, i'm just a very tired, cranky, sulky virgo.... HA!

therefore, to you, that %$#@& super popular vintage/handmade indie online store, you suck, cos you don't answer my emails, and i haven't receive both of my orders, read that, both, two, 2, 2 stinking orders, and it's been 3 stinking months. and you suck. big time. period. i don't care if you are super popular or if everyone in the online crafty (which could mean something else too. hah!) community loves you. i emailed you 4 times in 3 months to 2 different email addresses of yours. i consider that to be very very kind and very non-psycho-like for a customer who has 2 missing orders. so what if you're so busy, you don't wish to reply my emails for 3 months?? well, i wish i could do that to some of my stinking customers too! but have i been YOUR stinking customer?? to place 2 orders and be kind and courteous in all my emails to you? do i want my $$$ back? yeah. maybe! i hope you're enjoying your spring vacation while your shop is closed

Saturday, April 15, 2006

new designs 4-15-06

here are the most recent designs with more to come very soon. the initial response to the first group of plants was phenomenal! one ebay customer's first order was close to $100.00! WOW! i've been getting emails from all over the united states as well as many parts of europe; a few questions but most were remarks praising my work. i can't thank all of you enough for your interest, feed-back and your purchases...

Thursday, April 13, 2006


yep, so i've been here these couple of days
when the novelty of it dies away (should take me just a couple more days... LOL!) i'll be back

super short attention span, super multi-tasker, super easily distracted, super fickle-minded, and you wonder how i work... ooohh yeah... i get bored too easily... :/

Monday, April 10, 2006

Sunday, April 9, 2006


i don't like interviews very much.
i don't like on-the-spot question and answer stuff.
i don't like live interviews where i give answers verbally where i see the other person writing something down, and i don't know what she wrote.
i don't like giving official answers to impromptu questions.
i don't like answering official questions.
i don't like not having enough time to think of an answer.
i don't like not being able to take back my answers and get to re-do them.
i suck at ansering questions.
i will either give out the wrong impression, or miss out some vital information.
i'd rather have an email interview.
and then avoid that email for as long as i can, and then take just 10 minutes to give sucky answers and then regret it the minute i click send.
yeah, great.
i'm such a control freako.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

mtv style lounge

our felt brooches, 1" pin buttons, and forest leafy pouches have been selected to be there! thanks a million to marie of the fabulous sampler! weee!

it may just turn out to be nothing, but hey, it's still pretty exciting, isn't it?

vote vote away!

YOU know what to do... heh...

i've been running with time these past few days it's so crazy, i've been doing a million and one things at one go (no kiddin') so please forgive me if your email has not been replied to YET! i never thought i'd be doing this, but going from one meeting to another.. *sweat* as in, proper down to business meetings... boring, stressful, and also means, more work in store... bleurgh...

also, i may have customers who have moved away or just died or disappeared from the face of this earth. i've been getting a couple of returned packages recently, and all my emails to all of them have gone unanswered. eerie.

back to work!!!