tsk tsk tsk.. what a nice pre-vacation break... LOL..
had a smashing time at my current fav nightspot, bar none @ the marriott hotel on friday night with some very-long-time-no-see pals...
hung out at our fav weekend haunt at tanjong beach @ sentosa on saturday, lazing and fooling around, picnic, swim... then proceeded to km8, the latest hip beach club/cafe for some drinks.. much as we like km8, it has stolen away that much missed tranquility of the old tanjong beach. oh well... commercialisation... in the evening, we drove up to mount faber hill's altivo bar and had a most romantic time :) ...
did some work, cleaning, and laundry during the day on sunday, and went to insomnia at chijmes at night, a seedy place with a fantastically live and energetic band... the seediness has always been hilariously entertaining... lots of upper-middle aged caucasians and petite filipinas hooking up... but that particular night just hit the 'weird' spot ~ there were a group of really bizarre looking japanese tourists who did twig-like dances, videocam-ed themselves, and literally went all ga-ga whenever the band played their fav songs.. us and the crowd of mostly caucasians had to avoid being pushed over and trampled by their hilariously bizarre behavior, they seemed like they haven't been out for the longest time... i'm not kiddin'.. fortunately for the rest of us, the band was great and we couldn't care less about anything else.. except for maybe that very cute waiter who served us drinks..
okay.. i'll be a lazy bumming ass just for this week right.. then i'll go f1 racing again starting in june ;p here's cheers to summer for those of ya in seasonal places!