Tuesday, May 24, 2005

lovey long weekend

tsk tsk tsk.. what a nice pre-vacation break... LOL..

had a smashing time at my current fav nightspot, bar none @ the marriott hotel on friday night with some very-long-time-no-see pals...

hung out at our fav weekend haunt at tanjong beach @ sentosa on saturday, lazing and fooling around, picnic, swim... then proceeded to km8, the latest hip beach club/cafe for some drinks.. much as we like km8, it has stolen away that much missed tranquility of the old tanjong beach. oh well... commercialisation... in the evening, we drove up to mount faber hill's altivo bar and had a most romantic time :) ...

did some work, cleaning, and laundry during the day on sunday, and went to insomnia at chijmes at night, a seedy place with a fantastically live and energetic band... the seediness has always been hilariously entertaining... lots of upper-middle aged caucasians and petite filipinas hooking up... but that particular night just hit the 'weird' spot ~ there were a group of really bizarre looking japanese tourists who did twig-like dances, videocam-ed themselves, and literally went all ga-ga whenever the band played their fav songs.. us and the crowd of mostly caucasians had to avoid being pushed over and trampled by their hilariously bizarre behavior, they seemed like they haven't been out for the longest time... i'm not kiddin'.. fortunately for the rest of us, the band was great and we couldn't care less about anything else.. except for maybe that very cute waiter who served us drinks..

okay.. i'll be a lazy bumming ass just for this week right.. then i'll go f1 racing again starting in june ;p here's cheers to summer for those of ya in seasonal places!

Friday, May 20, 2005

vacation part I

i'll be away for a short short while... but orders at our forestprints boutique will still be accepted! things are crazy now, because i'm still rushing through unfinished orders before i leave... aarrgghhh... so i sincerely apologize if i haven't been responsive to emails or comments or reading your blogs and updates like i should...

so... i'll be off to manila and baguio city! shopping, scenery, hot springs, resort beaches, spas... oohh... many people haven't seem to have discovered the beauty of the philippines yet, being more comfortable with the indonesian islands, malaysia and thailand... the few times i've been there, i've met only exclusively americans, which was weird... for locals, i guess because it's the furthest away from singapore compared to these other countries, slightly more expensive, and not as tourist friendly, and singaporeans do not seem to have good impressions of that country, i have no freaking idea why... although it's really not easy to move around places there, unless you've some sort of a filipino guide or something... the infrastructure is definitely chaotic and disorganized... you'd have to have really lived there and used the public transport often enough to actually learn and know how to use it, or have driven on their roads countless times to know how to drive there, but it's definitely a fun and adventurous experience if you know how!

fortunately for me, i'll be meeting my mum and friends there, so lodgings, food and transportation are covered.. first hurdle... not getting lost in the seriously chaotic manila airport... lol.. singapore is so sterile, i need a dose of such chaos to awaken my senses... and oh, part I because b and i are planning for our part 2 vacation ;) he's been kinda beat lately, he needs it... plus, he's paying for part 2! so who's complaining... :p

Thursday, May 12, 2005

inqbox fresh exposure

sadly, forestprints will not be there... because we were notified too last minute of this event and have already made other important plans on for saturday...nevertheless, we have to support indie designers and young entrepreneurs, especially those operating on a tight shoe-string budget with no financial back-ups, supportive rich parents or rich other-halfs! so do go visit and shop around if you're in singapore! ;)

forest felt-owls postcard

i delivered these to anthropology today... so many owls to love... gosh... anyone wants to special order these, just email me ;)

forest flower button purses

just finished some forest flower button purses for an order (took too long because of my silly injured finger :p) and finally shipped them out today... phew... expect to see these up at shelastore.com real soon!

more stuff to be completed... all taking a queue number...

forest elephant + kitty notecards

another order down... to be mailed out tomorrow morning... next!

postcards from me

i kinda regret not writing any personal messages behind them... i thought it'd be cool if they could use it or something... now i think it'd have been so much nicer for them if i'd written something... ppffttt... stupid me..

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

postcard swap postcards

minus 1... hope it's not lost in the mail or something!

i lurve them all!! even though i've favorites.. shhh... ;p

Sunday, May 8, 2005


Your Birthdate: August 31
Your birthday suggests that you are a good organizer and manager, an energetic and dependable worker; attributes often showing success in the business world.

Serious and sincere, you have the patience and determination necessary to accomplish a great deal.

Your approach can be original, but often rigid and stubborn.

Sensitivity may be present, but feeling are likely to be repressed.

You are good with detail and insist on accuracy, but at times scatter energies.

You're a practical thinker, but not without imagination.

You love travel and don't like to live alone.

You should probably marry early, for responsibility is necessary for your stability.
>> Your birthday suggests that you are a good organizer and manager, an energetic and dependable worker; attributes often showing success in the business world.
[ Ok... still waiting and waiting for it to happen... ]

>> Serious and sincere, you have the patience and determination necessary to accomplish a great deal.
[ hmmm... ]

>> Your approach can be original, but often rigid and stubborn.
[ ??? ]

>> Sensitivity may be present, but feeling are likely to be repressed.
[ so much repression i could die... :p ]

>> You are good with detail and insist on accuracy, but at times scatter energies.
[ hmmm... ]

>> You're a practical thinker, but not without imagination.
[ ??? ]

>> You love travel and don't like to live alone.
[ i like to be left alone ]

>> You should probably marry early, for responsibility is necessary for your stability.
[ ?????????? ]

being weird or just busy

b was surfing around to check how many sites had our link listed, of course he checked up those sites which had requested from us the exchange of links, or which had already agreed to have a link exchange.

and boy was he pissed. haha!

some people out there are just that weird, they actually email you requesting for a link exchange, and then we email them back saying that their link is up, and then, nothing. doesn't the word "exchange" mean what it means??? i wasn't affected, surprised or pissed that such a thing does and has happened, time and time again, it seems. i just think to myself that they could have

1) plain forgotten OR
2) incredible multiple email screw-ups OR
3) too busy OR
4) "hey i just wanted to have my link up at YOUR site and get whatever site traffic that you are having and had no wish to have your link up on ours whatsoever cos bitch, i don't like you."

well. which do you think it is? he actually did a count, and it numbered to 9 websites having done that to us. that's just simply amazing. of course, whether we have our link is or not is not the issue at all, b just couldn't fathom why they would want to lie about it. i don't like to think bad things without knowing the truth first, so i didn't bother to make myself go crazy over this. life is such, and i wish to live a happy long life.

Friday, May 6, 2005

happy momsy day

my mum has been in town this past month, and i've tried my very best not to aggravate her and be the best daughter... and i did just okay.. we'll see what happens tomorrow... LOL at least i tried! i do love her tons, in case anyone thinks otherwise...

happy mummy's day to all mummies out there!

Wednesday, May 4, 2005


i know i've been behind in emailing newsletters and updates etc. to all ya forestprints newsletter subscribers.. and i also apologize to those very kind people who have requested for consignment items ~ I do so much want to start work on making new stuff for you, i don't mean to be slack or slow or rude at all! :(

i just completed a new version of my sunshine leaf tote, i decided to do this since i've gotten a few emails asking when i'll be doing another of it, so tah dah! :D

completed with my brand new singer sewing machine! yippee! i'll post pics of the old and as soon as i get my hands on the old sewing machine which is somewhere... sorry for the delay amy!

i'm still not completely done unpacking (when will it ever be??) and i've just gotten into a freak accident... xacto blade running through the flesh of my index finger... 1" long by 0.3" wide... yes, my b measured it for me, he completely flipped when i walked in front of him while he was watching the late night (early morning) news, and stuck my bleeding profusely finger with flesh and skin hanging off it in front of his face.. haha.. anyways.. i'll TRY not to cut paper when i'm yawning away...

and i've just received my first postcard from the postcard swap!! it's so exciting! i feel so lucky to have "walter", by little dear, a fabulous illustrator!

my b thinks its funny that i think carrots are cute but inedible... i love cute vegetables! thanks to buttonarcade! :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

moving mess

books... more books... and more stuff... aarrgghh